iOS LinkedIn API error - ios

I am trying to implement this LinkedIn library in my project, but it seems that I get an error while I try to present the LinkedIn screen:
Authorization failed LinkedIn1: Error Domain=LIALinkedInERROR Code=1
"The operation couldn’t be completed. (LIALinkedInERROR error 1.)"
You can find the code that I am using here.

I also faced the same problem .My error was Error Domain=LIALinkedInERROR Code=2. On 26th May , 2016 the Linkedin has again made some changes due to which extra '#!' are added to the state and as a result ,the state do not match in LIALinkedInAuthorizationViewController class. So the solution is to remove those 2 characters either by replacing string or by checking contain string.
In the else part of this method - (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType {
change to `
NSString *receivedState = [[self extractGetParameter:#"state" fromURLString: url] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"#!" withString:#""];
` or apply contains string so that the state is matched completely.
I know its kind of a weird solution but that did the trick for me. Hope it helps you as well.
All the best

May this information help you -
API Terms of Use
Transition Guide

Since the 12th May Linkedin's API has changed. From now on any apps requesting r_contactinfo must be approved by LinkedIn. This link explains the changes.
I'm using this Library and just had to change the permissions from #"r_contactinfo" to #"r_basicprofile", #"r_emailaddress".
Also remember to change your app permissions on to match the above.

You should have to use:
In place of:
Also in linkedin api:
NSString *accessTokenUrl = #"/uas/oauth2/accessToken?grant_type=authorization_code&code=%#&redirect_uri=%#&client_id=%#&client_secret=%#";
NSString *accessTokenUrl = #"/oauth/v2/accessToken?grant_type=authorization_code&code=%#&redirect_uri=%#&client_id=%#&client_secret=%#";

Jack's answer is absolutely true, Jack's Answer. In addition to this you can use this library also LinkedinIOSHelper , it is easy to use


FBDialog Photo Sharing issue

I am sharing photo usingFBDI presentShareDialogWithPhotoParams /presentShareDialogWithPhotos method in FBDialogs. This method shares photo successfully on my wall but always returns an error, meaning that it posts photos with an NSError.
Error is like....
Error Domain=com.facebook.Facebook.platform Code=103 "The operation couldn’t be completed.
(com.facebook.Facebook.platform error 103.)"
UserInfo=0x16d874f0 {error_code=103, error_description=An unknown error occurred., app_id=593434950703264, error_reason=( { result = 1; } )}
Why this happen?
I believe this answer will get deleted like my previous one, but anywho...
The issue have been fixed!!!,
just update your Facebook app to v20,
released on December 8th.
Code=103 "The operation couldn’t be completed ..." in Share Photo
I want to add comment to the question but I don't have the privilege to do that,
so I add an answer instead.
Yesterday, I came across the same issue, the strange thing was that is even after this error comes, just check your Facebook (for which you've shared a content), and yes you'll feel awesome, the content is already uploaded (shared) on Facebook. I'm also looking forward for this issue, in my checks this problem will only occurring if you're using this method + (FBAppCall *)presentShareDialogWithPhotoParams:(FBPhotoParams *)params clientState:(NSDictionary *)clientState handler:(FBDialogAppCallCompletionHandler)handler; from FBDialogs.h means, using of Facebook application dialog for sharing.

Saving an iCloud Drive security scoped URL on iOS (UIDocumentPickerViewController)

I'm trying to save the security scoped URL returned from iCloud document picker (UIDocumentPickerViewController)
The documentation states:
If the URL is not a ubiquitous URL, save a bookmark to the file using
method and passing in the NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope
option. Calling this method creates a bookmark containing a
security-scoped URL that you can use to open the file without further
user intervention.
However, the compiler says that NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope is not supported on iOS.
Anyone know what's going on here....?
After further digging, it turns out option NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope is NOT needed at all when creating bookmark data in IOS. It's an option for OS X. You can just pass nil for the option field. I think Apple's document is confusing at the best.
However, you do need to call startAccessingSecurityScopedResource before creating the bookmark and make sure the call returns 1 (success) before proceed. Otherwise, bookmark creation will fail. Here is the sample code:
if ([url startAccessingSecurityScopedResource]==1) {
NSError *error;
NSData *bookmark = [url bookmarkDataWithOptions:nil
if (error) {
//handle error condition
} else {
// save your bookmark
[url stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource];
Again Apple's document is confusion at the best! It took me a lot of time to find out this. Hope this helps.
I ran into the same issue today, and indeed the compiler says NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope is not available on iOS.
But to my surprise, if I use the raw constant instead (NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope maps to ( 1 << 11 ), the method seems to work. It returns a valid bookmark data object, and when I call [[NSURL URLByResolvingBookmarkData:options:relativeToURL:bookmarkDataIsStale:stale], a valid security-scoped NSURL is returned and I can access the files and directories. Also, I tested these with iCloud Drive. And the documentation only says this should work for third-party document providers.
I am not sure how reliable this approach is, because it seems that Apple engineers didn't have time to finish up this feature, so disabled it in the last minute. Or it could be simply a bug in the header file. If anyone finds out more about this, please comment.

NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: not returning data for URL that shows in browser

I am making an iOS client for the Stack Exchange API. After a long, drawn out fight I finally managed to implement authentication - which gives me a token I stick into a URL. When the token is valid, the URL looks like this:
which, when valid, brings me to this JSON in a webpage:
{"items":[{"site_name":"Stack Overflow","site_url":"","user_id":1849664,"reputation":4220,"account_id":1703573,"creation_date":1353769269,"badge_counts":{"gold":8,"silver":12,"bronze":36},"last_access_date":1375455434,"answer_count":242,"question_count":26},{"site_name":"Server Fault","site_url":"","user_id":162327,"reputation":117,"account_id":1703573,"creation_date":1362072291,"badge_counts":{"gold":0,"silver":0,"bronze":9},"last_access_date":1374722580,"answer_count":0,"question_count":4},...
And I get the correct JSON with this code:
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"", [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:#"token"]]];
NSData *jsonData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url];
if (jsonData)
NSDictionary *JSON = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:jsonData options:kNilOptions error:nil];
When I manually invalidate the token, however, the URL still looks the same, and the page in a browser displays this:
{"error_id":403,"error_name":"access_denied","error_message":"`key` is not valid for passed `access_token`, token not found."}
However, dataWithContentsOfURL: is always nil. Why? What am I doing wrong?
I do get an NSError returned:
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 256.)" UserInfo=0x1dd1e9f0 {NSURL=‌​ken))}
NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 actually means a "file system or file I/O related error whose reason is unknown".
Why you get this error is likely because using dataWithContentsOfURL: will not work with that remote URL - or maybe because of the query params which contain the authentication and the token. Thus, you get the "weird" error.
In general, NSData's dataWithContentsOfURL: should only be use to access local file resources.
In order to solve your problem, you should improve your code in two steps:
1) Use NSURLConnection's convenient class method
+ (void)sendAsynchronousRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request queue:(NSOperationQueue *)queue completionHandler:(void (^)(NSURLResponse*, NSData*, NSError*))handler
The block defines what to do with the response data when the request finished. Generally, first check the error parameter, then status code of the response and Content-type - in this order.
2) Replace the former with your own instance method (or one from a third party) with a similar signature but which is much more sophisticated.
Approach #2 enables you to implement and use the following important features
customize authentication in every aspects
load body data to files
process received chunks simultaneous
perform multiple requests in a queue which controls the number of simultaneous connections
and a couple more.
Approach #2 is oftentimes implemented as a subclass of NSOperation and encapsulates a NSURLConnection object (which you need to cancel the connection).
You'll find answers of how to use NSURLConnection in asynchronous mode implementing the delegates. Also, there are third party solutions.
You might find the official documentation invaluable, too:
Using NSURLConnection
For a quick start, you may take a look at my "Simple GET request" class on Gist:
This class is NOT based on NSOperation, but it can be modified easily. Consult the official documentation of NSOperation how to make a subclass. This is basically easy, but has a few important things (KVO) which you should get correct.
In my case, adding AppTransportSecuritySettings dictionary into info.plist and setting key AllowArbitraryLoads to true.
Fixed my problem...
Hope it helps new developers.
Your URL might be having a space that's why it returns nil.Just replace the space in URL with a '+' :
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#" " withString:#"+"
I had this problem when I changed my folder structure. It gave me other NSError codes such as 512 and 4 for any file operations (local and web). The solution was to delete my IOS Simulator folders (Library\Developer\CoreSimulator).
If you are trying to access a remote url via HTTP and using XCode 7 or later you may get a NSCocoaErrorDomain returned from [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:].
The root cause of this may actually be your "App Transport Security Settings". By default iOS doesn't allow arbitrary loading of URLS.

Is it possible to use the Google Translate api with iOS?

How do I use the google translate API with iOS 6.0? I have tried googling the documentation and tried to research it, but I can't find anything that is updated since google made the api to be no longer free.
The only thing I have been able to find was this, but it didn't really help much because I need to use the api key that I have, but I have no idea how to.
This seems up to date:
(completely meta: Oops! Your answer couldn't be submitted because:
body must be at least 30 characters; you entered 23)
Yes, it is. Once you get your Google key, just plug it into FGTranslator. Note, generate a "server" key, since the Google Translate API does not currently support iOS keys.
It's just a one-line call to the translate function after that.
FGTranslator *translator = [[FGTranslator alloc] initWithGoogleAPIKey:#"your_google_key"];
[translator translateText:#"Bonjour!"
completion:^(NSError *error, NSString *translated, NSString *sourceLanguage)
NSLog(#"translated from %#: %#", sourceLanguage, translated);

Google Analytics: GANTrackerError 195946409 - reason?

I'm using the Google Analytics library in my iPhone/iPad app; one part of the code sometimes throws an error, the [error localizedDescription] shows the following:
The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 195946409.
I didn't find any information about this error code; the app doesn't crash there, but I'm assuming that the tracking also doesn't work in that case. Does someone know the reason?
Thanks a lot!
Edit: the code in question:
[[GANTracker sharedTracker] setCustomVariableAtIndex:0
value:[model name]
got it: customVariableAtIndex must not be 0; it seems like it has to start at 1...
It appears this error 195946409 can appear for a number of reasons, not limited to just setting an incorrect index. For example, If your value is too long, you will get the same error.
