BakerFramework outside the newsstand - ios

I want to develop app using baker framework, but I don't want to open my app in newsstand.
I want to open my app as regular app.
In baker framework demo I added property in Plist Application presents content in Newsstand equals to NO.
Now my app is open as regular app, but the problem is downloading issue is not working, could anyone help me out what i need to do for that.

there is a lot more about this than just changing the plist. The whole download infrastructure in the Baker framework is built around Newsstand. If you disable Newsstand, this stops working.


How to get the iOS Camera suggest my app when snapping a QR code

I want the Camera App that comes with an iPhone to recommend a QR code be opened up in my app. My first question is, if two or more apps register the same universal link, which app gets suggested.
For instance I removed one app that kept on being recommended. Then suddenly another app starts getting recommended. How does a user or developer control this.
Have a look at Apple's guide for implementing Universal Links. In short, your website must upload a JSON file at a specific location that tells iOS which apps can be associated with the website domain. Here is an example file used by the NBC app.

Swift - how to access all pdf files on device

I am trying to build an app that will allow users to see all pdf files that are on the device (in some kind of a list with a preview) [Regardless of which app it belongs to on the device, all should be shown]. Is there anyway to achieve this?
Sorry but this is not possible on an iOS device because of a feature called sandboxing. Apple does not allow an app to access the sandbox of another app. Each app sits inside a sandbox of its own. This is iOS's security feature. There is no way to go around this feature.
Reference - About App Sandbox

Is there a way to open an editor app in ios and receive edited results?

I have an app that downloads files from a web server. Our customer wants the ability to edit those files on their mobile devices and upload the edited version to our servers. Is this possible in iOS? I have figured out how to allow users to view the files in external apps, but I don't see a way to bring back their changes if the file was modified as it seems to copy the file into the other app's space, so my app is left with the unaltered version.
iOS has a sandbox mechanism, so for sure you can not modify any file in another app.
The only way to transfer data from different app is using sharing.
This is a sample project I wrote for implement sharing on iOS, check it:
Sample for sharing on iOS
Hope it can help you.

Change app icon without update

Is it possible to change an app logo (on the home screen) without updating the app?
This is from the view of an iOS developer. I got the idea from seeing how the New Yorker newspaper can change their app image without updating the app. Can I do this for a normal app? Is this solely for newstand apps?
Sadly, this is only available to Newsstand apps.
You're correct in that this is solely a newsstand feature for the reason being that content within those applications will change regularly (without requiring a change in the architecture of the application) and provides another way to notify or entice the user to open it again.

Writing to a file in my iOS app

I have an app that downloads files that need to be edited and submitted back to the server through the app. These files could be anything, but are most likely to be .docs. I want to be able to open and edit these files in another app on the device, such as a .doc editor.
I've been able to get this functionality to work in similar Android and Chrome apps, but I'm very new to iOS so I'm not sure what my options are.
Is there a way to give permission for another app to edit a file that is in my app's sandbox? If not, is there a way to get the file back for submittal (like finding it through a file explorer launched through my app - similar to an 'Open..." file explorer dialog used in Windows/Mac OS/Chrome)? Am I going to have to create a way for the editor app to share the edited file back to my app?
Thanks in advance for your help!
To manage the file and the paths take a look at the documentation for NSFileManager:
I usually write using NSFileHandle for reading and writing:
Hope this helps.
iOS8 will provide methods to allow apps to co-operate with "extensions".
See "Creating Extensions for iOS and OS X, Part 1 & 2` in the WWDC14 videos.
Also see the Apple "App Extension Programming Guide".
I ended up sending the file to a 3rd party app for editing and then sending the file back from the 3rd app to my app.
