onFullSync action, show updated info - DHTMLX Grid + RoR - ruby-on-rails

I have a Ruby on Rails project where I use a DHTMLX Grid.
Is there a way of showing, using the event handler "onFullSync" provided by the grid API, to show updated data?
Let me explain a little better... I know I can do something like:
dp.attachEvent("onFullSync", function(){
alert("update complete");
But what I want is something more complex. I want to, after each completed update, alter a div adding the information like this:
Field 2 was updated to XYZ and field 3 was updated to XER on line X
Field 1 was updated to 123 and field 3 was updated to XSD on line Y
Is this possible?

There is a onAfterUpdate event that can be used similar to onFullSync
It will fire after each data saving operation ( if you are saving 5 rows - it will fire 5 times )
Still, info about updated columns will not be available here.
Also, you can try onEditCell event of grid. It fires after changing data in db, but before real saving in database. Here you can get all necessary info - row, column, old value and new value.

So, what I end up doing was:
After creating the grid I created an array:
var samples = [];
Then, as per #Aquatic suggestion, I added to "onEditCell" event the following line:
samples[samples.length] = grid.cells(rId, 5).getValue();
This allowed me to add to the array the value present on column 5 of the row changed. Then, on "onFullSync" event I hide or show the div created on the view with the messages (I distinguish if it's on row or more changed on the grid).
//Deals with messages after update
dp.attachEvent("onFullSync", function(){
unique_samples = uniq_fast(samples.sort());
if (unique_samples.length == 1){
$('#updated-samples').text("A seguinte amostra foi actualizada: " + unique_samples[0]);
//to clear the array
samples = [];
} else if (unique_samples.length > 1){
$('#updated-samples').text("As seguintes amostras foram actualizadas: " + unique_samples.sort().join(", "));
//to clear the array
samples = [];
} else {
//to clear the array
samples = [];
The problem with using "onEditCell" is that everytime a field is changed on that row I get a repeated value on my "samples" array, I I had to remove duplicate from that array. For that I used one of the suggestions at this answer
// remove duplicates in array
function uniq_fast(a) {
var seen = {};
var out = [];
var len = a.length;
var j = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var item = a[i];
if(seen[item] !== 1) {
seen[item] = 1;
out[j++] = item;
return out;
Then I have on the beginning of the view, to show the messages:
<div class="alert alert-success messages" id="updated-samples">
And that's it. I could be not the most efficient way but it works for what I wanted. I will leave the question open a few more days to see if any other option appears.


Figure doesn't show correct string on event

In the following code I create 3 boxes with the text 1 to 3, in a fourth box I'd like to show the text of the box my mouse is hovering over. So i set an onMouseEnter FProperty for each of the boxes where I change the string of the fourth box and tell it to redraw.
bool redraw = false;
str s = "0";
Figure getTextbox() {
return computeFigure(bool() {bool temp = redraw; redraw = false; return temp; },
Figure() {
return text(str() {return s; });
list[Figure] boxes = [];
for (i <- [1..4]) {
boxes += box(text(toString(i)), onMouseEnter(void () {s = toString(i); redraw = true; }));
Figure changer = box(getTextbox());
render(vcat(boxes + changer));
However, for some odd reason all three boxes will tell the onMouseEnter method to change the text of the fourth box into "3" (the value of the last box) instead of their individual value.
Any clue why? Thanks!
Ah yes, this is the variable capturing closure problem with for loops, also known from other languages which have this particular feature like Javascript. This is the code with the issue:
for (i <- [1..4]) {
boxes += box(text(toString(i)), onMouseEnter(void () {s = toString(i); redraw = true; }));
The variable i is bound by the void closure and not its value. So every time the function which is created and passed to onMouseEnter it will read the latest value of the i variable. Since the callback is called after the loop terminates, all calls to the mouse enter function will have the value 3.
To fix this and "do what you want", the following code would work I believe:
for (i <- [1..4]) {
newS = toString(i);
boxes += box(text(toString(i)), onMouseEnter(void () {s = newS; redraw = true; }));
This works because for every pass of the for loop a new environment is created which binds the newS variable. So you'll get a fresh newS for every loop instead of the reused i.

how to disable multi-column sort in ui-grid

I have a client who specifically does not like the numbers next in the headers of the columns when doing a sort. This is rooted in UI-Grid's multi-sort, which gives each column a numbered priority. Is there a way to disable the multi-sort in order to remove those numbers? I still want to keep sorting activated, but only on one column at a time.
I've had this problem myself. If you look carefully in the ui0grid.js code you'll see that there is (at this time) no option to diable it. The writers of ui-grid state that they would welcome a request for such a function in this thread
However, you want a fix, not a promise ;-)
You can spot how many sortColumns have been chosen in the sortChanged method.
Try something like this:
$scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi) {
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
// Register a handler that is fired everytime someone changd the sort params.
$scope.gridApi.core.on.sortChanged($scope, function(grid, sortColumns) {
if (sortColumns.length > 1) {
// We have more than one sort. Kill the first one.
// If this works we'll only ever have 0, 1 or 2 sortColumns,
// and only ever 2 for the lifetime of this method.
var column = null;
for (var j = 0; j < grid.columns.length; j++) {
if (grid.columns[j].name === sortColumns[0].field) {
column = grid.columns[j];
if (column) {
sortColumns[1].sort.priority = 1; // have to do this otherwise the priority keeps going up.
This is against the 3.0.0 release of ui-grid.
To prevent sorting on multiple columns, I added these two lines in the Grid.prototype.sortColumn function, ui-grid.js file.
column.sort.priority = undefined;
works for me..
I wanted to limit multiple sort columns to a maximum of 2. This is how I did it.
$scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi) {
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
$scope.gridApi.core.on.sortChanged($scope, function(grid, sortColumns) {
if (sortColumns.length == 3) {
//limit multi column sort to max 2 columns
for (var j = 0; j < grid.columns.length; j++) {
if (grid.columns[j].name === sortColumns[2].name) {
grid.columns[j].sort = {};
Looks like this is supported now in the HTML element:
This in the latest version. No need for tough scripts.

How to email a row in google sheets

First post. I have just started to learn to code (2 days in) but this is way over my head for now.
I want to be able to email the contents of a row (all cells in that row) by right clicking the grey cell that highlights the entire row and then choosing an option in the drop down menu that either allows me to enter an email address or sends to a specific address that is entered into the code (I will always be sending to the same address).
In fact, choosing the option in the drop down menu isn't a necessity, just how I envisage it but any solution that allows me to bypass copying the row and pasting it into an email would work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ok, so I know this is probably terrible coding but as I said, until a couple of days ago I had never even read a code, let alone tried to write anything. So please be nice!
So with some serious googling, copy/pasting, editing for my needs etc and using the very little I know, here is what I have come up with:
function onEdit(event){
//transfer a row once specific value entered into a cell within that row (without deleting original row)
// assumes source data in sheet named Needed
// target sheet of move to named Acquired
// test column with yes/no is col 4 or D
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var s = event.source.getActiveSheet();
var r = event.source.getActiveRange();
if(s.getName() == "Sheet1" && r.getColumn() == 5 && r.getValue() == "Email JM") {
var row = r.getRow();
var numColumns = s.getLastColumn();
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet2");
var target = targetSheet.getRange(targetSheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1);
s.getRange(row, 1, 1, numColumns).copyTo(target);
function onEditEmail(){
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Sheet2');
var startRow = 1; // First row of data to process
var numRows = 1; // Number of rows to process
// Fetch the range of cells
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 5)
// Fetch values for each row in the Range.
var data = dataRange.getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var row = data[i];
var message = row[0] + ", " + row[1] + ", " + row[2] + ", " + row[3]; //whole row
var subject = "New Order";
if (row[0] != ""){
MailApp.sendEmail("example#email.com", subject, message);
//delete row straight after it is sent
sheet.deleteRows(1, 1);
Row needing to be emailed is transferred to a different blank sheet when I enter "Email JM" at the end of the row and by setting data validation for this column this can be done by clicking the drop down arrow (no typing). My onEditEmail trigger is set to every minute, which sends all the columns I need from "Sheet2) and then immediately deletes the row so it is not resent a minute later.
The only problem is if 2 orders are entered inside a minute, but this is a very small chance of happening (although I guess it will sooner or later).
Please point out where I can improve this.

how to copy link name to title

i wanna ask how to change title in
so i want to make link name copy to title automatic
so if i make this code
title link
title link
how to do that in php or javascript
i know some in php
but need to make all words in link at database or make for every link variable $
can some one help me in that?
I'd suggest:
function textToTitle(elem, attr) {
if (!elem || !attr) {
// if function's called without an element/node,
// or without a string (an attribute such as 'title',
// 'data-customAttribute', etc...) then returns false and quits
return false;
else {
// if elem is a node use that node, otherwise assume it's a
// a string containing the id of an element, search for that element
// and use that
elem = elem.nodeType == 1 ? elem : document.getElementById(elem);
// gets the text of the element (innerText for IE)
var text = elem.textContent || elem.innerText;
// sets the attribute
elem.setAttribute(attr, text);
var link = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = 0, len = link.length; i < len; i++) {
textToTitle(link[i], 'title');
JS Fiddle demo.
And since it seems traditional to offer a concise jQuery option:
$('a').attr('title', function() { return $(this).text(); });
JS Fiddle demo.
If you don't want to use a library:
var allLinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; i++){
allLinks[i].title = allLinks[i].innerHTML;
Since you wanted to do all this to one element on the page, consider using something like this:
var allLinks = document.getElementById('myelement').getElementsByTagName('a'); // gets all the link elements out of #myelement
for ( int i = 0; i < allLinks.length; i++ ){
allLinks[i].title = allLinks[i].innerHTML;
Actually, this is roughly the same as before but we are changing the input elements.
Or, assuming you use jQuery, you could do something like this:
$('a').each(function(){ // runs through each link element on the page
$(this).attr('title', $(this).html()); // and changes the title to the text within itself ($(this).html())
In JQuery you can change an attribute by knowing the current tag and using the .attr() feature. Something like $('a').attr('title', 'new_title'); http://api.jquery.com/attr/

how i can replace text of bookmark when bookmark is in the table?

I use this code to replace text of bookmark in word :
using (WordprocessingDocument wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open("doc3.docx", true))
var bookmarkStarts = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.Descendants<BookmarkStart>();
foreach (var start in bookmarkStarts)
OpenXmlElement elem = item.NextSibling();
while (elem != null && !(elem is BookmarkEnd))
OpenXmlElement nextElem = elem.NextSibling();
elem = nextElem;
item.Parent.InsertBefore<Run>(new Run(new Text("Hello")), item);
But this not work where the bookmark is in the table.
Have you checked that you don't delete any bookmarks with your approach?
I've run your test code after editing a little (you don't have a var name items in your example code), and I've succesfully inserted Hello in 2 bookmarks out of a table, and 2 in a table, without any issues.
Which leads me to believe your problem lies elsewhere.
Have you looked at the open-xml in your document after you've run your program?
Is there any errors?
I've experienced bookmarks being placed the oddest places in a word-document when you leave the placing to word, and not you.
You can also end up with bookmarks overlapping each other like this
<bookmark1 start><xml xml><bookmark2 start><bookmark1 end><xml xml><bookmark2 end>
If you run into that case, your code will delete the bookmarkstart 2 before it reaches bookmarkend 1, and that will cause your bookmark to not be replaced.
You'll easily run into that problem with larger complex documents.
The way I solved it was to "sort" the bookmarks before doing any editing.
So the example above would become
<bookmark1 start><xml xml><bookmark1 end><bookmark2 start><xml xml><bookmark2 end>
after the sort
The code I use to do this look like this:
var bookmarks = mainPart.Document.Body.Descendants<BookmarkStart>();
for (int i = 0; i < bookmarks.Count(); i++)
var bks = bookmarks.ElementAt(i);
var next = bks.NextSibling();
if (next is BookmarkEnd)
var bme = (BookmarkEnd)next;
if (int.Parse(bks.Id) - int.Parse(bme.Id) == 1)
var copy = (BookmarkEnd)next.Clone();
bks.Parent.InsertBefore<BookmarkEnd>(copy, bks);
Which i'll admit isn't totally fool-proof but have worked well for me.
Another check you can add, to avoid deleting bookmarks is in your replace method
This will make sure you don't delete bookmarkstarts as you remove elements when inserting text
while (elem != null && !(elem is BookmarkEnd)) //fjern elementer
OpenXmlElement nextElem = elem.NextSibling();
if (elem.LocalName != "bookmarkStart")
elem = nextElem;
Good luck :)
