Modx - Getting the current context - code-snippets

I have two contexts and I use a snippet to get the current context. The snippet is working properly, but when I use it in a getResources call, its not passing the snippet value.
The context snippet is
return $modx->context->key;
Can someone tell me how can this be done.

What you have is exactly right, probably something to do with getResources. ~ try calling it uncached. if not, try setting your context key as a context setting so you can call it as [[++context_key]] or in your context snippet set it as a placeholder:
$key = $modx->context->key;
$modx->setPlaceholder('context_key', $key);


ZF2: How to pass a variable from the method attached to MvcEvent::EVENT_FINISH to the layout attached in MvcEvent::EVENT_RENDER?

I am trying to understand Zend Framework 2 (ZF2). Few days ago I bought the book "Learn ZF2: Learning By Example" by Slavey Karadzhov. Now I am reading it and trying to get some examples working.
I am stuck in page 60. The example shown in the book works well, but the modification I just made does not work... Why? How to fix it?
To get into the same code/situation you would have to:
git clone .
composer.phar self-update
composer.phar install
git stash
git checkout 'ch-view'
After that You will have the same setup as I do.
Now I have changed the file /module/Debug/view/debug/layout/sidebar.phtml from this:
<h1>Top Line</h1>
<?= $this->content ?>
<h1>Bottom Line</h1>
to this (just added one line at the end):
<h1>Top Line</h1>
<?= $this->content ?>
<h1>Bottom Line</h1>
<p>MVC duration: <?= $this->mvcDuration ?></p>
I would like $this->mvcDuration to be the value of $duration from /module/Debug/Module.php file getMvcDuration method.
I changed the content of method getMvcDuration from this:
public function getMvcDuration(MvcEvent $event)
// Here we get the service manager
$serviceManager = $event->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
// Get the already created instance of our timer service
$timer = $serviceManager->get('timer');
$duration = $timer->stop('mvc-execution');
// and finally print the duration
error_log("MVC Duration:".$duration." seconds");
to this (added two lines at the end of the method):
public function getMvcDuration(MvcEvent $event)
// Here we get the service manager
$serviceManager = $event->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
// Get the already created instance of our timer service
$timer = $serviceManager->get('timer');
$duration = $timer->stop('mvc-execution');
// and finally print the duration
error_log("MVC Duration:".$duration." seconds");
$viewModel = $event->getViewModel();
$viewModel->setVariable('mvcDuration', $duration);
However, this kind of change does not work and the value of $duration is not passed to the layout. The question is WHY? How can I pass $duration to $this->mvcDuration of the layout?
p.s. The code downloaded from official github repo ( is acting quite strange... Changing project files (e.g.: /module/Debug/view/debug/layout/sidebar.phtml) does not change the output. If You have the same situation while trying to help me with this case then I would suggest you to modify files in /vendor/learnzf2 directory instead of files in /module directory. I know that modifying code in vendor directory is not good thing to do, but let this post (my question) be about the one problem only.
Good book. Your basic problem is that you are Trying to update a variable into the view in a method that is triggered after the view has already been sent. You probably can't do this, unless you redefine which event triggers it, but that would defeat the intended purpose of timing the whole mvc duration.
All that said, you shouldn't be injecting variables into the view model from module.php. It's very hard to test that. This is what view helpers are good for.

Can I use fastcgi_finish_request() like register_shutdown_function?

This simple method for caching dynamic content uses register_shutdown_function() to push the output buffer to a file on disk after exiting the script. However, I'm using PHP-FPM, with which this doesn't work; a 5-second sleep added to the function indeed causes a 5-second delay in executing the script from the browser. A commenter in the PHP docs notes that there's a special function for PHP-FPM users, namely fastcgi_finish_request(). There's not much documentation for this particular function, however.
The point of fastcgi_finish_request() seems to be to flush all data and proceed with other tasks, but what I want to achieve, as would normally work with register_shutdown_function(), is basically to put the contents of the output buffer into a file without the user having to wait for this to finish.
Is there any way to achieve this under PHP-FPM, with fastcgi_finish_request() or another function?
$timeout = 3600; // cache time-out
$file = '/home/' . md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); // unique id for this page
if (file_exists($file) && (filemtime($file) + $timeout) > time()) {
} else {
register_shutdown_function(function () use ($file) {
// sleep(5);
$content = ob_get_flush();
file_put_contents($file, $content);
Yes, it's possible to use fastcgi_finish_request for that. You can save this file and see that it works:
$timeout = 3600; // cache time-out
$file = '/home/galymzhan/www/ps/' . md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); // unique id for this page
if (file_exists($file) && (filemtime($file) + $timeout) > time()) {
echo "Got this from cache<br>";
} else {
echo "Content to be cached<br>";
$content = ob_get_flush();
// sleep(5);
file_put_contents($file, $content);
Even if you uncomment the line with sleep(5), you'll see that page still opens instantly because fastcgi_finish_request sends data back to browser and then proceeds with whatever code is written after it.
First of all,
If you cache the dynamic content this way, you're doing it wrong. Surely it can be used this way and it will be able to work, but its totally paralyzed by the approach itself.
if you want to efficiently cache and handle content, create one class and wrap all caching function into.
Yes, you can use fast_cgi_finish_request() like a register_shutdown(). The only difference is that, fast_cgi_finish_request() will send an output(if any) and WILL NOT TERMINATE the script, while an callback of register_shutdown() will be invoked on script termination.
This is an old question, but I don't think any of the answers correctly answer the problem.
As I understand it, the problem is that none of the output gets sent to the client until the ob_get_flush() call that happens during the shutdown function.
To fix that issue, you need to pass a function and a chunk size to ob_start() in order to handle the output in chunks.
Something like this for your else clause:
$content = '';
$write_buffer_func = function($buffer, $phase) use ($file, &$content) {
$content .= $buffer;
file_put_contents($file, $content);
return $buffer;
ob_start($write_buffer_func, 1024);

apply new layer to a slice of a volume webgl

i have two volumes (.nrrd) of different qualities. the user can browse through the layers. if a key is pressed
i want to load the slice of the volume with better quality.
my volume is similar to this one: lesson 10 xtk
i've found:
volume.children[2].children[0].children[0].texture.file = "http://path/to/file.ext";
but if i apply some kind of file (.jpg, .dcm) nothing happens.
is this the right approach to change the slice to go inside the children and change the texture?
or shall i load the selected slice seperate as an object and apply it to the "lower-quality-volume" somehow?
this is what i tried so far (i get errors with dcms but not with jpgs):
if (event.keyCode == 83) { // "s"-button
volume.children[2].children[0].children[0].texture.file = "http://localhost:3000/112.jpg";
edit2: this is whats in my r.onShowtime = function() {}
volume.children[2].children[0].texture.file = 'http://localhost:3000/112.jpg';
volume.children[2].children[0].visible = true; // to activate the first layer
console.log(volume.children[2].children[0].visible +" "+ volume.children[2].children[0].texture.file);
it outputs "true hostname/112.jpg"
when i inspect the .jpg in firebug the header is ok but the answer is "null"
when i inspect console.log(volume.children[2].children[0]); with firebug
.texture.file is set to hostname/112.jpg
when i go to "network" the .jpg has been transfered successfully
please notice that 112.jpg and level.jpg are the same. the first one is getting loaded in r.onShowtime and the other one is loaded at a keypressed event.
EDIT 3: volume.children[2].children[0] is of the type "X.slice", isn't it?
here is my approach: jsFiddle
and this is my actual issue and still not working: jsFiddle
I think a call to object.modified() is missing in the file setter (and in others setters from inject classes). Let's see when Haehn will come if he wants to change something internaly, but for the moment could you try to call it by yourself ?
You can try to add after the modification of texture :
And if it doesn't work, in addition :
Edit :
It's strange, I did a similar code and it did something. Can you please try something like that with opening your javascript console (Firefox, Chrome,... has one) and tell me the error you get ?
renderer.onShowtime = {
for (var i=0 ; i< volume.children[2].children.length ; i++) {
It is important you call it in the onShowtime, because before the volume is not loaded, and so slicesX, slicesY... don't exist.
Edit2 :
Thanks to the informations you added I think I've got the point ! In the render() method of our renderer3D there is a test on texture._dirty flag, that you cannot change from outside the framework. In addition the 1st rendering with a texture make that flag false, and loading a new texture doesn't seem to set that flag back to true in the current XTK. So, I think, we have to add it in the loader.load(texture, object) method. I'll make an issue on Github and see what Haehn thinks of it !

Lua arguments passed to function in table are nil

I'm trying to get a handle on how OOP is done in Lua, and I thought I had a simple way to do it but it isn't working and I'm just not seeing the reason. Here's what I'm trying:
Person = { };
function Person:newPerson(inName)
p = { };
p.myName = inName;
function p:sayHello()
print ("Hello, my name is " .. self.myName);
return p;
Frank = Person.newPerson("Frank");
FYI, I'm working with the Corona SDK, although I am assuming that doesn't make a difference (except that's where print() comes from I believe). In any case, the part that's killing me is that inName is nil as reported by print(inName)... therefore, myName is obviously set to nil so calls to sayHello() fail (although they work fine if I hardcode a value for myName, which leads me to think the basic structure I'm trying is sound, but I've got to be missing something simple). It looks, as far as I can tell, like the value of inName is not being set when newPerson() is called, but I can't for the life of me figure out why; I don't see why it's not just like any other function call.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Remember that this:
function Person:newPerson(inName)
Is equivalent to this:
function Person.newPerson(self, inName)
Therefore, when you do this:
You are passing one parameter to a function that expects two. You probably don't want newPerson to be created with :.
Frank = Person:newPerson("Frank");

Symfony sfGuardSecurityUser->removeCredential not working

I'm using symfony 1.4.8 and I have some code that basically looks like this (in a Filter):
$user = $this->getContext()->getUser();
if ($condition)
No matter what I have done, it always registers that it has the cred credential. The die always outputs 1. I've even removed the if/else and just ran removeCredential() but it still dies with 1. Also of interest is that this is the ONLY place where this credential might be added (or removed), so I don't understand how I ALWAYS have it. I'm using sfDoctrineGuardUser plugin.
The following code is puzzling:
var_dump($user->hasCredential('cred')); // bool(true)
also this:
var_dump($user->getCredentials()); // array(0) { }
var_dump($user->hasCredential('cred')); // bool(true)
I've also tried clearCredentials() with no luck. How can I remove this credential? I'm completely at a loss here.
Is your user a Super Admin? In such case hasCredential() always returns true.
