Where to find for IJ package documentation? - imagej

I am going to work with fiji (Fiji is imageJ). For that I want to learn the package IJ. I have searched a lot but I am not getting the whole document (same as JAVADOC) and its very difficult to search for each method.(I already have source of ImageJ). If any one know the link from where IJ package document can be found.

The javadoc for the ij.IJ class is here.
In addition, http://javadoc.imagej.net/ provides links to the javadocs of all ImageJ-related projects.


Including non-standard documents in R package

I am writing a R package for my Msc's project, together with some .Rmd analysis that uses my package and generates some html reports.
I consider both the package code AND the resulting analysis as deliverables for my project, so I would like to showcase the two in a same location, maybe the same github which is already hosting my package. Question is, can I just add a /reports directory to the package structure and put my html files inside ? As package will be mostly internal use, I don't plan on submitting it to CRAN anytime soon if that matters. However, I would also like to avoid distributing my reports to other potential users.
I've just found out about the .Rbuildignore file which seems like it would do the trick, but I'd be curious to hear what's the standard practice in this case or any other suggestions you may have.

How to create a dependency in Atmel Studio 7.0?

I need to #include a file called ClearCore.h but it refuses to show up as a dependency.
As you can see, the file is in the library and most other files are listed as dependencies, but this one refuses to despite being #included.
Here is the error message from compilation.
I am an applications engineer at Teknic and I saw your post and wanted to offer a few points to help you get your code running.
It sounds like you are having trouble adding the ClearCore library as a dependency. As this is more a function of ATMEL, there could be several reasons as to why we are running into issues here.
The easiest way to troubleshoot this would be to use one of Teknic’s already linked and ready to run example projects (we include these examples in addition to the ClearCore libraries). You can use the provided example projects as a template to sort out whatever may be causing the dependency issues.
You can find these examples here: https://teknic-inc.github.io/ClearCore-library/SdkExamples.html
Keep in mind that if you move the example projects into other directories, some of the relative file path definitions may be broken.
If you have any questions about the examples projects please feel free to give us a call at 585-784-7454, or use our "Contact Us" form online at https://www.teknic.com/contact/.
Best regards,
Mark D. – Teknic Servo Systems Engineer

QuartzServer not in Nuget download

I've been investigation Quartz.Net and reviewing this question on StackOverflow, as well as the code base here
I've downloaded the Nuget Packages Quartz by Marko Lahma, v2.3.3, and it does not contain this the QuartzServer class, yet it exists in GitHub. I'm looking for a complete example using the features of Quartz.Net, as they are defined here, as this page is blank!
See response on "Quartz.Server is not included into Nuget package" issue:
Traditionally the server binary has been only part of the zip package and not in NuGet. So need to address this somehow before final v3.
Probably easiest to build yourself for now. Many want to customize the server any beyond the base template.

Is there an online license statement for OpenCV where I can point to?

I used the OpenCV library in my Android application. I know it is BSD license and I wish to put a link to the license statement in my 'About' page.
However I failed to find the license statement within the official page itself (http://opencv.org/) and Google.. I can only find old statements in someone else's website.
Just wondering if there is an online official version where my app can point to, such as the one below:
As mentioned here, OpenCV is BSD 3-Clause License.
The text you are searching for actually really is not on the homepage.
You can find the licence.txt in the project download package in the doc directory though.

Source code search with Google Desktop

Is there a indexing plugin for GDS that allows for source code search? I see some for specific types (Java, C++, ...) and one for "any text". These are nice, but I would like one that allows for many/configurable extensions (HTML, CSS, JS, VB, C#, Java, Python, ...). A huge bonus would be to allow for syntax highlighting (http://pygments.org/) in the cache.
I just found Dropout and it seems to work great. Put Dropout in any folder and it will index all files in that folder. I put it in my Projects folder and it crawled all my code. Very fast and flexible search. Dropout
You could use OpenGrok or some other code-specific search engine instead.
I wrote a quick review of some of them some time ago.
It has been a long time, but the last time I tried to use Google Desktop Search for searching code, I found it quite inappropriate for that task, as I outlined at [http://perlmonks.org/?node_id=490310], the gist of which is that GDS (silently) only indexed a tiny fraction of many source code files (and made it quite a challenge to figure out why searching so often failed to find so much of what was in source code files).
I found Copernic Desktop Search worked better on code files (but I also had trouble with later versions of it being buggy in not finding all matches so I've been staying with version 2.1.1). But these days I don't use it much (mostly because I don't have permission to install such things on the laptop provided by my new employer).
You can try out Larry's Any Text File Indexer. You can specify a list of extensions at install time and it will do full text search on those file types.
Im just giving this a go:
..also you can search for things in your Java tree using the following syntax in Google Desktop:
<YOUR SEARCH> filetype:java under:"C:\hft\trunk"
..where I keep my code in "C:\hft\trunk"
This is not a Google Desktop plugin, but works for what we need.
We have started using http://svnquery.tigris.org/ and it seems to work and is very fast. I wish it supported multiple repositories per site. We have a repository per project, so currently I have to create a virtual directory for each project we have. Not a show stopper, just something we need to automate in our project setup script.
