What If the Updates Handler for CoreMotion Does Not Finish Fast Enough? - ios

I am registering to receive updates from a CMMotionManager like so:
motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue(deviceMotionQueue) {
[unowned self] (deviceMotion, error) -> Void in
// ... handle data ...
where deviceMotionQueue is an NSOperationQueue with the highest quality of service, i.e. the highest possible update rate:
self.deviceMotionQueue.qualityOfService = NSQualityOfService.UserInteractive
This means that I am getting updates often. Like really often. So I was wondering: what happens if I don't handle one update fast enough? If the update interval is shorter than the execution time of 'handle data'? Will the motion manager drop some information? Or will it queue up and after a while become run out of memory? Or is this not feasable at all?

It's hard to know what the internal CoreMotion implementation will do, and given that what it does is an "implementation detail", even if you could discern its current behavior, you wouldn't want to rely on that behavior moving forward.
I think the common solution to this is to do the minimum amount of work in the motion update handler, and then manage the work/rate-limiting/etc yourself. So, for instance, if you wanted to drop interstitial updates that arrived while you were processing the last update, you could have the update handler that you pass into CoreMotion do nothing but (safely) add a copy of deviceMotion to a mutable array, and then enqueue the "real" handler on a different queue. The real handler might then have a decision tree like:
if the array is empty, return immediately
otherwise (safely) take the last element, clear all elements from the array, and do the work based on the last element
This would have the effect of letting you take only the most recent reading, but also to have knowledge of how many updates were missed, and, if it's useful, what those missed updates were. Depending on your app, it might be useful to batch process the missed events as a group.
But the takeaway is this: if you want to be sure about how a system like this behaves, you have to manage it yourself.


Are Tasks automatically cancelled upon return/completion in Swift?

I am a little uncertain about task cancellation in swift. My question is:
If a task reaches its return line (in this example, Line 4), does this mean it will be automatically canceled? (and thus free up memory + any used thread(s) previously occupied by the Task?)
someBlock {
Task<Bool, Never> {
await doSomeWork()
return true // Line 4
As a follow-up, what if we then call .task on a SwiftUI View? Does anything change?
.task {
await doSomeWork()
Thank you for your time!
If a task reaches its return line (in this example, Line 4), does this mean it will be automatically canceled
No. It means it will automatically end in good order. Cancellation of a task is very different and specialized thing. They are both ways of bringing a task to an end, but within that similarity they are effectively opposites of one another.
It does mean that the thread(s) used by the Task are now free for use, but this is not as dramatically important as it might seem, because await also frees the thread(s) used by the Task. That's the whole point of async/await; it is not thread-bound. A Task is not aligned with a single thread, the way a DispatchQueue is; to put it another way, we tend to use queue and thread as loose equivalents of one another, but with a Task, that is not at all the case.
As for what memory is released, it depends on what memory was being retained. The code given is too "pseudo" to draw any conclusions about that. But basically yes, your mental picture of this is right: a Task has a life of its own, and while it lives its code continues to retain whatever it has a strong reference to, and then when it ends (whether through finishing in good order or through cancellation) the Task's life ends (if you have not retained it elsewhere) and therefore so does whatever the Task's code is retaining.
Does anything change
The .task modifier, according to Apple, creates "an asynchronous task with a lifetime that matches that of the ... view". So I would say, yes: the Task no longer just has an independent life of its own, but rather it is being retained behind the scenes (in order that the SwiftUI framework can cancel it if the View goes out of existence), and so whatever its code has strong references to will remain.
On the other hand this might not be terribly important; it depends on whether you're using reference types. References to value types, such as a View, don't have that sort of memory management implications.

Does the POSIX Thread API offer a way to test if the calling thread alreeady holds a lock?

Short question: Does the POSIX thread API offer me a way to determine if the calling thread already holds a particular lock?
Long question:
Suppose I want to protect a data structure with a lock. Acquiring and releasing the lock need to happen in different functions. Calls between the functions involved are rather complex (I am adding multithreading to a 16-year-old code base). For example:
do_dangerous_stuff() does things for which the current thread needs to hold the write lock. Therefore, I acquire the lock at the beginning of the function and release it at the end, as the caller does not necessarily hold the lock.
Another function, do_extra_dangerous_stuff(), calls do_dangerous_stuff(). However, before the call it already does things which also require a write lock, and the data is not consistent until the call to do_dangerous_stuff() returns (so releasing and immediately re-acquiring the lock might break things).
In reality it is more complicated than that. There may be a bunch of functions calling do_dangerous_stuff(), and requiring each of them to obtain the lock before calling do_dangerous_stuff() may be impractical. Sometimes the lock is acquired in one function and released in another.
With a read lock, I could just acquire it multiple times from the same thread, as long as I make sure I release the same number of lock instances that I have acquired. For a write lock, this is not an option (attempting to do so will result in a deadlock). An easy solution would be: test if the current thread already holds the lock and acquire it if not, and conversely, test if the current thread still holds the lock and release it if it does. However, that requires me to test if the current thread already holds the lock—is there a way to do that?
Looking at the man page for pthread_rwlock_wrlock(), I see it says:
If successful, the pthread_rwlock_wrlock() function shall return zero; otherwise, an error number shall be returned to indicate the error.
The pthread_rwlock_wrlock() function may fail if:
EDEADLK The current thread already owns the read-write lock for writing or reading.
As I read it, EDEADLK is never used to indicate chains involving multiple threads waiting for each other’s resources (and from my observations, such deadlocks indeed seem to result in a freeze rather than EDEADLK). It seems to indicate exclusively that the thread is requesting a resource already held by the current thread, which is the condition I want to test for.
If I have misunderstood the documentation, please let me know. Otherwise the solution would be to simply call pthread_rwlock_wrlock(). One of the following should happen:
It blocks because another thread holds the resource. When we get to run again, we will hold the lock. Business as usual.
It returns zero (success) because we have just acquired the lock (which we didn’t hold before). Business as usual.
It returns EDEADLK because we are already holding the lock. No need to reacquire, but we might want to consider this when we release the lock—that depends on the code in question, see below
It returns some other error, indicating something has truly gone wrong. Same as with every other lock operation.
It may make sense to keep track of the number of times we have acquired the lock and got EDEADLK. Taking from Gil Hamilton’s answer, the lock depth would work for us:
Reset the lock depth to 0 when we have acquired a lock.
Increase the lock depth by 1 each time we get EDEADLK.
Match each attempt to acquire the lock with the following: If lock depth is 0, release the lock. Else decrease the lock depth.
This should be thread-safe without further synchronization, as the lock depth is effectively protected by the lock it refers to (we touch it only while holding the lock).
Caveat: if the current thread already holds the lock for reading (and no others do), this will also report it as being “already locked”. Further tests will be needed to determine if the currently held lock is indeed a write lock. If multiple threads, among them the current one, hold the read lock, I do not know if attempting to obtain a write lock will return EDEADLK or freeze the thread. This part needs some more work…
AFAIK, there's no easy way to accomplish what you're trying to do.
In linux, you can use the "recursive" mutex attribute to achieve your purpose (as shown here for example: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7963765/1076479), but this is not "posix"-portable.
The only really portable solution is to roll your own equivalent. You can do that by creating a data structure containing a lock along with your own thread index (or equivalent) and an ownership/recursion count.
CAVEAT: Pseudo-code off the top of my head
Recursive lock:
// First try to acquire the lock without blocking...
if ((err = pthread_mutex_trylock(&mystruct.mutex)) == 0) {
// Acquire succeeded. I now own the lock.
// (I either just acquired it or already owned it)
assert(mystruct.owner == my_thread_index || mystruct.lock_depth == 0);
mystruct.owner = my_thread_index;
} else if (mystruct.owner == my_thread_index) {
assert(err == EBUSY);
// I already owned the lock. Now one level deeper
} else {
// I don't own the lock: block waiting for it.
assert(mystruct.lock_depth == 0);
On the way out, it's simpler, because you know you own the lock, you only need to determine whether it's time to release it (i.e. the last unlock). Recursive unlock:
if (--mystruct.lock_depth == 0) {
assert(mystruct.owner == my_thread_index);
// Last level of recursion unwound
mystruct.owner = -1; // Mark it un-owned
I would want to add some additional checks and assertions and significant testing before trusting this too.

How to make a function atomic in Swift?

I'm currently writing an iOS app in Swift, and I encountered the following problem: I have an object A. The problem is that while there is only one thread for the app (I didn't create separate threads), object A gets modified when
1) a certain NSTimer() triggers
2) a certain observeValueForKeyPath() triggers
3) a certain callback from Parse triggers.
From what I know, all the above three cases work kind of like a software interrupt. So as the code run, if NSTimer()/observeValueForKeyPath()/callback from Parse happens, current code gets interrupted and jumps to corresponding code. This is not a race condition (since just one thread), and I don't think something like this https://gist.github.com/Kaelten/7914a8128eca45f081b3 can solve this problem.
There is a specific function B called in all three cases to modify object A, so I'm thinking if I can make this function B atomic, then this problem is solved. Is there a way to do this?
You are making some incorrect assumptions. None of the things you mention interrupt the processor. 1 and 2 both operate synchronously. The timer won't fire or observeValueForKeyPath won't be called until your code finishes and your app services the event loop.
Atomic properties or other synchronization techniques are only meaningful for concurrent (multi-threaded) code. If memory serves, Atomic is only for properties, not other methods/functions.
I believe Parse uses completion blocks that are run on a background thread, in which case your #3 **is* using separate threads, even though you didn't realize that you were doing so. This is the only case in which you need to be worried about synchronization. In that case the simplest thing is to simply bracket your completion block code inside a call to dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()), which makes all the code in the dispatch_async closure run on the main, avoiding concurrency issues entirely.

ReactiveCocoa - Stop the triggering of subscribeNext until another signal has been completed

I'm pretty new to FRP and I'm facing a problem:
I subscribe to an observable that triggers subscribeNext every second.
In the subscribeNext's block, I zip observables that execute asynchronous operations and in zip's completed block I perform an action with the result.
let signal: RACSignal
let asynchOperations: [RACSignal]
var val: AnyObject?
// subscribeNext is trigered every second
signal.subscribeNext {
let asynchOperations = // several RACSignal
// Perform asynchronous operations
val = $0
}, completed: {
// perform actions with `val`
I would like to stop the triggering of subscribeNext for signal (that is normally triggered every second) until completed (from the zip) has been reached.
Any suggestion?
It sounds like you want an RACCommand.
A command is an object that can perform asynchronous operations, but only have one instance of its operation running at a time. As soon as you tell a command to start execute:ing, it will become "disabled," and will automatically become enabled again when the operation completes.
(You can also make a command that's enabled based on other criteria than just "am I executing right now," but it doesn't sound like you need that here.)
Once you have that, you could derive a signal that "gates" the interval signal (for example, if:then:else: on the command's enabled signal toggling between RACSignal.empty and your actual signal -- I do this enough that I have a helper for it), or you can just check the canExecute property before invoking execute: in your subscription block.
Note: you're doing a slightly weird thing with your inner subscription there -- capturing the value and then dealing with the value on the completed block.
If you're doing that because it's more explicit, and you know that the signal will only send one value but you feel the need to encode that directly, then that's fine. I don't think it's standard, though -- if you have a signal that will only send one value, that's something that unfortunately can't be represented at the type level, but is nonetheless an assumption that you can make in your code (or at least, I find myself comfortable with that assumption. To each their own).
But if you're doing it for timing reasons, or because you actually only want the last value sent from the signal, you can use takeLast:1 instead to get a signal that will always send exactly one value right at the moment that the inner signal completes, and then only subscribe in the next block.
Slight word of warning: RACCommands are meant to be used from the main thread to back UI updates; if you want to use a command on a background thread you'll need to be explicit about the scheduler to deliver your signals on (check the docs for more details).
Another completely different approach to getting similar behavior is temporal recursion: perform your operation, then when it's complete, schedule the operation to occur again one second later, instead of having an ongoing timer.
This is slightly different as you'll always wait one second between operations, whereas in the current one you could be waiting anywhere between zero and one seconds, but if that's a not a problem then this is a much simpler solution than using an RACCommand.
ReactiveCocoa's delay: method makes this sort of ad-hoc scheduling very convenient -- no manual NSTimer wrangling here.

How do I slow down the game loop in the game_loop package

I am using the game_loop pub package to handle my eventloop. The problem is that it updates way too often. I don't need to update or redraw that often, and input key repetition is also too fast. I do not know much about eventloops or browser redraws, so I might think of it the wrong way, but is there a way to slow the loop down?
Run heavy tasks in the separate Isolate while keeping game loop as lightweight as possible. The game loop should be implemented with window.animationFrame. How do I drive an animation loop at 60fps with Dart? You should learn all about requestAnimationFrame - it's the key to the smooth animations.
And your game logic speed should not depend on the browser FPS(Frames Per Second) use scheduler instead Does Dart have a scheduler?
Try adding a timer and avoid adding an onUpdate or onRender handler to your GameLoop instance:
//timer fires 20 times per second, as an example
gameLoop.addTimer(render,0.05,periodic: true);
render(GameLoopTimer timer)
//draw or update code here
