Pass function as a parameter and overload it - f#

I want to time my functions, some of them use up to three parameters. Right now I'm using the same code below with some variations for the three.
let GetTime f (args : string) =
let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
f (args)
printfn "%s : %A" sw.Elapsed
I want to replace the three functions with this one.
let GetTime f ( args : 'T[]) =
let sW = Stopwatch.StartNew()
match args.Length with
| 1 -> f args.[0]
| 2 -> f (args.[0] args.[1])
printfn "%A" sW.Elapsed
But I'm getting an error of type mismatch, if I use the three functions it works. Is it possible to send the function as a parameter and use it like this?

Why not just do something like this?
let getTime f =
let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
let result = f ()
printfn "%A" sw.Elapsed
Assuming that f1, f2, and f3 are three functions that take respectively 1, 2, and 3 arguments, you can use the getTime function like this:
getTime (fun () -> f1 "foo")
getTime (fun () -> f2 "foo" "bar")
getTime (fun () -> f3 "foo" "bar" "baz")
However, if you just need to time some functions in FSI, this feature is already built-in: just type
> #time;;
and timing will be turned on.

It isn't possible for the compiler to know how many arguments will be passed at runtime, so the function f must satisfy both 'T -> unit and 'T -> 'T -> unit. This form also requires all arguments to be of the same type.
The following approach delays the function execution and may be suitable for your needs.
let printTime f =
let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
f() |> ignore
printfn "%A" sw.Elapsed
let f1 s = String.length s
let f2 s c = String.concat c s
printTime (fun () -> f1 "Test")
printTime (fun () -> f2 [| "Test1"; "Test2" |] ",")

You're probably thinking of passing a method group as an argument to GetTime, and then having the compiler decide which overload of the method group to call. That's not possible with any .NET compiler. Method groups are used for code analysis by compilers and tools such as ReSharper, but they are not something that actually exists at runtime.

If your functions take their arguments in tupled form, like these:
let f1 (s: string, b: bool) =
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep 1000
let f2 (n: int, s:string, dt: System.DateTime) =
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep 1000
then the implementation becomes trivial:
let Timed f args =
let sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let ret = f args
printfn "Called with arguments %A, elapsed %A" args sw.Elapsed
|> Timed // note, at this time we haven't yet applied any arguments
<| ("foo", true)
|> printfn "f1 done, returned %A"
|> Timed
<| (42, "bar", DateTime.Now)
|> printfn "f2 done, returned %A"
However, if the functions take their arguments in curried form, like this:
let f1Curried (s: string) (b: bool) =
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep 1000
let f2Curried (n: int) (s:string) (dt: System.DateTime) =
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep 1000
it becomes a bit tricky. The idea is using standard operators (<|), (<||), and (<|||) that are intended to uncurry the arguments.
let Timed2 op f args =
let sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let ret = op f args
printfn "Called with arguments %A, elapsed %A" args sw.Elapsed
|> Timed2 (<||) // again, no arguments are passed yet
<| ("foo", true)
|> printfn "f1Curried done, returned %A"
|> Timed2 (<|||)
<| (42, "bar", DateTime.Now)
|> printfn "f2Curried done, returned %A"


F# How to preserve lazy /copy a unforced lazy statement

The output from below is 15,9,9 however I want 15,9,21
I want to preserve a lazy version so I can put in a new function version in a composed function.
open System
let mutable add2 = fun x-> x+2
let mutable mult3 = fun x-> x*3
let mutable co = add2 >> mult3
let mutable com = lazy( add2 >> mult3)
let mutable com2 = com
add2<- fun x-> x
co 3|> printfn "%A"
com.Force() 3|> printfn "%A"
add2<- fun x-> x+4
com2.Force() 3|> printfn "%A"
I don't think you need lazy values here - lazy value is evaluated once when needed, but its value does not change afterwards. In your case, you need Force to re-evaluate the value in case some dependencies have changed. You can define something like this:
type Delayed<'T> =
| Delayed of (unit -> 'T)
member x.Force() = let (Delayed f) = x in f()
let delay f = Delayed f
This represents a delayed value (really, just a function) with Force method that will evaluate it each time it is accessed. If you rewrite your code using delay, it behaves as you wanted:
let mutable add2 = fun x-> x+2
let mutable mult3 = fun x-> x*3
let mutable com = delay(fun () -> add2 >> mult3)
let mutable com2 = com
add2 <- fun x -> x
com.Force() 3 |> printfn "%A"
add2 <- fun x -> x + 4
com2.Force() 3 |> printfn "%A"
Unlike lazy, this does not do any caching, so calling Force twice will just do the whole thing twice. You could add some caching by tracking a dependency graph of the computation, but it gets more complicated.

F# Cannot enumerate sequence generated by yield when using GetEnumerator

The following example is based on a snippet that produces functions that allow enumerating sequence values one by one.
Here printAreEqual () gives true, print2 () gives 12345678910, but print1 () gives 0000000000.
Why cannot the function returned by enumerate return the values of the sequence generated using yield?
open System.Linq
let enumerate (xs: seq<_>) =
use en = xs.GetEnumerator()
fun () ->
en.MoveNext() |> ignore
let s1 = seq { for i in 1 .. 10 do yield i }
let s2 = seq { 1 .. 10 }
let f1 = s1 |> enumerate
let f2 = s2 |> enumerate
let printAreEqual () = Enumerable.SequenceEqual (s1, s2) |> printf "%b" // true
let print1 () = for i in 1 .. 10 do f1() |> printf "%i" // 0000000000
let print2 () = for i in 1 .. 10 do f2() |> printf "%i" // 12345678910
The use en = ... in the enumerate function is effectively doing this:
let enumerate (xs: seq<_>) =
let en = xs.GetEnumerator()
let f =
fun () ->
en.MoveNext() |> ignore
You're always disposing of the enumerator before you start using it, so the behaviour is probably undefined in this situation and it doesn't matter why you get different results for two sequences with different implementations.
Fine-grained control of sequence enumeration is always tricky and it's hard to make helper functions for because of the mutable state.

Broadcasting operations in MathNet

Suppose I have the following data:
Here is the code:
open System.IO
open MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra
let rows = [|for line in File.ReadAllLines("Z:\\mypath.csv")
|> Seq.skip 1 do yield line.Split(',') |> float|]
let data = DenseMatrix.ofRowArrays rows
let data_logdiff =
DenseMatrix.init (data.RowCount-1) (data.ColumnCount)
(fun j i -> if j = 0 then 0. else data.At(j, i) / data.At(j-1, i) |> log)
let alpha = vector [for i in data_logdiff.EnumerateColumns() -> i |> Statistics.Mean]
let sigsq (values:Vector<float>) (avg: float) =
let sqr x = x * x
let result = values |> (fun i -> sqr (i - avg))
sigsq (data_logdiff.Column(i), alpha.[0]) |> printfn "%A"
Error: The type ''a * 'b' is not compatible with the type 'Vector<float>'
This is all for a broadcast operation between a matrix and a vector. All these acrobatics to do a simple mean((y-alpha).^2) in MATLAB.
You have a mistake in your code, and the F# compiler complains about it, albeit in a somewhat obscure way. You define your function:
let sigsq (values:Vector<float>) (avg: float) =
This is a function that takes two arguments. (Actually it's a function taking one argument, returning another function taking one argument.) But you call it like this:
sigsq (data_logdiff.Column(i), alpha.[0]) |> printfn "%A"
You tuple the arguments, and for F# functions (a,b) is one argument, which is a tuple. You should call your function like this:
sigsq (data_logdiff.Column(0)) (alpha.[0])
sigsq <| data_logdiff.Column(0) <| alpha.[0]
and my favorite one:
data_logdiff.Column(0) |> sigsq <| alpha.[0]
I replaced the (i) with 0 in your code. You can map through the columns if you want to loop:
data_logdiff.EnumerateColumnsIndexed() |> (fun (i,col) -> sigsq col alpha.[i])

Combining functions with the same, but partially unknown signature

Suppose we have a number of filter functions that accept the same parameters and return a boolean result.
let filter1 _ _ = true
let filter2 _ _ = false
These can be combined into a single filter.
let combine2 f1 f2 = fun a b -> f1 a b && f2 a b
combine2 filter1 filter2
Our implementation requires some knowledge of the parameters of f1 and f2. More generally, we may find functions combine1 ... combineN useful, where N is the number of parameters to the filter functions. Can a generic combine function be written that is independent of N?
I am interested in the capabilities of F# and being able to apply this concept in other situations.
Update: My understanding of the problem is that functions succeed in ignoring any remaining parameters when they don't care whether the result is a simple type or a partially applied function. In the example above, we only reach a boolean type after applying all parameters, so they need to be specified.
use high order function, passing the function as argument
let combineN invoke filters = filters |> invoke |> List.reduce (&&)
and use it like this
[filter1; filter2] |> combineN (fun f -> f 1 2) |> printfn "%b"
you can also pass List.reduce parameter as argument, like combineN (&&) (fun f -> f 1 2)
but usually is easier to write |> List.reduce
you can also use it with more arguments
let filter3 _ _ _ = true
let filter4 _ _ _ = true
[filter3; filter4] |> (fun f -> f 1 2 3) |> List.reduce (&&) |> printfn "%b"
[filter3; filter4] |> combineN (fun f -> f 1 2 3) |> printfn "%b"
compiler will check types (number arguments)
//call list of function with 2 argument, with more arguments doesnt compile
[filter1; filter2] |> combineN (fun f -> f 1 2 3) |> printfn "%b"
//mix functions with different arguments, doesnt compile either
[filter1; filter3] |> combineN (fun f -> f 1 2 3) |> printfn "%b"
see demo

F# Print if true

I'm trying to print the output of function only when it is true but so far all attempts have been unsuccsessful.
Something on the lines of:
let printFactor a b = if b then print_any((a,b))
Where b is a boolean and a is an integer.
When I try it I get:
val printFactor : 'a -> bool -> unit
Any suggestions?
To put things in context im trying to use this with a pipe operator. Lets say I have a function xyz that outputs a list of (int, bool). Id like to do something on these lines:
xyz |> printFactor
to print the true values only.
You could do e.g. this
let xyz() = [ (1,true); (2,false) ]
let printFactor (i,b) =
if b then
printfn "%A" i
xyz() |> List.iter printFactor
but it would probably be more idiomatic to do, e.g. this
|> List.filter (fun (i,b) -> b)
|> List.iter (fun (i,b) -> printfn "%d" i)
that is, first filter, and then print.
