Where is 's' object cached when using AppMeasurement in DTM - adobe-analytics

Omniture's basic page tracking function, s.t(), was not crafted for AJAX implementation. Unlike the onclick s.tl() function which has some gating instructions with s.linkTrackVars and s.linkTrackEvents, the s.t() function just perpetuates every cached property through to the next call and beyond.
I used to be able to use a ClearVars function to empty out all of the s object's attributes, but now that I am using AppMeasurement and letting DTM manage my implementation with the most updated version of that library—which I want to keep doing—I can't call the s object. I get the same "ReferenceError: s is not defined" that another person asked about here!.
I tried following Crayon Violent's instructions within that post, but I can't seem to find where DTM is stashing the cached values in between Adobe calls. This code:
window.s = new AppMeasurement();
lets me change/clear the attributes of s, but it's not the s I'm looking for. When I call the next AJAX s.t() function, all of the cached values are still there.

In my experience working with DTM and AA, there has been no end to bugs and caveats and workarounds with DTM's "native integration" of AA. This is why I have more or less decided that the best thing I can do is to either manage the lib myself or else treat AA as a 3rd party script (100% implement it through rules, just ignore that it's available as a tool).
As mentioned in my answer you linked, that line of code only works to expose the AA object in the window namespace if you are managing the library yourself. When you configure DTM to manage the library, it will instantiate AA object itself, and it will be buried within its own code (Honestly, I don't know why DTM did this, considering AA puts a number of other variables in the global namespace that DTM does nothing about).
AFAIK there is no documented way to reference it, but one thing I have found that seems to work for me - which as a disclaimer to cover my own arse I do NOT officially endorse: use at your own risk - is to use the following to get a reference of it:
var s = _satellite.getToolsByType('sc')[0].getS();
This uses getToolsByType method to get an array of the SiteCatalyst (Adobe Analytics) objects setup as tools in DTM. It does this by looping through _satellite.tools and comparing _satellite.tools[n].settings.engine to what you passed to getToolsByType.
Then I use [0] to get the first one in the array, under the assumption that there's only one configured (most people only do one). Then the getS() object pulls together the s object based on the settings in DTM. So from there, you can do things with it, including making use of s.clearVars()


Using data movement sdk ,want to remove collection from docs in real time in marklogic?

Actually I am new to data movement SDK,I want to know how we can used data movement sdk to remove collection from docs which match's specific condition in real time in marklogic ?
Yes, DMSK can reprocess documents in the database including modifying the collections on the documents.
The most efficient way to change document collections on the server might be to take an approach similar to the out-of-the-box ApplyTransformListener (as summarized by
https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/java/data-movement#id_51555) but to execute a custom module instead of a transform.
Summarizing the main points:
Write an SJS (Server-Side JavaScript) module that declares a variable (using the JavaScript var statement) to receive the document URIs sent by the client and modifies the collections on those documents using a function such as
Install the SJS module in the modules database as described here
Create a QueryBatcher to get the document URIs either from a query on the database or from a client iterator as described here:
Supply a lambda function for the QueryBatcher.onUrisReady() method - see
In the lambda function, construct and execute a ServerEvaluationCall to the SJS module, assigning the variable to the URIs passed to the lambda function - see:
Be sure to register failure listeners using the QueryBatcher.onQueryFailure() ApplyTransformListener.onFailure​() methods to log error or otherwise respond to the unexpected.
Hoping that helps,

How to add a Adobe Analytics Variable to multiple Link Track rule in Dynamic Tag Manager

I have more than 100 DTM rules which has been set up to capture Analytics link track. Now, I have new requirement to add one global variable (let's say eVarX) to all of the link tracking. Could someone please help me how it can be done without adding it manually to each link track rule.
DTM does not currently have a way to globally add variables to all Adobe Analytics (AA) hits. The closest thing you can do is make use of AA's doPlugins callback function, which you can define in the custom code box of the AA tool config page.
If you do not already have doPlugins (commonly namespaced s_doPlugins) function defined there, then in the custom code box of the Adobe Analytics tool, add the following:
s.doPlugins=function(s) {
// add variable here
// make sure to also "register" it in `linkTrackVars`
// for s.tl calls
Note: This is global, as in, it will trigger for all s.t and s.tl calls, not just those specific 100 DTM rules. There's no good way to effectively say "only do it for [some list of rules]" except to just individually add it to your rules.

Multiple Adobe Analytic tools in Adobe DTM - how do I only have one fire at a time?

I have multiple instances of Adobe Analytics in the same Adobe DTM web property. They all go to different report suites. I'd like to create a page load rule so that the data is only reported to one report suite for any given page. So far the page load rules that I have created are causing the AA data to report to all of the report suites. Does anyone have any idea to get them to only fire to one at a time?
It is possible to set DTM to suppress the call for an event based rule or direct call rule but currently it is not possible to do it with a page load rule within the DTM built-in interface.
Some things you can do:
1) Combine your Adobe Analytics instances into a single instance. Is there a particular reason you are using multiple instances of Adobe Analytics? I know you mentioned they are for separate report suites, but are they also for separate Adobe Analytics instances altogether? If not, is it because they are completely separate implementations with different variables and logic assigned for them? If the only thing different between them is report suite id, then you should combine them and write some logic to pop relevant report suite id(s) for s.account.
2) Make use of s.abort to suppress the calls. If your code version is H25.3+ or you are using AppMeasurement then you can set s.abort to true to make the next Adobe Analytics request (s.t or s.tl call) be cancelled. Note that this may only be feasible if your instances are all using separate namespaces.. if you are just outputting several instances of code all under the same namespace, you will have issues. Also, if you are doing that, then you may also have issues as far as variables carrying over to other instances. But in any case, basically within your page load rule you'd add a rule condition where criteria is Data:Custom and then you'd write js logic to determine which one(s) you don't want to pop and set [namespace].abort=true; for each of them. Then return true at the end to make sure the condition is always true.
Or, you can set s.abort=true; within the Custom Page Code section for each Adobe Analytics instance you want to suppress in the page load rule. There are various other methods for popping s.abort but hopefully you get the picture. Which one is best just depends on how all your stuff is actually setup.
3) Pop the Adobe Analytics tags as a regular tag instead of a Tool. Remove them as a tool and put them as a Javascript / Third Pary Tag within the page load rule. This includes the core lib code and anything else you may have in the Tool config section. This also means outputting the "trigger" (s.t call). Make a separate one for each one and then you can make conditions for them to pop.
To add to Crayon's answer, you can also choose a custom code implementation in the Library Management section of the tool configuration settings. You will have to paste in the s_code contents and check the box that says "Set report suites using custom code below"
Then, you can use whatever logic you want to set a variable in the code that directs data to the report suites.
if(document.location.href == "http://www.mypage1.com"){
s_account = "rsid_1";
To add to Brett's answer - with rare exception, I let Adobe manage the analytics file. However, you can use the customize page code section within the Adobe Analytics tool configuration to deploy plugins or set the report suite ID dynamically. Here's an example I commonly use:
var suiteid;
var enviro;
var getURL = window.location.href
// Set RSID based on URL
if (getURL.indexOf('myURL.com') != -1)
suiteid = 'rsidproduction';
s.linkInternalFilters = 'javascript:,mailto:,tel:,' + window.location.host;
enviro = 'prod';
suiteid = 'rsidstaging';
s.linkInternalFilters = 'javascript:,mailto:,tel:,' + window.location.host;
enviro = 'dev';
s.account = suiteid;
This is an easy way to dynamically change the RSID and keep the analytics file managed by Adobe. I also blogged about this here: Managing your RISD Dynamically

Set the Visitor ID in Adobe Analytics through DTM

I'm trying to set the Visitor ID in Adobe Analytics through DTM.
Above the s_code I have:
var visitor = new Visitor("xxxx")
visitor.trackingServer = "xxx.xx.xx.omtrdc.net"
I've created a data element where the legacy code used to call the
and set the Visitor ID to %Visitor ID%
That's not working however, and my visitor ID is always just set to %Visitor ID% and obviously not reading any values. I'd really appreciate any input that someone can give me.
The Visitor ID pops s.visitorID and is in general related to visitor id, but is not the same as s.visitor which is what gets popped for the VisitorAPI integration. DTM does not currently have a built-in field for the s.visitor variable, so you will have to set it yourself within the config, either in the Library Management code editor (assuming you are opting to c/p the core lib and not the "Managed by Adobe" option) or else in the Custom Page Code section.
Since you are popping it in a data layer first, you can reference the data layer like this:
s.visitor = _satellite.getVar('Visitor ID');
NOTE: A separate potential issue you may have is with whether or not the Visitor object is available for your data element. Since data elements are the first thing to be evaluated by DTM, you will need to ensure that the VisitorAPI.js library is output before your top page DTM script include.
If this is a problem for you, or if you are wanting to host VisitorAPI.js within DTM, then you may need to adjust where you are popping that stuff. For example, place the VisitorAPI core code above the custom code as the first stuff within the data element, before:
var visitor = new Visitor("xxxx") visitor.trackingServer = "xxx.xx.xx.omtrdc.net
Or, don't use the data element at all. Instead, put the VisitorAPI code within the Adobe Analytics custom code or core lib section and pop all that stuff (aboove the s.visitor assignment). Or a number of other methods; point is, VisitorAPI stuff must be loaded before the data element can make use of it, same as it must be loaded before Adobe Analytics can make use of it.
So DTM is changing pretty fast and furious right now. They have a "Marketing Cloud Service ID" that works well. Before I used that, however, I did find a way to fix the code. Crayon Violent was right, as usual, that the problem was that the script wasn't available yet. I fixed this by putting the following code in between the VisitorAPI.js and the AppMeasurement stuff in the DTM managed library.
var aA = new AppMeasurement();
aA.visitor = Visitor.getInstance("companyname");
In addition, there were also some issues using my localhost for testing while trying to see if I had this correct or not. If you are having issues and think you have it correct, it may be worthwhile to elevate it to a different environment.

Some questions about building a network-accessible, multi-user, programmable, interactive environment

I've been attempting to build this project for many weeks now, and trying multiple solutions that I can't get my head around. Let me describe the project a little. It's a text-based server, that players can login to (via telnet or a client), essentially like a MUD. They can then create and interact with 'objects', giving them 'verbs' and 'properties'.
The server is basically just a database of 'objects', each object has an ID, a name, a location (which is another object), a list of its contents (objects) and some other flags. Objects can have 'verbs' and 'properties'. Properties are just stored data (string, int, float, w/e). Verbs are methods/functions. Objects are interacted with using commands such as "put something in container". An old version of the server already exists, it's called LambdaMOO. I'm attempting to re-create it since it hasn't been updated in a very, very long time.
You can read more in-depth about how objects, verbs and properties should work at: http://bit.ly/17XIqjY
An Example
Let me describe what I'd like. Imagine we have an object. Object #256, it's called "Button". It has the property "count" along with all the default properties that are inherited from it's parent (i.e. 'description'). It has one "verb" on it, called "push". This verb contains this code:
this.count += 1;
this.description = "This button has been pushed " + this.count + " times.";
player.tell("You press the button and feel a chill run down your spine.");
When the player types 'push button' on the server, the 'push' verb will run and output
You press the button and feel a chill run down your spine.
If you then look at the button, you'll see it's updated description.
Note that player in the above script refers the object of the player executing the verb. tell is another verb, on the player object. However the tell verb has a flag saying it is executable from other verbs.
What language?
My main question is what languages can I use for the 'verbs'? I've tried using node.js and the 'vm' library. I've tried using C# to parse C#. I've tried using C# to parse JavaScript. The issue I keep getting is that I have no way of controlling the permissions of the verbs and properties. If I translate them to literal functions in JavaScript, I can't determine which object they are running on and what permissions it should have. If a user calls a function on another users object, I have no way of intercepting that call and stopping it if the permissions aren't correct. I'm not entirely fussed as to which language is used for the verb code it just needs to be "sandboxed". Properties need to be only readable/writeable when they are set to be so by the user, same with verbs. I imagine I could use a language with overloading (like PHP's __get, __set, __call).
I need to also be able to inject these variables into the verb: (mostly determined from the command typed, unless the verb is being called from another verb)
player (object) the player who typed the command
this (object) the object on which this verb was found
caller (object) this will be the same as ‘player’, unless another
verb calls the command in which case it is the object
containing that verb.
verb (string) the first word of the command
argstr (string) everything after the first word of the command
args (list of strings) a list of the words in ‘argstr’
dobjstr (string) the direct object string found during parsing
dobj (object) the direct object value found during matching
prepstr (string) the prepositional phrase found during parsing
iobjstr (string) the indirect object string
iobj (object) the indirect object value
I also need to be able to access any object from any other object (so long as the permissions work out).
// Object #128. Verb: multiply Prep: this none this Perms: +r +x
return (args[0] * args[1]);
// Object #256. Verb: square Prep: this none this Perms: +r +x
return #128:multiply(args[0], args[0]);
// Object #512. Verb: touch Prep: any any this Perms: +r
// Has a property (int) 'size' on it.
this.size = #256:square(this.size);
this.description = "It's a large button, it spans " + this.size + " metres.";
player:tell("You touch the button, it gets bigger.");
The user could then push button and the button object's size property would be squared.
Recommended Reading
I highly recommend you to read the document at http://bit.ly/17XIqjY for a more in-depth idea of how the system should work.
It is also recommended you read the following documents, as μMOO is based upon LambdaMOO and it’s methodology:
I take this question as asking for a language that could do what you need. That's what I'll try to answer.
First, this task is hopelessly unsuited to any mainstream or imperative language such as C# or Java. I wouldn't even think about it. Javascript is possible, but not what it's good at and nothing specific to recommend it.
Second, if you had the right skills, it would be an excellent opportunity to design an entirely new language and spend the next year or two getting it working. People really do that, but I don't recommend it unless you like that kind of masochistic experience. [I do.]
So my recommendation is that you widen your language experience until you find a match. Of the languages I know moderately well, Ruby is the best to try first. As soon as you said inject these variables into the verb you made me think of Ruby, because lots of Ruby software (including Rails) is built exactly like that. Forget Python, Perl and Javascript: I really don't think they will hack it.
Beyond Ruby you might contemplate Lua. I haven't used it much recently, and it may not suit, but it is widely used as a games scripting language.
Beyond that are the true functional languages. There is the most ancient of them all: Lisp. You can do absolutely anything in Lisp, including implementing the language you were looking for in the first place. Then there are Scala and Haskell, to name just two. They are mind-bending to learn, but well suited to the kind of problem you have.
Not much of an answer because it basically says: learn each of these languages in turn until you find one that works for you. [Happy to help further if I can. I have fond memories of Moo.]
