Replacement for xmltask in Gradle - ant

I am trying to migrate my projects from Eclipse + Ant to Android Studio + Gradle. All of them have special builds for different app stores with different tracking ids, ad ids and so on. On Eclipse I had a ant xmltask that set the values of this ids in their respective xml files. For example I had:
<xmltask source="res/values/admob.xml" dest="res/values/admob.xml">
<replace path="//string[#name='bottom_ad_unit_id']/text()" withText="${bottomAdUnitId}"/>
For each store I only had to set bottomAdUnitId with the correct id and call run the task.
Is there something similar in Gradle that would allow me to do the same thing?

You could just use Gradle's Ant support.
ant.taskdef(name: 'xmltask', classpath: 'path/to/xmltask.jar', classname: 'com.oopsconsultancy.xmltask.ant.XmlTask')
ant.xmltask(source: 'res/values/admob.xml', dest: 'res/values/admob.xml') {
replace(path: '//string[#name='bottom_ad_unit_id']/text()', withText: "${bottomAdUnitId}")


Substitutions and Java library lifecycle

I've got a Java project I'm converting to Bazel.
As is typical with Java projects, there are property files with placeholders that need to be resolved/substituted at build time.
Some of the values can be hardcoded in a BUILD or BZL file:
BUILD_PROPERTIES = { "pom.version": "1.0.0", "": "com.mygroup"}
Some of the variables are "stamps" (e.g. BUILD_TIMESTAMP, GIT_REVISION, etc): The source for these variables are volatile-status.txt and stable-status.txt
I must generate a POM for publish, so I use #bazel_common//tools/maven:pom_file in BUILD
(assume that I need ALL the values described above for my pom template):
_local_build_properties = {}
# somehow add workspace status properties?
# add / override
"": "my-submodule",
"pom.project.description": "My submodule description",
"": "my-submodule",
# Variable placeholders in the pom template are wrapped with {}
_pom_substitutions = { '{'+k+'}':v for (k,v) in _local_build_properties.items()}
name = "my_submodule_pom",
targets = [
template_file = "//:pom_template.xml",
substitutions = _pom_substitutions,
So, my questions are:
How do I get key-value pairs from volatile/stable -status.txt into the
dictionary I need for pom_file.substitutions?
pom_file depends on java_library so that it can write its dependencies
into the POM. How do I update the jar generated by java_library with the
Once I have the pom and the updated jar containing the pom, how do I publish to a Maven repo?
When I look at existing code, for example rules_docker, it seems that the implementation always bails to a local executable (shell | python | go) to do the real work of substitution, jar manipulation and image publication. Am I trying to do too much in BUILD and BZL files? Should I be thinking, "Ultimately, what do I need to pass to local shell/python/go scripts to get real build work done?
(Answered on bazel-discuss group)
You can't get these values from Starlark. You need a genrule to read the stable/volatile files and do the substitutions using an
external tool like 'sed'.
A file cannot be both an input and output of an action, i.e. you can't update the .jar from which you generate the pom. The action has
to produce a new .jar file.
I don't know -- how would you publish outside of Bazel, is there a tool to do so? Can you write a genrule / Starlark rule to wrap this
Cheers, László

How to specify multiple binding files in gradle for ant xjc task

I have multiple bindings(xjb files) in the gradle project. When generating JAXB classes for a xsd(C.xsd). I want to use the previously generated binding files for A.xjb & B.xjb since C.xsd refers to A.xsd & B.xsd
The below ant xjc task works if I don't have anyother bindings in same path but I want specify explicity A.xjb & B.xjb bindings. How to go about same, I tried various options but nothing seems working. Any help greatly appreciated.
ant.xjc(destdir : '${jaxbDest}', removeOldOutput:'yes', extension:'true') {
arg(line:'-Xequals -XhashCode -XtoString -Xcopyable')
schema(dir:'src/main/schema', includes:'C.xsd')
binding(dir:'src/main/schema', includes:'*.xjb)
According to this documentation for the ant xjc task -
"To specify more than one external binding file at the same time, use a nested element, which has the same syntax as fileset."
In gradle it would look like this:
I think this would also work:
binding(dir:'src/main/schema', includes:'A.xjb,B.xjb')

Don't want to make application.xml file while making EAR file using ANT

I don't want to include or make application.xml in ear tag
How can i off this parameter
<ear earfile="${builddir}/myapp.ear"
Please see earTask documentation at
If you specify update="true" then the appxml attribute is not required.
A Java EE 5 application is not required to provide an application.xml file in the EAR file.
There seems to an issue with ANT when dealing with this. This was reported here:
Try using the jar task instead of the ear and it should work.
<jar destfile="${builddir}/myapp.ear"

Set Wix property to TFS build location

I have been trying to find an answer to my question and could not find it; hence I will put the solution here. I hope it is helpful to others.
I want my Wix project to build in TFS 2010 build process. As part of this, I want the source files location for my Wix to point to the build location of the TFS. For example, I want:
<File Id="ABC" KeyPath="yes" source="C:\Builds\1\MyBuild\assembly.dll" />
to be:
<File Id="ABC" KeyPath="yes" source="$(var.TFSLOCATION)\assembly.dll" />
The 'TFSLOCATION' is a wix property that needs to be populated with the location of TFS build. This needs to happen during the build process, where the build location path is passed to the Wix project.
I read the following article:
So this is what I did to my Wix project file (wixproj):
In order to set wix property from TFS MSBuild process the wix project file needs two changes:
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
<SourceLocation Condition="'$(SourceLocation)' == '' ">UNKNOWN</SourceLocation>
<WixTargetsPath Condition=" '$(WixTargetsPath)' == '' AND '$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)' != '' ">$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\WiX\v3.x\Wix.targets</WixTargetsPath>
<WixTargetsPath Condition=" '$(WixTargetsPath)' == '' ">$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\WiX\v3.x\Wix.targets</WixTargetsPath>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Release' ">
In the above xml, please note the following two lines:
<SourceLocation Condition="'$(SourceLocation)' == '' ">UNKNOWN</SourceLocation>
The first line specifies a property 'SourceLocation' and sets it to a default 'UNKNOWN' value, if is is not set. The second line defines a constant called 'LOCATION' in the 'Release' configuration. The value of this constant is set to the value of 'SourceLocation' property.
Now, you need to make the following changes to your Product.wxs file (or whatever the name of your wxs file is).
Define a wix property first.
<?define TFSLOCATION="$(var.LOCATION)"?>
Now, update the File elements.
<File Id="ABC" KeyPath="yes" source="$(var.TFSLOCATION)\assembly.dll" />
TFS 2010 build template change
Open the TFS 2010 build template.
Look for a task 'Run MSBuild for Project'.
Open the properties for this task and go to 'CommandLineArguments' property.
Set the value for this property to:
String.Format("/p:SourceLocation={0}", BinariesDirectory)
You now have a wix property populated from your TFS build process.
If you set a reference in your wixproj file to the project(s) you are building you can reference their target paths. So if you have two projects MyProject and MyProjectInstaller, set a reference in MyProjectInstaller to MyProject.
Now in the product.wxs file your File elements would look like this:
<File Id='EXE' Name='$(var.MyProject.TargetDir)\MyProject.exe' />
<File Id='DLL' Name='$(var.MyProject.TargetDir)\MyProject.dll' />
The benefit to this is that the target dir is correct regardless of whether you're building locally or on a build server.
Answering the question so it doesn't show up with no answers even though the answer is in the question.
I ended up using the same approach, but with a few important improvements.
1) I passed both the SourcesDirectory and the BinariesDirectory from TFS build process template to MSBuild as separate properties, so that I have access to both of them.
2) So that the resulting MSBuild properties are available to every task executed in the MSBuild project, I added them to $(CustomPropertiesForBuild) in the BeforeBuild target.
3) Rrather than adding the DefineContants element to the PropertyGroup, I added a CreateProperty to the BeforeBuild target.
2 and 3 were done for the following reason having to do with running multiple Wix project solutions in a single TFS build. If you define the constant as originally suggested, two things can happen.
First, if you run heat.exe in your WiX project as part of a build that has multiple WiX projects, an issue can occur where the DevEnv holds onto the process handles and the constant is not redefined on each run unless you clean the Output folder and release the file handle.
Second, if for any reason one of your Wix projects does not get built (the configuration does not specify to build it or the specified configuration is invalid for the project) then for some reason, the MSBuild property gets reset to null and thus the constant is redefined as null, so you lose the property. If on the other hand, you define the property by overriding the BeforeBuild target, everything works properly.
Note that you have to override the BeforeBuild property, not the BeforeEndToEndIteration property, for this to work correctly.

Ant Fileset Expansion doesn't work

I get a very confusing reaction from my ant build-file and I'm wondering whether I'm just not clever enough or this might actually be a bug.
I've got the following property set globally in my project:
<property name="lib.dir" location="lib"/>
Then I'll try to add some files out of this directory into a jar file via fileset (more than one resource):
<fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="lib/*filename*"/>
There should be (and exist) 3 different libraries, which are matched that way. However, if I try to use the following, it doesn't work and no files are included:
<fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="${lib.dir}/*filename*"/>
Note that the only differences lies in the usage of the global property. Now the simple question: why does the first version work as advertised, but the second doesn't?
Please check the actual value of "lib.dir" just before and maybe after the task that uses the "fileset" expression. Just to make sure, that it hasn't been changed accidently after you've set it globally. The <echo/> task can help.
Maybe I got the solution. The description of the locationattribute is:
Sets the property to the absolute filename of the given file. If the value of this attribute is an absolute path, it is left unchanged (with / and \ characters converted to the current platforms conventions). Otherwise it is taken as a path relative to the project's basedir and expanded.
Simply use the value attribute instead of location. Here's a test script to show the difference:
<project name="test">
<property name="test1" location="lib"></property>
<property name="test2" value="lib"></property>
<target name="target" description="description">
The output on my system is as follows:
Buildfile: D:\Develop\workspace-jabber\scrapbook\build.xml
[echo] D:\Develop\workspace-jabber\scrapbook\lib
[echo] lib
Total time: 307 milliseconds
I have found a clue to the answer, but not the whole thing yet.
I runned both versions of the fileset with ant -debug and here is what happens.
In the working, not-using-property version, I get the following output:
fileset: Setup scanner in dir [pathToDir] with patternSet{ includes: [lib/*filename*] excludes: [] }
whereas in the should-be-working-but-doesn't version I get:
fileset: Setup scanner in dir [pathToDir] with patternSet{ includes: [ [pathToDir]/lib/*filename*] excludes: [] }
As you can see, ant add's the [pathToDir] in the regexp, thus searching for
which obviously doesn't exist. Problem now: how do I have to modify my version to have it working properly?
When creating the property (is it done global or in a target?), does the directory lib exist? If not, the location attribute does not work - use a value attribute instead or better define the property after creating the directory.
As indicated above, the problem was that ${lib.dir} too contained the whole path, thus searching for [pathToDir]/[pathToDir]/lib/filename.
To clip away the unwanted [pathToDir] in the ${lib.dir} property, I now used the task. I got now the following, but imho not so nice looking solution:
<basename property="lib.dir.rel" file="${lib.dir}"/>
<fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="${lib.dir.rel}/*filename*"/>
P.S.: On a second look, I found that Andreas_D also found the right reason and a good suggestion yesterday, which I must have overlooked :-/
