Scenekit Pan 2D Translation to Orthographic 3D only horizontal - ios

I am having a little more mathematical problem with 3D programming and I am hoping you can help me!
I am trying to create a 3D game using Scenekit with a isometric angle.
This code creates my orthographic camera:
var cameraNode = SCNNode() = SCNCamera() = "Camera"
cameraNode.position = SCNVector3Make(-5.0, -5.0, 10.0)
cameraNode.eulerAngles = SCNVector3Make(PI / 3.0, 0.0, -PI / 4.0) = true = 7.0
Now i want to move the camera using a pan gesture, producing a scroll feeling. To make this possible the camera shouldn't move vertically, only horizontally. The touch location on screen and the unprojected position in the 3D world should stay the same while moving.
I thought about calculating the 2D translation into 3D difference and ignoring the vertical component. This code actually works and almost produces the desired result, but the speed is not correct. If I pan, the camera seems to accelerate and not react correctly:
var previousTranslation = CGPointMake(0.0, 0.0)
func pan(gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer)
let view = self.view as SCNView
let translation = gesture.translationInView(view)
let location = gesture.locationInView(view)
let diffTrans = translation - previousTranslation
previousTranslation = translation
let cameraNode = scene.rootNode.childNodeWithName("Camera", recursively: false)
let worldPointTrans = view.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3Make(-Float(diffTrans.x), -Float(diffTrans.y), 0.0))
let worldPoint0 = view.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3Make(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
var diff = worldPointTrans - worldPoint0
diff.x = diff.x / Float(cameraNode!.camera!.orthographicScale)
diff.y = diff.y / Float(cameraNode!.camera!.orthographicScale)
diff.z = 0
cameraNode?.position += diff
Does anybody know a sophisticated way of calculating a screen translation into a horizontal 3D translation, ignoring the vertical axis?
Thank you in advance :)
The pan works for horizontal translation now. But not for vertical, because I set the difference on the z axis to zero.

I found my own solution.!
I am calculating a ray at the start location of the gesture (P1-P2) and a ray at the translated location (Q1-Q2). Now I have two rays and I let both intersect with the XY Plane to receive the points P0 and Q0
The difference of P0 and Q0 is the unprojected translation.
This technique should also work with a non-orthogonal camera, but i didn't test this yet.
It seems to me that it works, but if anybody could mathematically confirm this assumption, I would be glad to read that :)
Here is the code:
var previousLocation = SCNVector3(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0)
func pan(gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer)
let view = self.view as SCNView
let translation = gesture.translationInView(view)
let location = gesture.locationInView(view)
let secLocation = location + translation
let P1 = view.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3(x: Float(location.x), y: Float(location.y), z: 0.0))
let P2 = view.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3(x: Float(location.x), y: Float(location.y), z: 1.0))
let Q1 = view.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3(x: Float(secLocation.x), y: Float(secLocation.y), z: 0.0))
let Q2 = view.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3(x: Float(secLocation.x), y: Float(secLocation.y), z: 1.0))
let t1 = -P1.z / (P2.z - P1.z)
let t2 = -Q1.z / (Q2.z - Q1.z)
let x1 = P1.x + t1 * (P2.x - P1.x)
let y1 = P1.y + t1 * (P2.y - P1.y)
let P0 = SCNVector3Make(x1, y1,0)
let x2 = Q1.x + t1 * (Q2.x - Q1.x)
let y2 = Q1.y + t1 * (Q2.y - Q1.y)
let Q0 = SCNVector3Make(x2, y2, 0)
var diffR = Q0 - P0
diffR *= -1
let cameraNode = view.scene!.rootNode.childNodeWithName("Camera", recursively: false)
switch gesture.state {
case .Began:
previousLocation = cameraNode!.position
case .Changed:
cameraNode?.position = previousLocation + diffR

I've calculated the equations for the isometric panning, the code is below.
//camera pan ISOMETRIC logic
func pan(gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
let view = self.sceneView as SCNView
let cameraNode = view.scene!.rootNode.childNode(withName: "Camera", recursively: false)
let translation = gesture.translation(in: view)
let constant: Float = 30.0
var translateX = Float(translation.y)*sin(.pi/4.0)/cos(.pi/3.0)-Float(translation.x)*cos(.pi/4.0)
var translateY = Float(translation.y)*cos(.pi/4.0)/cos(.pi/3.0)+Float(translation.x)*sin(.pi/4.0)
translateX = translateX / constant
translateY = translateY / constant
switch gesture.state {
case .began:
previousLocation = cameraNode!.position
case .changed:
cameraNode?.position = SCNVector3Make((previousLocation.x + translateX), (previousLocation.y + translateY), (previousLocation.z))
And to get scaling right, you need to use screenheight as a variable for orthographicScale. The scaling i used here is 30x magnification, note the 30 is also used for the constant in the code above.
let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen.main.bounds
let screenHeight = screenSize.height
let cameraNode = SCNNode() = SCNCamera() = "Camera"
let cameraDist = Float(20.0)
let cameraPosX = cameraDist*(-1.0)*cos(.pi/4.0)*cos(.pi/6.0)
let cameraPosY = cameraDist*(-1.0)*sin(.pi/4.0)*cos(.pi/6.0)
let cameraPosZ = cameraDist*sin(.pi/6)
cameraNode.position = SCNVector3Make(cameraPosX, cameraPosY, cameraPosZ)
cameraNode.eulerAngles = SCNVector3Make(.pi / 3.0, 0.0, -.pi / 4.0) = true = Double(screenHeight)/(2.0*30.0) //30x magnification constant. larger number = larger object


Sceneview Translate /move Point of view camera with gesture

So I need to move Point of view of the sceneview with the pan gesture in Mac catalyst app.
for iPhone and iPad there is default two finger drag.
I have tried with
let point = gesture.location(in: self)
let v1 = self.projectPoint(SCNVector3Zero)
let vector = self.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3Make(Float(point.x), Float(point.y), v1.z))
self.pointOfView?.position = SCNVector3(vector.x, vector.y, self.pointOfView!.position.z)
if I apply this to SceneKit root node it is working , but I need to move point of view only not the position of the root node
Please suggest
Whoever still not get it
here is the solution
var previousLocation = SCNVector3(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0)
#objc func panned(gesture:UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
let view = self.sceneView1!
let translation = gesture.translation(in: view)
let location = gesture.location(in: view)
let secLocation = CGPoint(x: location.x + translation.x, y: location.y + translation.y)
let P1 = view.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3(x: Float(location.x), y: Float(location.y), z: 0.0))
let P2 = view.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3(x: Float(location.x), y: Float(location.y), z: 1.0))
let Q1 = view.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3(x: Float(secLocation.x), y: Float(secLocation.y), z: 0.0))
let Q2 = view.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3(x: Float(secLocation.x), y: Float(secLocation.y), z: 1.0))
let t1 = -P1.z / (P2.z - P1.z)
let t2 = -Q1.z / (Q2.z - Q1.z)
let x1 = P1.x + t1 * (P2.x - P1.x)
let y1 = P1.y + t1 * (P2.y - P1.y)
let P0 = SCNVector3Make(x1, y1,0)
let x2 = Q1.x + t2 * (Q2.x - Q1.x)
let y2 = Q1.y + t2 * (Q2.y - Q1.y)
let Q0 = SCNVector3Make(x2, y2, 0)
var diffR = Q0 - P0
diffR = SCNVector3Make(diffR.x * -1, diffR.y * -1, diffR.z * -1)
// diffR *= -1
let cameraNode = view.pointOfView
switch gesture.state {
case .began:
previousLocation = cameraNode!.position
case .changed:
cameraNode?.position = SCNVector3Make(previousLocation.x + diffR.x, previousLocation.y + diffR.y, previousLocation.z + diffR.z)

How do I make a hexagon with 6 triangular SCNNodes?

I'm trying to make a hexagon grid with triangles without altering any pivot points, but I can't seem to position the triangles correctly to make single hexagon. I'm creating SCNNodes with UIBezierPaths to form triangles and then rotating the bezier paths. This seems to work fine UNTIL I try to use a parametric equation to position the triangles around a circle to form the hexagon, then they don't end up in the correct position. Can you help me spot where I'm doing wrong here?
class TrianglePlane: SCNNode {
var size: CGFloat = 0.1
var coords: SCNVector3 = SCNVector3Zero
var innerCoords: Int = 0
init(coords: SCNVector3, innerCoords: Int, identifier: Int) {
self.coords = coords
self.innerCoords = innerCoords
init(identifier: Int) {
// super.init(identifier: identifier)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
func setup() {
let myPath = path()
let geo = SCNShape(path: myPath, extrusionDepth: 0)
geo.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents =
geo.firstMaterial?.blendMode = .multiply
self.geometry = geo
func path() -> UIBezierPath {
let max: CGFloat = self.size
let min: CGFloat = 0
let bPath = UIBezierPath()
bPath.move(to: .zero)
bPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: max / 2,
y: UIBezierPath.middlePeak(height: max)))
bPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: max, y: min))
return bPath
extension TrianglePlane {
static func generateHexagon() -> [TrianglePlane] {
var myArr: [TrianglePlane] = []
let colors = [,,
UIColor.yellow, UIColor.systemTeal,
UIColor.cyan, UIColor.magenta]
for i in 0 ..< 6 {
let tri = TrianglePlane(identifier: 0)
tri.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = colors[i]
tri.position = SCNVector3( -0.05, 0, -0.5)
// Rotate bezier path
let angleInDegrees = (Float(i) + 1) * 180.0
let angle = CGFloat(deg2rad(angleInDegrees))
let geo = tri.geometry as! SCNShape
let path = geo.path!
path.rotateAroundCenter(angle: angle)
geo.path = path
// Position triangle in hexagon
let radius = Float(tri.size)/2
let deg: Float = Float(i) * 60
let radians = deg2rad(-deg)
let x1 = tri.position.x + radius * cos(radians)
let y1 = tri.position.y + radius * sin(radians)
tri.position.x = x1
tri.position.y = y1
return myArr
static func deg2rad(_ number: Float) -> Float {
return number * Float.pi / 180
extension UIBezierPath {
func rotateAroundCenter(angle: CGFloat) {
let center =
var transform = CGAffineTransform.identity
transform = transform.translatedBy(x: center.x, y: center.y)
transform = transform.rotated(by: angle)
transform = transform.translatedBy(x: -center.x, y: -center.y)
static func middlePeak(height: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
return sqrt(3.0) / 2 * height
extension CGRect {
var center : CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x:self.midX, y:self.midY)
What it currently looks like:
What it SHOULD look like:
I created two versions – SceneKit and RealityKit.
SceneKit (macOS version)
The simplest way to compose a hexagon is to use six non-uniformly scaled SCNPyramids (flat) with their shifted pivot points. Each "triangle" must be rotated in 60 degree increments (.pi/3).
import SceneKit
class ViewController: NSViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let sceneView = self.view as! SCNView
let scene = SCNScene()
sceneView.scene = scene
sceneView.allowsCameraControl = true
sceneView.backgroundColor = NSColor.white
let cameraNode = SCNNode() = SCNCamera()
cameraNode.position = SCNVector3(x: 0, y: 0, z: 15)
for i in 1...6 {
let triangleNode = SCNNode(geometry: SCNPyramid(width: 1.15,
height: 1,
length: 1))
// the depth of the pyramid is almost zero
triangleNode.scale = SCNVector3(5, 5, 0.001)
// move a pivot point from pyramid its base to upper vertex
triangleNode.simdPivot.columns.3.y = 1
triangleNode.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = NSColor(
calibratedHue: CGFloat(i)/6,
saturation: 1.0,
brightness: 1.0,
alpha: 1.0)
triangleNode.rotation = SCNVector4(0, 0, 1,
-CGFloat.pi/3 * CGFloat(i))
RealityKit (iOS version)
In this project I generated a triangle with the help of MeshDescriptor and copied it 5 more times.
import UIKit
import RealityKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var arView: ARView!
let anchor = AnchorEntity()
let camera = PointOfView()
let indices: [UInt32] = [0, 1, 2]
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.arView.environment.background = .color(.black)
self.arView.cameraMode = .nonAR = 9
let positions: [simd_float3] = [[ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
[ 0.52, 0.90, 0.00],
[-0.52, 0.90, 0.00]]
var descriptor = MeshDescriptor(name: "Hexagon's side")
descriptor.materials = .perFace(self.indices)
descriptor.primitives = .triangles(self.indices)
descriptor.positions = MeshBuffers.Positions(positions[0...2])
var material = UnlitMaterial()
let mesh: MeshResource = try! .generate(from: [descriptor])
let colors: [UIColor] = [.systemRed, .systemGreen, .yellow,
.systemTeal, .cyan, .magenta]
for i in 0...5 {
material.color = .init(tint: colors[i], texture: nil)
let triangleModel = ModelEntity(mesh: mesh,
materials: [material])
let trianglePivot = Entity() // made to control pivot point
trianglePivot.orientation = simd_quatf(angle: -.pi/3 * Float(i),
axis: [0,0,1])
There are a few problems with the code as it stands. Firstly, as pointed out in the comments, the parametric equation for the translations needs to be rotated by 90 degrees:
let deg: Float = (Float(i) * 60) - 90.0
The next issue is that the centre of the bounding box of the triangle and the centroid of the triangle are not the same point. This is important because the parametric equation calculates where the centroids of the triangles must be located, not the centres of their bounding boxes. So we're going to need a way to calculate the centroid. This can be done by adding the following extension method to TrianglePlane:
extension TrianglePlane {
/// Calculates the centroid of the triangle
func centroid() -> CGPoint
let max: CGFloat = self.size
let min: CGFloat = 0
let peak = UIBezierPath.middlePeak(height: max)
let xAvg = (min + max / CGFloat(2.0) + max) / CGFloat(3.0)
let yAvg = (min + peak + min) / CGFloat(3.0)
return CGPoint(x: xAvg, y: yAvg)
This allows the correct radius for the parametric equation to be calculated:
let height = Float(UIBezierPath.middlePeak(height: tri.size))
let centroid = tri.centroid()
let radius = height - Float(centroid.y)
The final correction is to calculate the offset between the origin of the triangle and the centroid. This correction depends on whether the triangle has been flipped by the rotation or not:
let x1 = radius * cos(radians)
let y1 = radius * sin(radians)
let dx = Float(-centroid.x)
let dy = (i % 2 == 0) ? Float(centroid.y) - height : Float(-centroid.y)
tri.position.x = x1 + dx
tri.position.y = y1 + dy
Putting all this together gives the desired result.
Full working ViewController can be found int this gist
Note the code can be greatly simplified by making the origin of the triangle be the centroid.

Swift GameKit Moving Sprite In Arc

I need some help in making the player in my platform game jump. The problem I'm having is that he jumps through a pillar which he's not supposed to do (I do have the physics set up correctly). I suspect it is because of my horribly inefficient code below. I know there's a better way to move him along a path but I'm not sure how to do it.
var xStep = CGFloat(18)
var yStep = CGFloat(30)
var x = CGFloat(playerJump.position.x)
var y = CGFloat(playerJump.position.y)
let follow = SKAction.move(to: CGPoint(x: x, y:y), duration: 0.1)
x += xStep
y += yStep
let follow2 = SKAction.move(to: CGPoint(x: x, y:y), duration: 0.1)
x += xStep
y += yStep
let follow3 = SKAction.move(to: CGPoint(x: x, y:y), duration: 0.1)
x += xStep
y += yStep
let follow4 = SKAction.move(to: CGPoint(x: x, y:y), duration: 0.1)
x += xStep
y += yStep
let follow5 = SKAction.move(to: CGPoint(x: x, y:y), duration: 0.1)
x += xStep
y -= yStep
let follow6 = SKAction.move(to: CGPoint(x: x, y:y), duration: 0.1)
x += xStep
y -= yStep
let follow7 = SKAction.move(to: CGPoint(x: x, y:y), duration: 0.1)
x += xStep
y -= yStep
let follow8 = SKAction.move(to: CGPoint(x: x, y:y), duration: 0.1)
x += xStep
y -= yStep
let follow9 = SKAction.move(to: CGPoint(x: x, y:y), duration: 0.1)
let group =[
SKAction.repeat(jumpAnimation!, count: 1),
if playerJump.parent == nil {
}[group]), completion: {
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
The problem started when I increased the value in xStep. The total distance the character jumps would put it past the pillar. That's why I thought my code was an issue. Here's a video of what's happening.
Jumping Video
Here's my newest code which still puts the player on the other side of the pillar.
#objc func jumpTapped() {
var xStep = CGFloat(18)
let yStep = CGFloat(12)
xStep = player.xScale * xStep
var x = player.position.x
var y = player.position.y
var moveAnimation = [SKAction]()
for i in 0...8 {
x += xStep
if i < 5 {
y += yStep
} else {
y -= yStep
let move = SKAction.move(to: CGPoint(x: x, y: y), duration: 0.1)
let group =[jumpAnimation!, SKAction.sequence(moveAnimation)])
player.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false
player.removeAllActions() {
func endJump() {
player.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = true!))
It looks like you are setting player.position to self.playerJump.position
That is probably your problem, it is jumping beyond where the pillar is. You might as well have said player.position.x = player.position.x + 500 which will put you on the other side of the pillar as well ignoring any physics all together.
Why are you adding a sprite and running the actions on it? why not just run the animation and the actions on the player sprite?
As far as cleaning up your code goes you can try this. there are other things you can do as well like have the character jump along a Bezier path but this might be fine for what you are doing. But I highly doubt this will have any impact on your issue of the player jumping through the pillar.
Some small tidbits for you.
Sprite positions are already a CGFloat no need to cast them
short hand completion code syntax is { //do something when complete }
running an action with repeat of 1 is pointless
running a sequence of a single action (SKAction.sequence([group])) is also pointless
var xStep = CGFloat(18)
var yStep = CGFloat(30)
var x = playerJump.position.x
var y = playerJump.position.y
var moveAnimation: [SKAction]!
for _ in 0...9 {
x += xStep
y += yStep
moveAnimation.append(SKAction.move(to: CGPoint(x: x, y: y), duration: 0.1))
let group =[jumpAnimation, SKAction.sequence(moveAnimation)])
guard playerJump.parent else { addChild(playerJump)} {
self.player.position = self.playerJump.position
Edit try adding the below function to your code
func didBegin(_ contact: SKPhysicsContact) {
let contactAName = contact.bodyA.node?.name
let contactBName = contact.bodyB.node?.name
if (contactAName == "pillar") || (contactBName == "pillar") {
//assuming only player can hit pillar so don't need to check if one of the contacts is player
I figured out what I was doing wrong. My mistake was moving the sprite within the SKAction. I should have been moving the sprite in the update method. So, I added this to update():
if jumping {
if jumpCount > 3 {
player.position.x += xStep // Jump straight up for a couple of frames to clear steps
if jumpCount < maxJump/2 {
player.position.y += yStep //Move sprite up for first half of jump
} else {
player.position.y -= yStep //Move sprite down for last half of jump
jumpCount += 1
if jumpCount >= maxJump {
All the collision detection works properly and the player doesn't jump through pillars.

Rotate the Scene using panGestureRecognizer

I'm a new programmer working on a simple demo iOS program which I use SceneKit to render the scene.
I want to rotate the camera to see different perspective of the scene. But the original camera control is little bit tricky. Especially when I want to rotate the scene in one direction. e.g. if I swipe from right to left and the camera goes from right to left, then go downwards, then go upwards, then go downwards again, finally it goes left again.
What I want to achieve is that when I swipe from right to the left, the camera rotate around the z-axis. And when I swipe up and down my camera just move up and down. And I can also zoom in and out. Additionally I want to set a constraint so that the camera won't go underground.
So I come up with an idea that I fix the camera to look at the object that I focus on. Then place the object in the center of the scene. And I want to rotate the scene just around z-axis when I swipe the screen.
I assume that I use panGestureRecognizer and translate the position change to a rotation order.But how can I achieve that?
Or you have some other idea to get this results?
Here's a simple version of what I write so far. I've tried using UIPanGestureRecognizer but it didn't work, so I delete it and set allowCameraControl = true
let sceneView = SCNView(frame: self.view.frame)
let scene = SCNScene()
sceneView.scene = scene
let camera = SCNCamera()
let cameraNode = SCNNode() = camera
cameraNode.position = SCNVector3(x: -5.0, y: 5.0, z: 5.0)
let light = SCNLight()
light.type =
light.spotInnerAngle = 30
light.spotOuterAngle = 80
light.castsShadow = true
let lightNode = SCNNode()
lightNode.light = light
lightNode.position = SCNVector3(x: 1.5, y: 1.5, z: 1.5)
let ambientLight = SCNLight()
ambientLight.type = SCNLight.LightType.ambient
ambientLight.color = UIColor(red: 0.2, green: 0.2, blue: 0.2, alpha: 1.0)
cameraNode.light = ambientLight
let cubeGeometry = SCNBox(width: 1.0, height: 1.0, length: 1.0, chamferRadius: 0.0)
let cubeNode = SCNNode(geometry: cubeGeometry)
let planeGeometry = SCNPlane(width: 50.0, height: 50.0)
let planeNode = SCNNode(geometry: planeGeometry)
planeNode.eulerAngles = SCNVector3(x: GLKMathDegreesToRadians(-90), y: 0, z: 0)
planeNode.position = SCNVector3(x: 0, y: -0.5, z: 0)
cameraNode.position = SCNVector3(x: -3.0, y: 3.0, z: 3.0)
let constraint = SCNLookAtConstraint(target: cubeNode)
constraint.isGimbalLockEnabled = true
cameraNode.constraints = [constraint]
lightNode.constraints = [constraint]
sceneView.allowsCameraControl = true
I solved this problem by using Spherical coordinate system.
General idea is to get the start position and the angle, then transform it to spherical coordinate system. Then you do rotation by just changing the two angle.
It's even easier to use spherical coordinate system to deal with pinch gesture. You just have to change the radius.
here's some code that I use.
func handlePan(_ gestureRecognize: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
// retrieve scene
let carView = self.view as! SCNView
// save node data and pan gesture data
let cameraNode = carView.scene?.rootNode.childNode(withName: "Camera", recursively: true)!
//let translation = gestureRecognize.translation(in: gestureRecognize.view!)
let speed = gestureRecognize.velocity(in: gestureRecognize.view!)
var speedX = sign(Float(speed.x)) * Float(sqrt(abs(speed.x)))
var speedY = sign(Float(speed.y)) * Float(sqrt(abs(speed.y)))
if speedX.isNaN {speedX = 0}
if speedY.isNaN {speedY = 0}
// record start value
let cameraXStart = cameraNode!.position.x
let cameraYStart = cameraNode!.position.y
let cameraZStart = cameraNode!.position.z - 1.0
let cameraAngleStartZ = cameraNode!.eulerAngles.z
let cameraAngleStartX = cameraNode!.eulerAngles.x
let radiusSquare = cameraXStart * cameraXStart + cameraYStart * cameraYStart + cameraZStart * cameraZStart
// calculate delta value
let deltaAngleZ = -0.003 * Float(speedX)
let deltaAngleX = -0.003 * Float(speedY)
// get new Value
var cameraNewAngleZ = cameraAngleStartZ + deltaAngleZ
var cameraNewAngleX = cameraAngleStartX + deltaAngleX
if cameraNewAngleZ >= 100 * Float.pi {
cameraNewAngleZ = cameraNewAngleZ - 100 * Float.pi
} else if cameraNewAngleZ < -100 * Float.pi {
cameraNewAngleZ = cameraNewAngleZ + 100 * Float.pi
} else {
// set limit
if cameraNewAngleX > 1.4 {
cameraNewAngleX = 1.4
} else if cameraNewAngleX < 0.1 {
cameraNewAngleX = 0.1
// use angle value to get position value
let cameraNewX = sqrt(radiusSquare) * cos(cameraNewAngleZ - Float.pi/2) * cos(cameraNewAngleX - Float.pi/2)
let cameraNewY = sqrt(radiusSquare) * sin(cameraNewAngleZ - Float.pi/2) * cos(cameraNewAngleX - Float.pi/2)
let cameraNewZ = -sqrt(radiusSquare) * sin(cameraNewAngleX - Float.pi/2) + 1
if cameraNode?.camera?.usesOrthographicProjection == false {
cameraNode?.position = SCNVector3Make(cameraNewX, cameraNewY, cameraNewZ)
cameraNode?.eulerAngles = SCNVector3Make(cameraNewAngleX, 0, cameraNewAngleZ)
else if cameraNode?.camera?.usesOrthographicProjection == true {
cameraNode?.position = SCNVector3Make(0, 0, 10)
cameraNode?.eulerAngles = SCNVector3Make(0, 0, cameraNewAngleZ)

ARKit distance between eyes

Hello guys I'm trying to integrate Vision framework to detect a face and keep track of both eyes, then I'm trying to measure the distance between the center of both eyes in a face detected by Vision. My problem at the moment is how to get this distance in the real world based on the two points for the center of the eye that Vision gave to me. After the face is recognised I use the following code to calculate the distance between the center of the eyes
guard let sceneView = self.view as? ARSKView, let currentFrame = sceneView.session.currentFrame else {
let w = face.boundingBox.size.width * image.size.width
let h = face.boundingBox.size.height * image.size.height
let x = face.boundingBox.origin.x * image.size.width
let y = face.boundingBox.origin.y * image.size.height
// left pupil
var leftIrisLocation = CGPoint()
if let landmark = face.landmarks?.leftPupil {
for i in 0...landmark.pointCount - 1 { // last point is 0,0
let point = landmark.normalizedPoints[i]
if i == 0 {
leftIrisLocation = CGPoint(x: x + CGFloat(point.x) * w, y: y + CGFloat(point.y) * h)
context?.move(to: leftIrisLocation)
context?.addEllipse(in: CGRect(origin: leftIrisLocation, size: CGSize(width: 10, height: 10)))
context?.drawPath(using: .stroke)
// right pupil
var rightIrisLocation = CGPoint()
if let landmark = face.landmarks?.rightPupil {
for i in 0...landmark.pointCount - 1 { // last point is 0,0
let point = landmark.normalizedPoints[i]
if i == 0 {
rightIrisLocation = CGPoint(x: x + CGFloat(point.x) * w, y: y + CGFloat(point.y) * h)
context?.move(to: rightIrisLocation)
context?.addEllipse(in: CGRect(origin: rightIrisLocation, size: CGSize(width: 10, height: 10)))
let distanceFromIris = self.distanceFrom(p1: leftIrisLocation, to: rightIrisLocation)
At this point I have the distance on the image but no the real world distance, so I try to hitTest on the current frame to get the distance from each eye to the camera and then calculate the final distance using pythagoras theorem as following:
for leftResult in currentFrame.hitTest(leftIrisLocation, types: [.featurePoint, .existingPlaneUsingExtent]) {
print("Distance left iris to camera")
for rightResult in currentFrame.hitTest(rightIrisLocation, types: [.featurePoint, .existingPlaneUsingExtent]) {
print("Distance right iris to camera")
let distanceBetweenIris = sqrt((leftResult.distance * leftResult.distance) - (rightResult.distance * rightResult.distance))
But this distanceBetweenIris is getting really big like 20cm where it should be close to 5cm ~ 6cm, any ideas how to reduce this big error?
