FBDialog Photo Sharing issue - ios

I am sharing photo usingFBDI presentShareDialogWithPhotoParams /presentShareDialogWithPhotos method in FBDialogs. This method shares photo successfully on my wall but always returns an error, meaning that it posts photos with an NSError.
Error is like....
Error Domain=com.facebook.Facebook.platform Code=103 "The operation couldn’t be completed.
(com.facebook.Facebook.platform error 103.)"
UserInfo=0x16d874f0 {error_code=103, error_description=An unknown error occurred., app_id=593434950703264, error_reason=( { result = 1; } )}
Why this happen?

I believe this answer will get deleted like my previous one, but anywho...
The issue have been fixed!!!,
just update your Facebook app to v20,
released on December 8th.
Code=103 "The operation couldn’t be completed ..." in Share Photo
I want to add comment to the question but I don't have the privilege to do that,
so I add an answer instead.

Yesterday, I came across the same issue, the strange thing was that is even after this error comes, just check your Facebook (for which you've shared a content), and yes you'll feel awesome, the content is already uploaded (shared) on Facebook. I'm also looking forward for this issue, in my checks this problem will only occurring if you're using this method + (FBAppCall *)presentShareDialogWithPhotoParams:(FBPhotoParams *)params clientState:(NSDictionary *)clientState handler:(FBDialogAppCallCompletionHandler)handler; from FBDialogs.h means, using of Facebook application dialog for sharing.


Can't read or create UIManagedDocuments anymore

I have a big issue in my app, which prevents creating new documents and reading them, whereas it worked well until now.
I didn't change anything, and it started bugging from a build to another.
This is the code I'm using:
CLProject *project = [[CLProject alloc] initWithFileURL:projectURL];
NSLog (#"Will save project at URL: %#", projectURL);
[project saveToURL:projectURL forSaveOperation:UIDocumentSaveForCreating completionHandler:^(BOOL success) {
NSLog (#"Project saved: %d", success);
CLProject is a subclass of UIManagedDocument.
The first NSLog is called, but not the second one. Instead I get an error :
2018-02-14 19:21:03.597495+0100 CamList[2247:750786] Will save project
at URL:
2018-02-14 19:21:03.783397+0100 CamList[2247:750886] [default] [ERROR]
Could not get attribute values for item
(n). Error: Error Domain=NSFileProviderInternalErrorDomain Code=1 "The
reader is not permitted to access the URL."
UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The reader is not permitted to access
the URL.}
But it doesn't crash, the app keeps running (but nothing happens because the completion block never gets called).
What I don't understand is that everything was working fine and I haven't changed anything...
Can you help me??
Well, it seems to work fine again this morning... Nothing to understand. My iPhone had to be tired...

getting error ContentBlockerErrorDomain Code=3 in adblocker

I am getting error in loading content blocker by creating group: When i provide list of small number of rules in content blocker the error didn't came, but when i add more rules in my blocker list it gives error, It means there is limit of data to provide on App Group? Any one followed some other approach please share
ContentBlockerErrorDomain Code=3
i think that you are facing this issue while using NSUserdefault
after setting object in UserDefault you need to synchronize it . that thing you missed:
once apply this :
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()["key"] = "value"

ContentExtensionsDomain error 1

I am trying to use "reloadContentBlockerWithIdentifier" function of SFContentBlockerManager as follows:
[SFContentBlockerManager reloadContentBlockerWithIdentifier:#"appid.extensionid"
completionHandler: ^ (NSError *error) {
NSLog("%#", error.localizedDescription)
However, it only returns error message that said as follows:
The operation couldn’t be completed. (ContentExtensionsDomain error 1.)
I set both APP IDs (appid and appid.appextensionid) in "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" in developer.apple.com. Also, I made two "target"s for each -- ios app and ios app extension. I also checked open source implementations in Github which are roughly the same as mine, and App Extension manual several times, but it seems hard to find the relevant page for this problem. The most critical problem is: I couldn't find any offcial documents describing this message.
I'd appreciate if you let me know what is the problem.
Looking at the safari services generated swift interface, I could find the following enum for error codes:
public enum SFContentBlockerErrorCode : Int {
case NoExtensionFound
case NoAttachmentFound
case LoadingInterrupted
So in your case it's probably the NoAttachmentFound error. Which can be caused by failure to initialise an item provider with given data from a json file.

iOS LinkedIn API error

I am trying to implement this LinkedIn library in my project, but it seems that I get an error while I try to present the LinkedIn screen:
Authorization failed LinkedIn1: Error Domain=LIALinkedInERROR Code=1
"The operation couldn’t be completed. (LIALinkedInERROR error 1.)"
You can find the code that I am using here.
I also faced the same problem .My error was Error Domain=LIALinkedInERROR Code=2. On 26th May , 2016 the Linkedin has again made some changes due to which extra '#!' are added to the state and as a result ,the state do not match in LIALinkedInAuthorizationViewController class. So the solution is to remove those 2 characters either by replacing string or by checking contain string.
In the else part of this method - (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType {
change to `
NSString *receivedState = [[self extractGetParameter:#"state" fromURLString: url] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"#!" withString:#""];
` or apply contains string so that the state is matched completely.
I know its kind of a weird solution but that did the trick for me. Hope it helps you as well.
All the best
May this information help you -
API Terms of Use
Transition Guide
Since the 12th May Linkedin's API has changed. From now on any apps requesting r_contactinfo must be approved by LinkedIn. This link explains the changes.
I'm using this Library and just had to change the permissions from #"r_contactinfo" to #"r_basicprofile", #"r_emailaddress".
Also remember to change your app permissions on developer.linkedin.com to match the above.
You should have to use:
In place of:
Also in linkedin api:
NSString *accessTokenUrl = #"/uas/oauth2/accessToken?grant_type=authorization_code&code=%#&redirect_uri=%#&client_id=%#&client_secret=%#";
NSString *accessTokenUrl = #"/oauth/v2/accessToken?grant_type=authorization_code&code=%#&redirect_uri=%#&client_id=%#&client_secret=%#";
Jack's answer is absolutely true, Jack's Answer. In addition to this you can use this library also LinkedinIOSHelper , it is easy to use

Google Analytics: GANTrackerError 195946409 - reason?

I'm using the Google Analytics library in my iPhone/iPad app; one part of the code sometimes throws an error, the [error localizedDescription] shows the following:
The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.google.googleanalytics.GANTrackerError error 195946409.
I didn't find any information about this error code; the app doesn't crash there, but I'm assuming that the tracking also doesn't work in that case. Does someone know the reason?
Thanks a lot!
Edit: the code in question:
[[GANTracker sharedTracker] setCustomVariableAtIndex:0
value:[model name]
got it: customVariableAtIndex must not be 0; it seems like it has to start at 1...
It appears this error 195946409 can appear for a number of reasons, not limited to just setting an incorrect index. For example, If your value is too long, you will get the same error.
