How to target a specific iPhone size when developing in Xcode 6.1 - ios

I've built my 4 inch screen and 3.5 inch screen apps in Xcode 5.1.1. Yesterday I downloaded Xcode 6.1 to build those same apps for iPhone 6 and 6+. I'm not using auto layout (because it messes with my UIImageViews) and to use size classes you must also use auto layout. So I can't use size classes either. When I use that 1 storyboard for 4.7inch and 5.5 inch iPhone storyboards that are in Assistant Editor, i want to move an image in only 4.7 inch but instead the image moves in both 4.7 inch and 5.5 inch iPhones. How do I make it that the image moves only in 4.7 inch instead of both?


iOS Autolayout not working for iphone 6

I'm having real trouble here for some time. I'm not using size classes (app is for os 6 +). I'm using auto layout, I don't want to have multiple storyboards for each screen size. For 3.5 and 4 inch screen everything is ok. For 4.7 + inch it's not. So to show you what is the problem. This is for 3.5 and 4 inch screen:
This is 4.7 inch screen:
As you see, right arrow goes to the left. It has Vertical Center in container and its height is 28x28. It has right constraint 8 points like this (I've unchecked Constrains to margin):
I cannot make it work for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. What am I doing wrong here?

Constraints for wCompact hRegular

The app has to be rendered in Portrait mode of all iPhones. So i had given wCompact|hRegular. Currently i'm using XCode 6.1.1
My question is when using wCompact|hRegular, how to provide constraints separately according to iPhone 3.5 inch, iPhone 4 inch, iPhone 4.7 inch & iPhone 5.5 inch.
There is so many steps to do that. you can refer this link which will clear your ideas against multi screen constraints.

itunnes connect upload app only for 4 inch (iPhone 5, iPhone 5s)

Our binary was rejected, because the 3.5-inch iPhone does not display properly views. But we do not want to support 3.5 inches. Only the iPhone 5 and above.
How to disable 3.5 inches in itunnes connect ?
I believe it isn't possible to not support 3.5" devices. Your best bet would be to use Auto Layout and setup constraints to make everything resize automatically, it will also make your life easier for the new iPhone 6 & 6 Plus with different screen resolutions.
You should remove launch image for 3.5 inch if you want to support only iPhone 5 and above.

Why are iPhone 5s UI elements not scaling on iPhone6?

I understand that the native resolution for:
iPhone 5s: 320*568 points = 640*1136
iPhone 6: 375*667 points = 750*1334
They are both at 2x resolution.
Wouldn't that mean that if I have a UIButton of 202x43 (wxh) points in iPhone 5s and I run the app in iPhone 6, that same button should scale by 1.16 (375/320).
It is staying at 320*568 instead.
Hi I had the same issue,
Some views in iPhone 6 are not scaling properly (No launch screen added for iphone 6, +). Debugging I found some views I had 2 xibs one for 3.5 inches and 4 inches, I was loading the 3.5 inches views for the iphone 6 instead of the 4 inches xib.
if your project have a 4.7" launch image, button will be 202X43; when no 4.7" launch image, button will be scale by 1.16.

iOS run 3.5 inch app on 4 inch device

Is there a way let my app always run as 3.5 inch screen even on 4 inch device?
I saw some apps did that. When running on 4 inch device, those apps does not fill the whole screen and show in the middle of the screen.
The reason I want to do this because currently our UI team only have design for 3.5 inch.
Delete Default-568h#2x.png image (with dimensions of 640X1136 pixels) file in your Resources or Resources/iphone folders and you should be good.
