Elements overlaying another making it disappear - ios

Pitures makes a 1000 words:
This is how it looks in storyboard (IB):
And in simulator:
So I was working with this and it was working fine, until I started applying constraints. Then suddenly my arrow disappeared. Took me a good 20 minutes to figure out it had decided to hide behind my button. My view hierarchy implies that the arrow is still drawn after the button, so I don't know why it is hiding like that (also because it was working correctly before constraints added). How do I fix this in IB and/or programmatically?


Interface builder position off screen

I have a container view showing a sidebar which is pinned to the main views leading edge. The sidebar is initial visible which is fine for iPads however I would like it to be hide initially for smaller devices. To do that I need to set the side bars trailing edge constraint to be (0 - its own width)
As far as I can see this is not possible in the interface builder. I have tried to do it in the viewDidLoad, checking if the device is an iPhone before doing self.sidebarX.constant = -self.sidebar.frame.width. This fails because viewDidLoad has not set up the views yet so the width is wrong. I also tried to do it in viewDidLayoutSubviews however the user sees the sidebar disappearing which isn't nice. I am sure there must be a common way of dealing with this?
I finally worked it out. viewDidLayoutSubviews was the correct place to be doing this. At first when I tried it, it was showing the sidebar slide away as the view controller loaded. It turns out this is because I was calling my closeSidebar method which animates the side bar moving off screen. Changing this so it just sets the view off screen and adding a check to ensure this only done once on first load (as viewDidLayoutSubviews is called multiple times) does the job of hiding the the sidebar for certain devices without anyone seeing it happen.
You can set this using xcode adaptative layout:
You can set the different position for all different screen types here, changing the constraints, positions, sizes to each different type you need.
You can install the layout of one object in different screen types using the dialog below:
Have a look in this 2 parts tutorial from raywenderlich part 1 part 2

Xcode 6 switches being truncated on left (in a table view)

For some reason I cannot get all switches to display properly on a screen. Some of them appear to be overwritten on the left edge but from what I can determine all of the switches and text views are correct. Any suggestions are welcome
So first, to make sure that this is the problem: while your app is running, click on the two rectangles overlapping on the right of the Debug Area to "Debug View Hierarchy"
When you have that, rotate your views to make sure that in every row you don't have your text views overlapping your switches. That's what it looks like what's happening, but you can use this tool to confirm so.
If so, and you are using auto layout, make sure you are setting your constraints correctly. If not, then make sure you are setting the width properly. To prove it's an autolayout issue, you could temporarily hard code a length to every text view to see if the issue is still there. If that fixes it, than auto-layout is just making your textviews wider than they should be.
Good luck!

UIViewController completely out of place on the screen

I am putting together a sample iPhone app for practice. It is a drill-down interface with doctors who have patients who have prescriptions and visits using Core Data and a story board.
Everything was going great until I started on the Edit/View doctor screen. Because this screen is triggered by a button in the UITableViewCell, it seemed that there was no way to create a segue on the story board to an edit/view screen because the buttons in the cells are dynamically created.
I decided to make a separate UIViewController custom class and I let Xcode generate the XIB for me to make sure I did not mess up anything. I presented the edit/view view controller by pushing onto the navigation controller. The problem is that the contents of the edit/view screen were nearly completely off the screen. With my first attempt, a navigation bar I put at the top appeared at the very bottom of the screen in the simulator with all of the rest of the text fields and labels not showing at all.
I then created another view controller with xib, specifying iPhone only and simply put a label with "Hello" in the center of the view. When I ran the simulator, "Hello" was centered vertically, but was all the way to the right of the screen with only "He" showing. I tried played with anything I could find to play with, but nothing fixes it. I am not trying to do anything unusual. I want to do everything in the usual accepted way.
Also, it seems like Interface Builder makes the views look like big square iPad screens even when I have specified iPhone. I did check the frame dimensions and it was wxh = 600x600.
Thank you for your help.
It occurred to me to search for 600x600 and it seems that this is the new UIView that Interface Builder provides by default. Because there are many screen sizes, Constraints are apparently mandatory now.
My edit/view form was completely fixed by viewing the XIB and going to:
Editor->Resolve Auto Layout Issues->Add Missing Constraints.

Why does my button stop working when it is placed too low on my view controller?

I have an app that works fine on a 4 inch iPhone. However, when I test the app on the 3.5 inch iPhone, my buttons near the bottom of the view don't work anymore. I have buttons higher up that are still working fine. I tested this out on the 4 inch simulator - when I put a button even closer to the bottom, it wouldn't work. By not working, I mean they are no longer clickable.
Is there something thats stopping me from operating too low on a view? I currently use a container view with a scroll view which points to my view controller.
Hard to tell.
If you are working with Interface Builder, you can't even show us what's your setup. This doesn't help
My first guess is that you either have an invisible element on top of your buttons, or that something funny is happening with the content view of your scroll view.
Try to place your buttons directly in the parent/root view. If that works, bring them back to their original position in the view hierarchy, one level at a time. This should give you an idea of where they stop working, and what might be causing it.

scroll views working fine in iOS 7 with problems in iOS6

I hate iOS scroll views with auto layout, they are driving me crazy!:-D
I have found a method which works perfectly on iOS 7 to use scroll views:
I put the scroll view directly in the main view, attaching the scroll view to the edges of the super view(top,bottom leading and trailing space equals to 0).
Then I put a UIView into the scroll view attached to the edges of the scroll view, (top,bottom leading and trailing space equals to 0).
Then I set the height constraint of the most internal view, I link it at my ViewController class, and I modify its value programmatically.
Or, if the view it's 'static' I put every component using the storyboard into the internal UIView, starting with the one at the Top attached to the top of the super view, the one under, attached with the constraint 'Vertical Spacing' referred to the one over him..and so on... Until the last, which is also attached to the bottom of the UIView..
Everything works fine in iOS 7, it's perfect, but iOS 6 is messing around with the constraint.
When I first launch the view everything is perfect, but it seems to recalculate the constraints even on the didappear(and in a bad way), in fact, if I leave my view while it's scrolled down, when I come back to it(let's say we are in a navigation controller) , is like it's everything 'moved up' and the components at the top are hidden.
Is there a way to make scroll views work in both iOS 6 and iOS 7, I'n thinking at two storyboards as the only solution, please tell me there is another way... :-)
thanks everyone, I post two images explaining my problem, taken from the top of the screen:
Well uncheck use AutoLayout in file inspector and try.
