How to mention a user in MantisBT note - mantis

How can I mention MantisBT users in a comment?
I know…
#42 references the issue with id = 42.
~42 references the comment with id = 42; it also links to the issue which this comment was made on
How do I link users?

As of MantisBT 1.3.0-rc.2 and on MantisHub user mentions are supported in much better way than using reminders. You can # mention any user via their username. For example, #johnsmith.
Here are some aspects to take into consideration:
Users are # mentioned via username and not real name.
Usernames can't use email address or spaces, otherwise # mentions won't work.
Mentions are supported when adding an issue (summary, description, steps to reproduce, and additional information) or a note. It is not supported on updating such fields.
Users that are mentioned get a dedicated email notifications about being mentioned.
Users won't receive the email notification if they don't have access to the issue or note that they are mentioned from.
Users that are mentioned won't receive future notifications about the issue, just because they were mentioned. They are also not added to the monitor list for the issue.
Mentions are hyperlinked to the user profile page.
You can find more information about it on the MantisHub Blog post.

This isn't exactly a mention, but you can send a reminder to an user using the 'Send a reminder link' which is located in the view task page.


URL in Gmail Alias

At our company, we are working with several aliases. The current situation is that one team of 10 has two aliases. In SalesForce, they would like to put the link to specific emails so that anybody out of the team can open an e-mail related to a claim for instance.
In the e-mail's link, there's the "/u/0" part that identifies the mail gmail account (firstname.lastname#...), but it seems that the aliases have a different number for everybody.
So to be clear when they open the same mail in the shared alias, the e-mail ID stays the same in the URL (logic) but the digit after the "/u/" changes for everybody.
Is there a way to generate a URL that will open the e-mail independently of the person that clicks on the URL ?
I'll try to be clearer. Our Customer Service Center employees all have two e-mail adresses: an individual one, and a delegated one. Customers will send e-mails to the delegated one (accessible by all employees). So what we would like to do is copy the link of the e-mail into SalesForce so that any employee (who has access to the delegated gmail) can check the e-mail. But, as explained above, as the individual gmail adress is always identified by a "0" after the "/u/" chain in the URL:
the delegated gmail adress is identified by a number that differs depending on the person. So employee A will have "/u/144/" as link to the delegated gmail, another employee will have "u/345/ as link to the delegated gmail. This makes it impossible to access the e-mail by clicking the link...
Hope this little case-study makes the issue clearer.
Thanks in advance
I'm trying to do this too.
I think the only way (outside of paying for the Google business email system) is to have a database of user IDs that link to each user's gmail delegate URL.
I have a system that allows about 6 or 7 users to login, however they all share the login details (it's a small website, with no important information stored). I will have to force them all to have separate login details, and then have a lookup for their gmail delegate URL.
If you have a lot of staff, then you'd have to get their buy-in. Maybe send a global email around that links to a simple web form, that takes them through how to enter their delegate URL. Then store this in a database, with their own personal email (the other gmail account). You should make the form validation strict, so no garbage gets entered. For users who get stuck (fail validation for entering a valid gmail delegate URL), ask them to email support. 95% of staff should be able to handle this. The other 5% would just be an exercise in patience, in getting the rest of the data.

setting name and email in zendesk android sdk

This is my first time using of zendesk, and I am facing some problems here
I need to set the name, email and external identifier of user before start any activity to be shown in the tickets screen
here is my code
Identity user = new AnonymousIdentity.Builder().withEmailIdentifier(mEmail).withNameIdentifier(mName).withExternalIdentifier(mIdentifier).build();
Intent intent = new Intent(ContactUsActivity.this, ContactZendeskActivity.class);
no thing appear in my tickets screen only "Mobile App User", non of my information is shown
can anyone tell me what is the problem here ?
Full disclosure: I'm one of the SDK devs. Generally you end up seeing 'Mobile App User' because of the way that the user lookup works.
Before I start, I'd like to point out that withExternalIdentifier is optional. I'd only recommend using it if you know for sure that you'll always have a unique ID there.
If you give us an external ID, we'll try to see if a user exists in your system with that ID. If it does we use that. For security reasons we don't let a mobile identity update the user. If no match was found on the external ID, we then look at the email, and follow the same lookup process.
The only time where the external ID and name will be set is if you are creating a new user. New means one that wasn't found already with the external ID or email that you are supplying.
If you still have issues you can drop us an email to

Disable Facebook Like/Comment functionality for app Facebook posts [duplicate]

I have an app that posts a message to a person's Facebook Timeline / wall.
Is there a way to disable commenting or likes on that post via the Graph API?
No that's not possible with graph api!
You can only disable commenting for a post if the end user is a 'page' or public profile, but not if posting to a normal user.
No - whether or not a post can be liked or commented on is determined by the privacy settings of the user who posted the content - for example, you may not be able to comment on posts in a Group, even if the posts are visible to you, because the Group admin has selected to only allow members to interact with content there.
Similar restrictions are in place for user profiles (allowing comments on content posted to a user's timeline) and pages (e.g. only fans of the page can comment).
There is no way to make a post and have an option or parameter on that specific post which prevents Likes, comments, sharing, etc for that content.

Get default user email in iOS Device

Is it possible to retrieve the user email associated with the default email account directly from an app?
I can't prove a negative, but I am fairly certain this is not possible. You can use MFMailComposeViewController to allow the user to send an email from the default account, but you cannot directly access information about the default account. If you need the user's email address, you either have to ask for them to type it in, or have them select it from their contacts.
In addition to #woz answer, this is a gist that can help you.
In my app, I have a feedback form to let users could get in touch with me. Unfortunately, many users had minor misspellings in their email addresses and I couldn't reach back to them.
As I couldn't get a perfect way to be sure the email was correct, I've developed the following gist which:
asserts the mail is a proper foo#bar.tld
verifies that the email is contained in the user's address book
if not, suggests the closest match
Again, this is far from perfect and I only included this behavior optionally (a little 'check mail' button next to the UITextField)

MyOpenId not sharing email address

I'm trying to use MyOpenID for my sign-in, but it doesn't seem to be sharing the email address.
If I use Google or others I do seem to get the email address, though. I thought that this was a standard field to return.
I even see some documentation here that seems to suggest they would share email:
(I'm using Ruby on Rails and Janrain for this project)
One interesting thing is that if I setup an identity page on MyOpenId, then the email IS shared with my application. I thought that there was supposed to be a way when logging in with MyOpenID to specify what data is shared during "SimpleRegistration"?
The problem was that I was testing with my own MyOpenId account and the very first time I logged in to my development server I had not paid enough attention.
When logging in the first time it said something along the lines of "blah site is asking you to share information with it. Click here to use an existing persona or to create a new one. I didn't select one and it defaulted to "don't ask again".
I was able to fix this by going in to MyOpenId and revoking permission for my site. Then the next time I logged in it asked me again and it worked.
