loadURL and javascript on iOs - Cannot pass strings - ios

I am encountering a very stragne bug, i am trying to call javascript from AIR like this
this.webView.loadURL( 'javascript:alert(5)' ); -- This works
this.webView.loadURL( 'javascript:alert("hello there")' ); -- This is not working
I am not able to pass strings, in any function. I am not sure why this is happening and it is driving me insane. It works correctly in Android though.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: after spending sometime tweaking it seems to be the space. alert("hello") works fine alert("hello there") doesnot.

Ok I think I found it.
You cannot pass whitespaces. You can in Android and Desktop - but no, the glorious iOs refuses to digest such an advanced entity.
So you must encode your whitespaces in strings and make sure that there will be no stray whitespace in your functiond declration
for example
this.webView.loadURL("javascript:test('hey__there')"); //will work
this.webView.loadURL("javascript: test('hey__there')"); //this won't
this.webView.loadURL("javascript:test( 'hey__there' )"); //this won't
Good luck


How to get pseudo elements in WebdriverIO+Appium

I want to get a value (content) from the CSS of a pseudo element (::before) while inside a test made using WDIO and Appium for an Android hybrid app because the designer has stored the current responsive-design state there. So my tests would know which layout (elements) to expect.
Multiple answers to related questions (1; 2; 3) indicated that using .getComputedStyle() might be the only solution. But this does not seem to work in my tests. The error is window is not defined for window.getComputedStyle(...) or document is not defined if I use document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(...). Also selectors themselves can't address pseudo-elements it seems.
Example of one of my many attempts:
Question: Do I need to somehow import window or document to my test? Is there some other way to get window or document from inside the test?
Ultimately: how can I get the content value of ::before of the <body> of a hybrid Android app?
Thanks to Jeremy Schneider (#YmerejRedienhcs) & Erwin Heitzman (#erwinheitzman) for help!
One solution is to use the execute function:
let contentMode = browser.execute(() => {
let style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('body'),'::before');
return style.getPropertyValue('content')
Alternatively maybe something could also be done with getHTML.

afnetworking json response with unicode - only some work

I am using AFNetworking 2 to get JSON from my server which looks like this:
{"comment": "<some string>"}
this works perfectly fine when i have regular text or regular symbols.
it even works with emojis - so when my comment is \uD83D\uDE04 it works perfectly and i see the smiley
{"commentText":"\uD83D\uDE04"} (smiley http://www.charbase.com/1f604-unicode-smiling-face-with-open-mouth-and-smiling-eyes)
now if i do other letters like - ä - it suddenly doesn't work any more
{"commentText":"\u00E4"} (ä - http://www.charbase.com/00e4-unicode-latin-small-letter-a-with-diaeresis)
it actually doesnt throw an error but the json returned is nil
any help would be great!
I actually found out that instead of using encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding i had to use NSASCIIStringEncoding and everything works perfect now

How to decode windows-874 imap subject?

I'm having a serious problem with imap decoding. I received an email which might be encoded in windows-874. And this causes the whole letter to be read. I tried to use iconv('tis-620','utf-8',$txt) but I've had no luck.
I've tried searching everywhere that there might be an answer but it seems like it is the first problem of the universe. (or I don't search the correct word?)
The subject is :
Charset : ASCII
=E2=C3=A7=E1=C3=C1=CA=C7=D1=CA=B4=D5=CA=D8=A2=D8=C1=C7=D4=B7=AB=CD=C2 8?=
So, please tell me what the encoding is, if it's not tis-62. How can I decode this into a human language?
Finally I found my way home. Firstly I created a function to detect any encoding in a text given.
function win874($str){
return $win874;
function utf8($str){
return $utf8;
Then I convert with php functions:
if(win874($headers->subject)=="0" and utf8($headers->subject)=="0"){
echo $headers->subject;
echo $subj0[3];
echo imap_utf8($headers->subject);
Because text with windows-874 always begins with "=?windows-874?Q?" so I used the simple function like "explode()" to extract the main idea from the junk. As I said, the main idea always comes after the 3rd question mark. Then I have the subject.
But the problem remains. I still have to change the browser encoding to Thai to make the text readable. (settings>tools>encoding>Thai : in chrome). Any suggestions?

Firefox Add-on: page mod include pattern won't match

I'm trying to add global hotkey support to Spotify (and others). For this I have to execute a content script in the player app iframe, but no matter what pattern I try Firefox just won't execute my content script.
This is what I try to do:
var data = require("sdk/self").data;
var pageMod = require("sdk/page-mod");
include: /^https?:\/\/play\.spotify\.com\/apps\/player\/.+/,
attachTo: ["frame"],
contentScriptFile: [data.url("content.js")]
Has anyone any idea what could be wrong? How can I make it match?
The same thing for Chrome works perfectly well:
I'm a regex noob, but in the doc examples, they don't use ^ even when the string starts with 'http'.
Try getting progressively more stringent to see which part of the regex it doesn't like. Throw an onAttach: console.log("pageMod attached"), in there to make sure it isn't being attached and something else isn't causing the problem.
/.*play\.spotify\.com\/apps\/player.*/ If this works, then either it doesn't like the beginning or the end. Try:
If all of the above work, then your string should work too.
URL matching works the way I've written it. The bug was something else.

.NET/MVC4/Jquery Mobile/Knockout/Chrome/iPhone extra # character in URL

Okay, if I could offer a bounty for this I would - I offer virtual karma.
As mentioned in the title I have an .NET/MVC4/Jquery Mobile/Knockout website. On the index page there is a button
<button data-bind="click: getResults" data-theme="f">Search</button>
which calls a javascript function
$.mobile.navigate("/results?option1=a&option2=b", { transition: amw.transitions.slide });
This works great on all browsers and devices except Chrome/iPhone. As far as I can tell the version of Chrome or iOS does not matter. The resulting URL in the address bar is
iPhone/Chrome: http://www.mywebsite.com/#/results?option1=a&option2=b
Other Devices: http://www.mywebsite.com/results?option1=a&option2=b
I have put alerts throughout jQuery mobile to try and figure out what is going on (if someone knows a way to debug chrome on iOS let me know) and I cannot see where the extra # is being added.
This may not seem like a big deal but the url ends up being passed on to a downstream service that really does not like the extra #.
I can put in a hack at the call to the service to strip out the # but I would really like to figure out what is happening.
The only suspect line I can find in jQuery mobile (1.3.0) is line #2298
// if the hash is included in the data make sure the shape
// is consistent for comparison
if( data.hash && data.hash.indexOf( "#" ) === -1) {
data.hash = "#" + data.hash;
But I am not sure what this does or why it would occour only on Chrome/iPhone.
so StackOverflow people - what is going on?
