Reddit API poll for comments where a username has been tagged - reddit

I have checked but I am a complete Reddit newbie and I am not familiar with the terminology.
If you'd want to poll Reddit for all comments that have your username tagged, which API call would you use?


Creating Community post using Youtube data API

I wanted to automate the task of posting of community posts on my channel. While going through Youtube Data (, I couldn't find any such request.
Could you please guide me if this request is available in youtube API? Also If not, how feasible it would be to accomplish this task using web automation i.e. selenium etc. framework.

Survey monkey c# console integration

Please anyone provide some examples on c# Survey monkey integration console application?
Are you asking specifically on how to make API requests with C#? Or How to use the SurveyMonkey API.
The docs for the SurveyMonkey API can be found here. Just from doing some searching online, there is documentation on how to make web API requests in C# here.
There is an SDK for using the SurveyMonkey API in C# I've seen people use available here.
Hopefully any of those links can help you get started.
Use SurveyMonkeyApi NuGet package.

How to post information to Eloqua, by calling Eloqua API from a class

I don't know much about Eloqua or oAuth, I wanted to know How to create a service to connect to Eloqua and call API
The documentation for Eloqua oauth is here:
This is the documentation for the bulk api:
You can start by using a rest client (like postman or fiddler) to play with the API.
Is there anything specific you want to achieve?
I have to write an answer because my reputation is too low to comment...
You can not create a user via REST API or Bulk API. Maybe with SOAP but it's deprecated.
See all endpoints for users here.
Your question is not clear:
What do you call a "service" ?
What do you want to achieve ? And how ?
Does OAuth is mandatory ?
And finally, with REST API you can not connect and then executes your actions, you have to authenticate you each time you call an endpoint. You are probably aware of this, but this may seems unclear in your question.

What is the first step to using a REST API in Rails?

I have just completed Hartl's book on rails. Following the examples have been helpful and I have been able to build some very basic functionality for my app. However, there is this API I would like to use, and have been granted a key for the API. I have absolutely no idea how to start implementing the API. The other stuff surrounding API's have been helpful, but I literally am stuck on what the very first step should be to begin implementing the API.
I need for a user to be able to sign up and authenticate, then supply data that will be tracked through the external API. I've got the user sign up and authenticate stuff down pat, just need to know what the very first baby step to using this API should be.
The logic behind the answer would be equally helpful.
You can use ActiveResource for your model and point it to the external API. This is useful if your model uses an external data source.
If the external API you want to use is a well known, there is a good chance that there is already a gem for interaction with that API.
If you only need to send some data to the external API but your model does not use it as its source, you can use an HTTP client like Faraday

Ruby Twitter Applications

I'm using to tweet to a users twitter when they post on their blog running on ROR. .e.g
Tweet : "I just posted a blog - 'I love ruby on rails'"
My question is, as I'm making many sites for different people do I have to create a new twitter developer application, with individual consumer keys & secrets, for each blog or is there a way to use the same twitter application?
You technically can use the same application in a variety of websites. Just use the keys/tokens twitter gives you in all your sites.
Nonetheless, this is a bad practice, since twitter will not be accounting your accesses to the API from the pages that are not the one you specify in the Callback URL. Furthermore, your users will return to that (and only to that) page that you specified in the callback URL, which can be very misleading for those that are in other site.
And finally the most important reasons are the following two:
You'll get to the request limit quicker than if you had several applications
You'll get to the user limit quicker than if you had several applications
The limits that twitter manages are not very big so I can tell you that the twitter functionalities won't work if you get a good peak of visits (happened to me twice). Or they may not work if you're site receives a lot of visits at a certain time. No matter if your cache your API or not, you'll end up filling the limit.
Here is the twitter documentation about this:
Caching. We recommend that you cache API responses in your application or on your site if you expect high-volume usage. For example, don't try to call the Twitter API on every page load of your hugely popular website. Instead, call our API once a minute and save the response to your local server, displaying your cached version on your site. Refer to the Terms of Service for specific information about caching limitations.
Rate limiting by active user. If your site keeps track of many Twitter users (for example, fetching their current status or statistics about their Twitter usage), please consider only requesting data for users who have recently signed in to your site.
Scale your use of the API with the number of users you have. When using OAuth to authenticate requests with the API, the rate limit applied is specific to that user_token. This means, every user who authorizes your application to act on their behalf, has their own bucket of API requests for you to use.
Request only what you need, and only when you need it. For example, polling the REST API looking for new data is inefficient for both your application, and the Twitter API. Instead consider using one of the Streaming APIs as a signal of when to make REST API requests.
If you have any question, don't hesitate to comment below. I had terrible experiences with this when my site got mentioned by a few important twitter accounts
