App video preview - ios

I'm using Quicktime to capture my app's video preview, when I upload the video to iTunes connect I received the following error:
Any help?

Once you record video with Quicktime.
Edit or create app preview with iMovies.
Once you import video to iMovies, there is special option to create app preview video, and then share it as app preview video also.
This should solve your problem and upload app preview to itunes connect.

See this question: Cannot upload video to iTunesConnect: The frame rate of your app video preview is too high
The asker there was able to use a preview version of Final Cut Pro to get a frame rate under 30, which is required for app preview videos.


App Preview Resolution(1200x1600) For iPad Pro

I am trying to make an App Preview for iPad Pro.
I recorded the video using QuickTime Player as recommended by the documentation. The resulting .mov file is 1920x1080.
I import into an App Preview iMovie project and then share as an App Preview. The resolution it wants to export as is 1920x1080 with no options to change it.
How do I get iMovie to export in the desired resolution(1600x1200)?

iPhoneX AppStore Video Preview

If you don't have an iPhoneX device and would like to add video to your appstore video preview, how can one do so? You can use quickTime player to capture video directly from your device and use iMovie to export it in Appstore Preview. but you would need an iPhoneX for iPhoneX appstore previews.
Thanks any help would be appreciated.
enter image description here

Need app preview video for all devices

To create an app preview video, it is easiest if the developer records the screen of all type of devices, when using the app.
What if I have only one type of device, an iPhone 5? If I create app preview video and upload only for the iPhone 5, what will happen when someone with some other device, like iPhone 6, tries to see my app?
Will he able to see as replacement video, the video for iPhone 5, or no video will be in App Store to see because video is strictly device-specific?
Sorry for the very very very late reply.
The reason you have to upload different screenshots for different devices is so the user gets the most optimized screenshots. If you only have one device, try to record the simulator at 100% scale on each device so you can get the app preview on every device.

App Preview video: the 5.5in video is not accepted by iTunesConnect

I can upload preview videos for all the other display sizes with no problem, but the 5.5in display size keeps giving me this error message. The video format that I'm uploading is .mp4. I even tried .m4v, but the ear does not go away.

Changing video quality based on device using MPMoviePlayer

I used an MPMoviePlayer to play an .mp4 video within my app, which works fine. I tried my app on an Android device using Apportable but the video wasn't playing till I later realized that it was because the video quality was too high for the device. Is it possible to change the video quality (of an .mp4) based on the device running the app using MPMoviePlayer? If yes, how can this be done?
If you simply have one video that plays on iOS and one that plays on Android via Apportable, you could opt to simply have two files of the same name where one file is added to the project and attached to the iOS build target and the other is attached to the Apportable build target.
