afnetworking json response with unicode - only some work - ios

I am using AFNetworking 2 to get JSON from my server which looks like this:
{"comment": "<some string>"}
this works perfectly fine when i have regular text or regular symbols.
it even works with emojis - so when my comment is \uD83D\uDE04 it works perfectly and i see the smiley
{"commentText":"\uD83D\uDE04"} (smiley
now if i do other letters like - ä - it suddenly doesn't work any more
{"commentText":"\u00E4"} (ä -
it actually doesnt throw an error but the json returned is nil
any help would be great!

I actually found out that instead of using encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding i had to use NSASCIIStringEncoding and everything works perfect now


Ruby Parsing: Error when I trying to put Cyrillic symbols into URL request

I wrote a Bot for Telegram, where users can receive images for their requests. But there was one problem, which I could not solve.
Some example with parsing on Ruby:
json_object = JSON.parse(open("" + message.text + "&per_page=10&client_id=42324d2lkedi234fs342dfse2c038fdfsdfs").read)
message.text - It's a field with request from users.
Everything works fine with latin literals, but when I send Cyrillic(API also supports Cyrillic alphabet) symbols I get the below error:
`split': URI must be ascii only
I used Encoding with utf-8 and win-1252, but nothing helped. How should this be fixed?
You should encode your cyrillic string:
URI.encode('АБВ') # => "%D0%90%D0%91%D0%92"
So, use it like this (or encode whole url):
Try with

got wrong characters encoding using pdfbox to extract text from pdf

Recently,I have to index pdf into ElasticSearch and using pdfbox to extract text from pdf, however I got wrong characters encoding like this
1 ŋ?nij"2$ 2016£ 2Ú 5Õ,”Òªj§?ně#ij"2ě
^ë2ļŘœ A$j§?n 2016£ě#ëÖĭ2Ĉļê
2 èÅŋ?n$ 2016£ 2Ú 6ÕöĿS¿ ĿS¿ ĿS
Õ¿ ĿSÖ¿ eöĿS&غĨĘćĈ
My code is exactly the same as this page says here. I try pdfbox lib version from 0.8.x to 2.0.x, but it still can not work.
Any help or advice will be grateful!
I got answer from #Tilman comment.
See and the answer below too.

SQLITE UTF-16 Encoding Issues

OK, I've been pulling my hair out for a couple of days on this issue. There are a couple of technologies at use here, first I'm using Unreal Engine 4 to develop an iOS game and I'm linking to a static lib of sqlite3, that I create the Database for on Windows.
On windows everything works fine, I create the database, and if you do Pragma encoding; it shows UTF-16LE.
However, when on IOS everything falls apart. First of all, if I even try to create a empty database in iOS using sqlite3_open16 function, it will create a database with a bunch of junk at the end of the name, and if I open it, and do pragma encoding it will say UTF-8 (empty database with no tables).
If I try to connect to my existing one, I will have success 'randomly' sometimes, I think this has to do again with the weird characters that are appearing at the end of my string which I suspect is encoding issues.
The function being used to open the database is this:
bool Open(const TCHAR* ConnectionString)
int32 Result = sqlite3_open16(ConnectionString, &DbHandle);
return Result == SQLITE_OK;
Which works fine in windows but has the issues above in ios.
According to their documentation they use USC-2. From what I can tell in the sqlite source, it will use UTF-16LE. Do I need to do something to convert between these two? Or is there something else I might be missing here? Does anyone have any ideas? I'm hoping someone who might not be familiar with UE4 might still have some guesses.
edit: a list of things I've tried:
Use the UTF-8 Functions SQLITE these appear to work fine. UE4 has a function TCHAR_TO_UTF8 and that worked.
Try to use Objective C to ensure the encoding of UTF-16LE, this gave me the 'random' success I describe above. Besides not only appearing to only randomly work with the weird random text at the end of the string sometimes - anytime I try to pull data out of the database now, it comes back as mostly random question marks '????' with the occasional chinese character. The function I used to do this with is:
const TCHAR* UChimeraSqlDatabase::UTF16_To_PlatformEncoding(FString UTF16EncodedString)
const TCHAR* EncodedString = (const TCHAR *)([[[NSString stringWithFString : UTF16EncodedString] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF16LittleEndianStringEncoding] bytes]);
const TCHAR* EncodedString = *UTF16EncodedString;
return EncodedString;
Tried using Unreals .AppendChar to add L'\0' to the end of the String, without including number 2's method, no success.
If you're seeing weird characters at the end of the file name when calling sqlite3_16, it sounds like your UTF16 file name was not NULL terminated.
To specify the encoding of the database, you can actually create it with any of the sqlite3_open functions, but the key is that as soon as the database is created, you must immediately set the encoding:
PRAGMA encoding = "UTF-16le";
Once the encoding has been set, you can't change it, so make sure to do this first thing after creating the database.

How to decode windows-874 imap subject?

I'm having a serious problem with imap decoding. I received an email which might be encoded in windows-874. And this causes the whole letter to be read. I tried to use iconv('tis-620','utf-8',$txt) but I've had no luck.
I've tried searching everywhere that there might be an answer but it seems like it is the first problem of the universe. (or I don't search the correct word?)
The subject is :
Charset : ASCII
=E2=C3=A7=E1=C3=C1=CA=C7=D1=CA=B4=D5=CA=D8=A2=D8=C1=C7=D4=B7=AB=CD=C2 8?=
So, please tell me what the encoding is, if it's not tis-62. How can I decode this into a human language?
Finally I found my way home. Firstly I created a function to detect any encoding in a text given.
function win874($str){
return $win874;
function utf8($str){
return $utf8;
Then I convert with php functions:
if(win874($headers->subject)=="0" and utf8($headers->subject)=="0"){
echo $headers->subject;
echo $subj0[3];
echo imap_utf8($headers->subject);
Because text with windows-874 always begins with "=?windows-874?Q?" so I used the simple function like "explode()" to extract the main idea from the junk. As I said, the main idea always comes after the 3rd question mark. Then I have the subject.
But the problem remains. I still have to change the browser encoding to Thai to make the text readable. (settings>tools>encoding>Thai : in chrome). Any suggestions?

loadURL and javascript on iOs - Cannot pass strings

I am encountering a very stragne bug, i am trying to call javascript from AIR like this
this.webView.loadURL( 'javascript:alert(5)' ); -- This works
this.webView.loadURL( 'javascript:alert("hello there")' ); -- This is not working
I am not able to pass strings, in any function. I am not sure why this is happening and it is driving me insane. It works correctly in Android though.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: after spending sometime tweaking it seems to be the space. alert("hello") works fine alert("hello there") doesnot.
Ok I think I found it.
You cannot pass whitespaces. You can in Android and Desktop - but no, the glorious iOs refuses to digest such an advanced entity.
So you must encode your whitespaces in strings and make sure that there will be no stray whitespace in your functiond declration
for example
this.webView.loadURL("javascript:test('hey__there')"); //will work
this.webView.loadURL("javascript: test('hey__there')"); //this won't
this.webView.loadURL("javascript:test( 'hey__there' )"); //this won't
Good luck
