How to implement dynamic stack of image views with animation iOS - ios

I had a requirement in one of my app, the requirement is to implement the dynamic unlimited stack of image views with the animation like mentioned in the following link : in my current app using swift language. I have no idea at the moment, how to implement this type of functionality.Hence,please any suggestions and forward links ,how to implement this kind of animation which matches to my requirement, please post it.
Please look at the link of same content mentioned in the above link who don't have the pinterest :
Thank you very much.


IOS Swift3 card stack overlay

I am using swift3 with Xcode8 to develop an iPhone app. I want to achieve the following effect: There are a set of cards and I can scroll and tap a card to select the card, then the selected card will be will be displayed by itself.
I am quite new in IOS development, what I am thinking is using the collection view, but how to achieve this kind of card overlay effect with collection view?
Or should I use something else? Can anyone give some clue? Thanks!
Have a look at MMCardView, currently supporting Swift 3.
In terms of implementing this, a collection view would be a start - looking deeper into libraries this is the common way of implementation. If you don't want to implement a library, take a look at the libraries files and see how they were implemented and adapt it to the way that you want.

How to customize URLEmbeddedView in objective-c iOS?

In my app I'm using previews of every links. To do this I tried URLEmbeddedView
to add this url preview support. But this is giving me a view like
I need to customize this view like, the image should be go up and the text and other details should be placed below the image. Please help me to solve this layout issue.

Push a side view controller

I am a bit new in iOS programming. I want to add view controllers in side view when click on the menu button as many apps already have. I searched in net and found 2 APIs one is PPReavealSideViewController and other is SWReavelSideController. but i don't know how to use. I downloaded the Sample project of PPReavealSideViewController but it is showing many errors. please help me I have many questions in my mind..
Which one is better to use PPReavealSideViewController or SWReavelSideController?
Is there any other way to achieve my target??
I am uplaoding a image, please help me
I would suggest to use step-by-step tutorial:
PPReavealSideViewController or SWReavelSideController are good but always nice to do it yourself

Reusing Views ios

Trying to develop a test app wherethe look is like ebook. user can flip the pages. However, app will have 40-50 pages to go through. Is there anyway to just update one view and even after re using you can easily turn it over and back. or do I have to create more views to achieve objective.
Can someone pls provide suggestion on which technique to use to solve this issue and also what to use for flipping like ebook?
Since you have tagged your question with iOS5 you can use a UIPageViewController (see also this one) to handle this behavior for you (datasource handling, gesture handling etc.). The logic behind it is that you provide an array of view controllers where each one controls and provides content for a page in your book.
One way is, please look in to "page base application". Please create a new project as page base application and work on that. You will find good amount of documentation online for this.

UI Controller like in Apple's Book Application?

First of all I'm new to IOS Development!
I have a plan to build an app which should look similar to the Book app provided by Apple.
My question is, that what kind of UI Controller does that app use for displaying the books on a shelf?
Is that a custom one? Or just a couple of UIImageView's placed on a UIView?
Thanks in advance!
It is a custom view created by Apple but it wouldn't be too difficult to replicate with a background image and a UIScrollView where the books are placed based on calculation on spacing
Edit: Maybe using a Library such as AQGridView would help you with the spacing of the books on the Shelf
