Safari Web Inspector not working with iOS Simulator - ios

I am using Safari v7.1 and iOS Simulator v7.1 running ios v7.
I have enabled all the options in Mobile Safari in the iOS simulator as well as in Safari browser on Mac (v10.9.5) as per this url:
However when I run any hybrid app in Simulator or open a webpage in mobile Safari, I dont see the webpage in Safari Web inspector. The Mac Safari option "Develop -> iOS Simulator" shows "No Inspectable application" to debug.
The same works fine if I connect an actual iPhone.
Any pointers are welcome!

From a WWDC 2014 session 512 "web_inspector_and_modern_javascript", you have to create a .entitlements file with these keys. It's about at 22:48 min in the video.
Can't find in Apple's Safari Web Inspector Guide though. Just weird... :(


Testing webauthn in the ios simulator

Does anyone know if testing webauthn in the iOS simulator (xcode 12) with ios 14.4 is possible? I tried it with and using an iPhone 8 with fingerprint enabled and iPhone 11 with faceid enabled but in both cases it does not seem work.
How to launch iOS simulator with Safari developer tools
1.Install XCode. If you are developing on Mac, chances are you already installed XCode. You can either use the Apple App Store (easiest way) to install XCode or get the DMG/XIP file to install it if you do not use the App Store.
2.Start iPhone/iOS to launch the Simulator. If you have not created a simulator yet, you need to do this in XCode. You can have multiple simulators as you might want to test on different devices. I recommend creating a shortcut so you do not need to open XCode every time you want to launch a simulator.
3.Open the Safari browser in the Simulator. As mentioned above, other browsers like Chrome are not supported.
4.Open the Safari browser on your Mac device to connect it with the Safari browser in the simulator. Now you should be able to use the Safari developer tools like in any other web page: see the DOM, set breakpoints for debugging, perform network analysis and much more.

How do I make web inspector work iOS 13.3.1 and Safari 13.0.5 or Safari Technology Preview 13.2?

I am connecting my iPhone 5 SE with an Apple OEM lighting-to-thunderbolt cable. I have the latest version of macOS (10.15.3) installed.
I have made sure that the Web Inspector setting in Settings > Safari > Advanced is turned on.
On both Safari and Safari Technology Preview I have enabled the Develop menu. My device does not show up in either.
I tried removing trusted devices from my iPhone by resetting my location and privacy in General > Reset. I then re-added my macOS system as a trusted device. This did not help either.
Any thoughts?
I am using OSX 10.15.3, (non-preview) Safari 13.0.5 and an iPhone 7 (A1660) running iOS 13.3. I plugged the phone into the Mac for the first time and trusted the computer. The Web Inspector and Remote Automation settings are available on the phone. Desktop Safari is able to find the phone in its Develop tab. It is possible to debug web pages or progressive web apps saved to the home screen, when one or both of Web Inspect and Remote Automation are enabled on the phone. Even if the debugger is not enabled, desktop Safari still knows the phone is there but shows No Inspectable Applications.
Try setting up WiFi sync for the phone, and connecting it with the cable.
I am using this tool- Safari Technology Preview to debug my iphone on mac.
Download link-

Debugging mobile Safari in iOS 8 and iOS 9

After switching to new versions of iOS, I've not been able to debug my web app from OS X Safari to my iPhone Safari browser. My iPhone shows up but I get no options.
On my iPhone, I have allowed the web inspector.
English: Developer -> Johans iPhone -> No inspectable applications.
If I, however save my web app to my home screen - I can get the developer tools for that app, but it's not what I want at this occasion. Unfortunately I have no other iOS / OS X devices to test with, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Though this is an old question, it should be mentioned somewhere in the answer that you actually have to enable remote inspection on the iPhone first before anything will show up.
Go to:
Settings --> Safari --> Advanced --> Web Inspector
Debugging iOS 8 mobile Safari requires desktop Safari 7.1, which is only available with OS X 10.9.5 or greater.
What you need to do is:
Update (via Apple menu->Software Update) to OS X 10.9.5 (if you haven't already)
Once you've done that, you should see the Safari 7.1 in the list of pending updates
Once done, you should see be able to debug as usual via desktop Safari.
Also for iOS 9:
On your mobile device under Settings -> Safari -> Fraudulent Website Warning = OFF [default = ON]
Even with OS X 10.9.5 and Safari > 7.1 I wasn't able to debug mobile Safari on an iPad with iOS 8.
It turned out that I had previously rejected a dialog on the iPad that asked whether to "trust this computer". The following steps helped:
Power down device.
Open iTunes on computer.
Connect device to computer.
Respond to computer question to let device access iTunes.
Turn on device.
It will ask you to confirm to trust the computer again. Accept and you should be able to debug as usual.

Safari: no Inspectable applications

I have a phoneGap application that I'm developing. I have been running it on an iPad in iOS7. I can use the safari web inspector no problem. But I tried inspecting it on another iPad and saw "no inspectable applications". In Settings > Safari, the web inspector is on. Why won't it work?
To inspect an app with Safari's web inspector, the device needs to have a development provisioning profile for that app installed.

Debugging web app in iPad Simulator

I am developing a web app for iPad and testing it on Safari on Mac and Safari on iPad Simulator. Now there are some issues with CSS in iPad Simulator which work quite well in Safari on Mac.
Now my question is,
Is there a powerful debugging tool for Safari in iPad Simulator?
When running safari in an XCode device simulator, the desktop Safari (v6) Develop menu shows those devices. From there, you can fire up the developer tools (DOM browser etc.) for the mobile browser. This helped me debug an mobile safari css issue without hardware.
Note: As of iOS6 this is not the correct way of doing remote debugging, leaving this answer for historical reasons but you should look into remote inspection with Safari, here is a good article:
Have a look at this, (a bash script I wrote) It will allow you to open the iPad simulator and run Webkit's remote inspector, which will look just like this.
iWebInspector is quite a powerful tool for the iOs simulator's Safari.
It uses the same inspector as Chrome and it works nicely (I've used it myself and found it really helpful).
From their website
iWebInspector is a free tool to debug, profile and inspect web
applications running on iOS Simulator (iPhone or iPad). You can check
resources, see and change HTML & CSS, use breakpoints on JavaScript
code, create charts and more just as if you were on Safari for
Desktop, Chrome or Firebug.
It works for any web in Safari -the web browser-, for a chrome-less
webapp (full-screen) and also for apps using UIWebView -including
PhoneGap applications-.
