iOS run 3.5 inch app on 4 inch device - ios

Is there a way let my app always run as 3.5 inch screen even on 4 inch device?
I saw some apps did that. When running on 4 inch device, those apps does not fill the whole screen and show in the middle of the screen.
The reason I want to do this because currently our UI team only have design for 3.5 inch.

Delete Default-568h#2x.png image (with dimensions of 640X1136 pixels) file in your Resources or Resources/iphone folders and you should be good.


How to scale images to different iPhone screen using storyboards?

I am developing an app in which i am displaying certain images such as delete icon,search icon.I have images by names are
I have created images.xcassets & added the images in that for 1x,2x & 3x. Now i have added an UIImageView on story board & it's default image is delete.png(32*32) it runs fine on 3.5 inch screen but images does not scale on 4.7 & 5.5 inch screen iPhone. Can some one please help me out.What to & how to do it?
I thick #Banning and #Fatti Khan suggestion will be the solution of the problem.
Instead of using image name as delete.png use just delete
as a ratio set the images with the exact size as example if the 1x image is 30 px then 2x must be 60px and 3x 90px
1x images are for the original iPhone through the 3GS - 'standard' resolution devices (3.5" screens)
2x images are for the iPhone 4, 4S (3.5" Retina screens) and also iPhone 6.
Retina 4 2x are for the iPhone 5 and 5s (4" Retina screens)
3x images are for the new iPhone 6+ (5.5" super-Retina [3x] screen)
please clean your project and then check again (cmd+shift+k) of delete your derived data.
also check your view is autolayout enable or disable.
add The launch image Default-568h#2x.png as i thought your Code unable to detect the different type of screens it have,so follow this steps
First I would like to suggest that,
Preapre all Images,
Select Project from Project Navigator And Go to Summary and scroll down this
screen appears, then right click on that and choose file from your
computer it will automatically copied to project and it will entered
in plist file also..
if your application is universal then you have
to set for iPhone and iPad Both.

How to target a specific iPhone size when developing in Xcode 6.1

I've built my 4 inch screen and 3.5 inch screen apps in Xcode 5.1.1. Yesterday I downloaded Xcode 6.1 to build those same apps for iPhone 6 and 6+. I'm not using auto layout (because it messes with my UIImageViews) and to use size classes you must also use auto layout. So I can't use size classes either. When I use that 1 storyboard for 4.7inch and 5.5 inch iPhone storyboards that are in Assistant Editor, i want to move an image in only 4.7 inch but instead the image moves in both 4.7 inch and 5.5 inch iPhones. How do I make it that the image moves only in 4.7 inch instead of both?

itunnes connect upload app only for 4 inch (iPhone 5, iPhone 5s)

Our binary was rejected, because the 3.5-inch iPhone does not display properly views. But we do not want to support 3.5 inches. Only the iPhone 5 and above.
How to disable 3.5 inches in itunnes connect ?
I believe it isn't possible to not support 3.5" devices. Your best bet would be to use Auto Layout and setup constraints to make everything resize automatically, it will also make your life easier for the new iPhone 6 & 6 Plus with different screen resolutions.
You should remove launch image for 3.5 inch if you want to support only iPhone 5 and above.

change from 3.5 inch to full size app

I am changing setting in Build Settings and when I run, my app is running as 3.5 inch screen (supposed to run as 4 inch app). I try to re-configure and it is not okay. What kind of things shall I check back so that app will run as full size screen?
Before I change, my app is running as full screen size on iphone 5. Now, it only run as 3.5 inch screen size.
Make sure you have correct Default (Launch) Image Sizes for iPhone & iPad, please see this link for default image size for iphone/ipad

iPhone simulator no longer displaying 4 inch display correctly

When I set my emulator for 3.5 inch it works fine. It use to work fine when I changed it to 4 inch. Now the emulater is the size of a 4 inch screen. Inside is the screen set up for a 3.5 inch, where it has black top and bottom margin. It looks like the 3.5 inch display is being drawn in the center of the 4 inch screen.
My back up still works, but I would loose a lot of code I added to it.
You need to have Default-568h#2x.png as your launch image to support 4 inch display. You also need your code to adjust for the larger screen size.
