QNX USB Utility not found? - qnx

I have a physical box with QNX 6.3.0 installed. PS/2 mice and keyboard work fine. I'm trying to see if I can get a USB mouse going. What info I could find seemed to say I should start with:
usb -vvv
However, I get this:
$ usb
/bin/sh: usb: not found
Where's the usb utility supposed to be installed at, and why is it not found? Isn't it supposed to be a default utility?

I think you should try for :
cd /fs/usb0 In my case this usb0 is the desired name . you can change accordingly .


I get an error when I try to install ROS on VMware fusion 12 pro

I'm trying to install ROS on my VMware fusion 12, but after updating the bash file as per the installation document, I get an error when I enter roscore in the terminal. The error seems to be that my VMware cannot ping itself. It also affected me using openCv. It offers a solution which asks me to ping an IP address, however when I do this I get another error which I also included in this question. Thanks for your help!
Here is the error
This causes because of wrong configuration of ros parameters .
Check your ros parameter configuration on the VM
Keep in mind that roscore and all other ros commands run without root permission
### Configuring the parameter on VM ####
export YOUR_VM_IP=
#setting ROS_MASTER_URI as VM's_ip ####
If this not work manually add above the ROS parameters lines on ~/.bashrc executing the following commands
sudo vim ~/.bashrc
sudo source ~/.bashrc
sudo source ~/.profile
Also check my answer on Robotics.Stackexchange for accessing master/remote ros notes correctly.
How to call remote ROS node on mobile robot through laptop using wifi?
Also try this link Setting up ROS on a virtual machine
Hope this will somewhat help you !

VIDEOIO ERROR: V4L: can't find camera device

I am using ubuntu16.04 and trying to run opencv script.
when i use:
video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(-1)
it gives me error VIDEOIO ERROR: V4L: can't find camera device
No video window opens
But when i run
video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture('test.jpg')
It opens window shows the picture and close the window.
Please tell me why it is not streaming video directly from camera.
The suggestion api55 gave in his comment
video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
is what I would try first.
Generally, you can list the available cameras with ls /dev/video* or v4l2-ctl --list-devices. Here sample output:
NZXT-U:rt-trx> v4l2-ctl --list-devices
Microsoft® LifeCam Cinema(TM): (usb-0000:00:14.0-1):
Microsoft® LifeCam Cinema(TM): (usb-0000:00:1a.0-1.3):
/dev/video0 corresponds to device id 0, etc.
PS: v4l2-ctl is quite useful for solving camera issues and can do much more than --list-devices. I installed it via packagev4l-utils on a 16.04 machine.
Late, but to get mine working i put in terminal:
-ltrh /dev/video*
To get a list of the video devices that are plugged into my computer. Then for each one I did:
sudo chmod 777 /dev/videox
Where x was one of the video files that were listed, giving everything access to them. Probaly not the most secure solution, but it got my code working.

Cannot connect xtion pro live with Ubuntu 12.04

I need to work with asus xtion pro live to detect hand movements and objects. I am an amateur as far as it concerns programming this camera.
My problem is how to connect them and from where to start.
I work on Ubuntu 12.04. I've downloaded Ros fuerte and both Openni2 and OpenCV. When i plug the camera (usb port) and run the lsusb command, i see this:
"Bus 001 Device 003: ID 1d27:0601 "
Even when i run the command $ roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
i get:
[ INFO] [1415717730.873978521]: No matching device found.... waiting for devices. Reason: openni_wrapper::OpenNIDevice::OpenNIDevice(xn::Context&, const xn::NodeInfo&, const xn::NodeInfo&, const xn::NodeInfo&, const xn::NodeInfo&) # /tmp/buildd/ros-fuerte-openni-camera-1.8.6/debian/ros-fuerte-openni-camera/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/openni_camera/src/openni_device.cpp # 61 : creating depth generator failed. Reason: USB interface is not supported!
Can anyone please help? Is there a problem with the camera driver?
Thank you in advance.
you must go to a terminal and do
sudo nano /etc/openni/GlobalDefaults.ini
and there find UsbInterface and make sure it is not a comment (without ; at the beginning) and that is equal to 2
I heard that this may give you problems with Kinect hardware (the same error you are getting now). But, if you use the Kinect later on and gives this problem, just comment it and it should work
You must reboot every time you change this value!!
I hope this works for you ;)

Fedora 19 - Not able to establish Wi-Fi connection

currently I am using Fedora 19 (since a few days) but the setup of Wi-Fi let me going crazy. I'm using the Realtek RTL 8192CU Wi-Fi-adapter usb-dongle. Fedora recognizes my network, I enter the right password and using the correct encryption option, but the system still asking for the password.
Does anyone has a solution for my problem?
Thanks for your help.
Run yum update to make sure your system is up to date. Run yum install #'Developer Tools' if you have not previously installed the GNU build tools.
Download the latest drivers from Realtek (Version 3.4.4_4749)
Download this patch.
Extract the driver. In the directory "driver," there is another zip, extract that as well. Finally put the patch in that folder.
CD into the zip you extracted from the command line and type:
patch -p1 < use_kthread_run.patch
Type make, followed by make install. Finally you need to run modprobe 8192cu. You may also want to blacklist the previous driver.
Check /var/log/messages for NetworkManager messages. You should see what is failing there.

where is my java file?

I'm using ubuntu and I call gedit by using this command:'sudo gedit filename.java'. I'm newbie in ubuntu so now I can not located that file. Ah I'm using windows XP and ubuntu and I have three disk C,D and E in windows XP the fourth disk for ubuntu is not display in windows XP. Can anyone show me where I can find my file? Thank you very much!
Try looking up the command "find". It will locate files.
The next time you need to find a file and you don't know where it is, just use the locate program included with Ubuntu. Sure, your file most likely won't show up immediately in the slocate database, but it's a really good searcher.
Also, the command line and the run prompt assume that the starting point, that is, the current working directory is always "~" unless you've set it differently. That means that all files and paths are relative to your home folder: /home/username for a user and /root for the root user.
Finally, you do not need to use the sudo command for writing code in your own home directory, and thus you can just stick with gedit filename.java. However, if you ever do need to use a graphical application with root/superuser privileges, use gksu for GTK apps and kdesu for KDE apps. sudo is for when you are running an program or need elevated privileges in a terminal.
Type "man find" into the terminal to get a description of how to use the command. But first place I'd look is the home folder. Open up the terminal and type "~" without quotes.
Open a terminal again ( from where you initially typed sudo ) and type ls -l you have to find it there.
