Mahout itemsimilarity - maxPrefs parameter - mahout

In itemsimilarity metod tere is a parameter like:
--maxPrefs (-mppu) maxPrefs - max number of
preferences to
consider per user or
item, users or items
with more preferences
will be sampled down
(default: 500)
How does it work exactly?
If I have 5 mln users and 5000 items and I run itemsimilarity with default maxPrefs, it consider only 500 ranks from those 5 mln or what? Is it sampling? What can I do to force calculation for all input data?
What does mean "or" in definition:
"max number of preferences to consider per user or item"

This was answered on the mailing list here:
Basically several forms of downsampling happen to keep a high degree of quality while keeping the runtime to O(n) execution time.
Change --maxPrefs (-mppu) maxPrefs to 4000 or the highest integer value to include all.


Converting a apriori object to a list taking more time even for small number of data

I am working on a data set of more than 22,000 records, and when I tried it with the apriori model, it's taking way too much time even for small number of records like 20. Is there a problem in my code or Is there a faster way to convert the asscocians into a list quickly? The code I used is below.
for i in range(0, 20):
transactions.append([str(dataset.values[i,j]) for j in range(0, 543)])
from apyori import apriori
associations = apriori(transactions, min_support=0.004, min_confidence=0.3, min_lift=3, min_length=2)
result = list(associations)
It's difficult to assess without your data, but the complexity of Apriori is based on a number of factors, including your support threshold, number of transactions, number of items, average/max transaction length, etc.
In cases where even a small number of transactions is taking a long time to run it's often a matter of too low of a minimum support. When support is very low (near 0) the algorithm is effectively still brute forcing, since it has to look at all possible combinations of items, of every length. This is the equivalent of a mathematical power set, which is exponential. For just 41 items you're actually trying 2^41 -1 possible combinations, which is just over 1.1 TRILLION possibilities.
I recommend starting with a "high" min_support at first (e.g. 0.20) and then working your way down slowly. It's easier to test things that take seconds at first than ones that'll take a long time.
Other important note: There is no min_length parameter in Apyori. I'm not sure where everyone's getting that from (you're not alone in thinking there is one), unless it's this one random blog post I found. The parameters are as follows (straight from the code):
Keyword arguments:
min_support -- The minimum support of relations (float).
min_confidence -- The minimum confidence of relations (float).
min_lift -- The minimum lift of relations (float).
max_length -- The maximum length of the relation (integer).
For what it's worth, I wrote unofficial docs for Apyori that can be found here.

Influx index and high cardinality

I have a high throughput system. I found out that since many events has the same timestamp, influx had overwritten many events.
Therefore I tried moving from milliseconds to nanoseconds, but since I am using JAVA, I couldn't get the real clock based nanoseconds.
I came up with this solution:
I created a new tag called "descriptor" which for each event I insert a random number between 1-1000. These values are fixed and the probability for the same timestamp with the same random descriptor value is very low. This fixes my problem and I can see all the events.
My question is wether it is OK to use these 1000 values - since this is a tag and I understand it can mess up my index and my performance?
Regards, Ido
As the random "descriptors" are completely uncorrelated to other event tags, in the worst case this could increase your series cardinality by 3 orders of magnitude. This is because each existing series (s) will potentially split into up to 1000 unique series (s,1),(s,2),...,(s,1000).
How much of a problem this is will depend on your existing series cardinality. Increasing from 10 to 10,000 is probably no big deal. Increasing from 100,000 to 100,000,000 is more likely to be an issue. You would need to experiment and profile to see.
An alternative approach might be to encode the "descriptor" in the microsecond and/or nanosecond component(s) of the timestamp (as you're not using them anyway) to make them unique.

What should i do to maintain performance of a mobile app which is using database?

I'm building an app using database.
I have a words table and everytime user types something, this app will record and update word the database.
And the frequency field will be auto increase after user enter one matched word.
But the trouble is user type day by day and i afraid the search performance will be reduce after times and also the Int field will reach to the limit (max limit Int) someday.
So, i limit the database to around less than 50.000 records.
I delete less-used records after a certain time.
But i don't know how to deal with frequency Int field of each word?
How to know exactly frequency usage of each word without increasing the field forever?
I recommend that you use a logarithmic scale for the frequency values. That's what is often done in situations like this. See Wikipedia to learn about logarithmic scales.
For example, if you have a word MAN that has a frequency of 15, the value you store in the database would be log(15) ~= 1.17609125906.
If you then find 4 new occurrences of MAN, then you want to add 4 to the field. You cannot add the log values directly because log(x)+log(y)=log(x*y). (See the Logarithm Rules section of this article for more information on log rules.)
Instead -- assuming you use a base 10 logarithm, you would use this formula:
SET frequency = log(10^frequency+4)
Depending on the length of your words, the few bytes for the frequency don't matter. With an unsigned four bytes integer, you can count up to more than two billion, which is way above the number of words what the user can type in in their whole lifespan.
So may want to go for two or three bytes, but the savings may be negligible.
Anyway, there are the following approaches for preventing overflow:
You can detect it, and then undo the operations, scale everything down by some factor of two, and then redo.
You can periodically check all your numbers and do the scaling when approaching the limit.
You can do a probabilistic update like below.
Probabilistic update
Instead of simply incrementing the frequency every time by one, you do it only with a probability which gets lower and lower as the counter grows. For example, you can do the increment with a probability of 1.0 / (oldValue + 1) or 2 ** -oldValue. The latter leads to a logarithmic growth, but, unlike the idea in the other answer, it works.
There are obviously some disadvantages due to the randomness and precision loss, but when all you care about is the relative frequency, it should be good enough.

Precise definition of HL7(v2) field RXE-25?

Can anyone explain what the field of RXE-25 in HL-7v2 means? The description is "Give strength". I have read the official explanation, but I feel this is ambiguous. I am not sure whether this field should contain a)the strength of a single tablet/dose form vs b)the total strength to administer.
For example, hydroxychloroquine [HCQ] is a lupus medication that comes in 200 mg tablets. Lupus patients are frequently started off on 400 mg of this per day (ie 2 tablets).
Let's say RXE-3 ("Give Amount - Minimum") is "2", and RXE-5 ("Give Units") is "tablet". And let's assume there are multiple tablet strengths, so we don't know what dose that is. Would one put the per-tablet dose in RXE-25 (ie "200" mg), or instead put the entire dose (2 tablets="400" mg)?
My understanding of all the 'Give' fields is they represent the amount given per dose. So to answer your questions:
b)the total strength to administer
put the entire dose (2 tablets="400" mg)
Actually, I found the answer hidden in another part of the HL7 documentation, specifically under the RXO segment (RXO-18 Requested Give Strength). Per that documentation, this applies to various RX_ segments.
The example given:
One way would be: "Ampicillin 250 mg capsules, 2 capsules four times a
day." In this case the give amount would be 2, the give units would be
capsules, the strength would be 250 and the strength units would
So it seems the GIVE STRENGTH AMOUNT (if present, and no GIVE DRUG STRENGTH VOLUME is specified) is multiplied by the GIVE AMOUNT to come up with the total dose. So I believe the answer to the example in the question would be a) 200 mg.

Redis optimal hash set entry size

I have some questions regarding the optimal entry size setting for Redis hash sets.
In this example memory-optimization they use 100 hash entries
per key but use hash-max-zipmap-entries 256 ? Why not
hash-max-zipmap-entries 100 or 128?
On the redis website (above link) they used max hash entry size of
100, but in this post instagram, they mention 1000 entries. So
does this mean the optimal setting is a function of the product of
hash-max-zipmap-entries & hash-max-zipmap-value ?(ie in this case
Instagram has smaller hash-values than memory optimization example?)
Your comments/clarifications are much appreciated.
The key is, from here:
manipulating the compact versions of these [ziplist] structures can become slow as they grow longer
[as ziplists grow longer] fetching/updating individual fields of a HASH, Redis will have to decode many individual entries, and CPU caches won’t be as effective
So to your questions
This page just shows an example and I doubt the author gave much thought to the exact values. In real life, IF you wanted to take advantage of ziplists, and you knew your number of entries per hash was <100, then setting it at 100, 128 or 256 would make no difference. hash-max-zipmap-entries is only the LIMIT over which you're telling Redis to change the encoding from ziplist to hash.
There may be some truth in your "product of hash-max-zipmap-entries & hash-max-zipmap-value" idea, but I'm speculating. More importantly, first you have to define "optimal" based on what you want to do. If you want to do lots of HSET/HGETs in a large ziplist, it will be slower than if you used a hash. But if you never get/update single fields only ever do HMSET/HGETALL on a key, large ziplists wouldn't slow you down. The Instagram 1000 was THEIR optimal number based on THEIR specific data, use cases, and Redis function call frequencies.
You encouraged me to read both links and it seems that you are asking for "default value for hash table size".
I don't think that it's possible to say that one number is universal for all possibilities. The described mechanism is similar to standard hash mapping. Look at
If you have small size of hash-table, it means that many various hash values point into the same array, where the equals method is used to find out the item.
On the other hand, large hash table means that it allocates large memory along with many empty fields. But this scales well as the algorithm uses O(1) big O notation and there is no equals searching for the item.
In general the size of the table IMHO depends on the overall count of all elements you expect to put into the table and it also depends on the diversity of the key. I mean if every hash start with "0001" not even size=100000 would help you.
