How to customize URLEmbeddedView in objective-c iOS? - ios

In my app I'm using previews of every links. To do this I tried URLEmbeddedView
to add this url preview support. But this is giving me a view like
I need to customize this view like, the image should be go up and the text and other details should be placed below the image. Please help me to solve this layout issue.


How to implement dynamic stack of image views with animation iOS

I had a requirement in one of my app, the requirement is to implement the dynamic unlimited stack of image views with the animation like mentioned in the following link : in my current app using swift language. I have no idea at the moment, how to implement this type of functionality.Hence,please any suggestions and forward links ,how to implement this kind of animation which matches to my requirement, please post it.
Please look at the link of same content mentioned in the above link who don't have the pinterest :
Thank you very much.

Is there a iOS library for a menu like Yelp?

I am building an iOS app for my university, but I am struggling with the question which Menu library I should use for building my "Start screen menu".
I like the menu style Yelp is using (see image below). Does anyone know if there is an iOS library for me to use, which has a similar menu like the menu in Yelp?
Thank you very much!
Actually core iOS SDK contains a library that can achieve a very similar effect to what you posted on your screenshot. The element is called an UICollectionView and it's purpose is to create a collection of elements. See the following guide for detailed information.
After you go through the guide, you will realise you can create a single UICollectionViewCell that has a button with an image. You can provide the contents of this cell via UICollectionViewDataSource and then respond to each specific cell being tapped via UICollectionViewDelegate.
The biggest problem I see would be creating those separator lines, but you can do this in code as well.

iOS How to create a custom image picker/browser

I have been looking around and haven't found a good answer for this.
Instagram uses an image browser/picker like . As you can see above the images from the photo gallery are displayed in a grid below and you can directly choose image from there instead of using the default image picker layout.
The Groupme app also does something similar..
Where images are displayed in a horizontal scrollable list and you can just choose from this.
I have been reading up on the image picker and the documentation says that subclassing is not support.
So my question is:
How do you create something like this?
If this is just a custom view that loads the images stored on the device. How do I access those images?
I just need a starting point and what to specifically look for (custom browser/image picker etc).
Thanks in advance.
You use the ALAssetsLibrary APIs, docs here.

Add an annotation on a pdf

I have to develop a iPad app which can view a PDF file and draw some predefined annotations on it dynamically. It's like do.
I went though WWDC videos, stackoverflow and some other blogs.
But could not find a way to add a controller bar on the PDF. And drag a annotation from it and drop on the PDF.
I have an idea about to view a PDF. I followed ZoomingPDFViewer example.
Please advise me.
I'm using XCode 4 and iOS 4.3.
I'm not sure if you found the following stackoverflow post:
Annotate PDF within iPhone SDK
The first answer shows how to add text to a pdf page at a given location. This should be helpful for your purposes.

I want the partial pagecurl effect ,not the full screen

Now I am developing an app on iOS, I need the pagecurl effect, but the all source code I found was full screen! However, I only need the partial screen, not full screen. So I need to know how to do it!
Could anybody provide an example for me?
There's a good reference on the different forms of Modal Views contained in iOS, including the partial page curl, here: on Tim Neill's blog.
