How to resize png files to fit itunes connect requirement? - ios

I'm having a little trouble submitting an screen shot in .png format to iTunes Connect. I took a screenshot of the app from the iPhone, and it's 640 x 960 pixels. This works for the 3.5 inch section in iTunes Connect, but not for other sections such as the 4-inch, which requires 640 x 1096, and the iPad, 768 x 1024.
My question - can I just leave the other sections blank - i.e., just provide the screenshot for the 3.5 inch? Does iTunes Connect handle the missing sections when displaying in the app store? It seems like it may have been doing that for previous iterations of this app (which I wasn't originally involved with)

Im pretty sure when your app gets approved you are going to get alerts form itunes connect telling you that you need to submit all the screenshots (Especially the iphone ones), even the page dont let you save changes until you upload everything.
I strongly recommend you to upload screenshots for all devices, I insist, especially iphone, so you dont have any problems and you can have a clean publish.
Theres an online tool LaunchKit where you can generate screens for all devices at once.
Hope it helps.


Apple Store previews and screenshots

We developed ios app. Now we are creating Prepare for Submission
Save section. Apple want to screenshot for us. But we have no require devices. Actually we are using webview. And we have a android app in play store. Just ı opened inspect mode on crome and take a screenshots and upload play store app information. I want to do same thing in appstore but I cant. How can ı solve this problem.
Actually ı tried image resize on photoshop but image quality is very bad if take screenshot on windows
They want 6.5 inch (iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR)
1242 x 2688 pixels (portrait)
2688 x 1242 pixels (landscape)
The screenshots should be in the right dimensions. Here you can check what they are.
And it is important the screenshots that you have to be for the right phone.
What I mean is that some screenshots can be as marketing screenshots. Imagine some additional info on the image and just part of the phone shown in there. But you need to display the right device there. You can check Colibra app in App Store.
Maybe this example can give you a good idea of how to generate your screenshots.

iPad screenshots no longer accepted by iTunes Connect

Have had no problems submitting screenshots to iTunes Connect until now. I just cropped out the status bar using Preview of a .png screenshot taken on my iPad mini to get the required dimensions and dragged/dropped. But I now get the "Incorrect Dimensions in one or more..." message.
Have tried using the simulator for different iPads to produce different dimensions. The only one that produces a screenshot acceptable to iTunes Connect is the iPad Pro simulator (2048 x 2732). But the results are inconsistent. They mostly show smaller images with added vertical white space, but in the case of one landscape view, certain views were placed incorrectly (although the other iPad non-Pro simulators did not have this problem).
iTunes Connect does say the 12.9" (pro) images may be used for other iPad sizes, but it looks like that simulator has problems. Are there any alternatives?
Can you explain this
They mostly show smaller images with added vertical white space, but in the case of one landscape view, certain views were placed incorrectly (although the other iPad non-Pro simulators did not have this problem).
When you take screenshots on the simulator make sure that Window->Scale is set to 100%.
Apple has finally changed the iTunes connect screenshots system this year. You can now upload 5 screenshots for the highest res devices (iPhone 6Plus and iPad Pro) and they will be used for all the lower res devices as well.
Before you would have to upload screenshots for all the other devices as well and it sucked. Now add support for 27 languages and I believe you would have to upload over 800 images, it was insane. Even Apple took the piss about this in one of their keynotes this year.
So you should take/use screenshots in iPhone 6 Plus resolution (2208×1242 or 1242×2208) and in iPad Pro resolution (2732×2048 or 2048×2732).
If you can take screenshots in the simulator than great, but my games run like crap there so I take them on my real iPhone 7/iPad Air 2 and scale them up. Not 100% ideal but I cannot really do anything else at the moment.
The same applies for videos, just upload them in 1920x1080 for the iPhone and you are good to go. For the iPad you would need to change the resolution of the video.
My games on the appStore do not have a video trailer for iPad because I could never convert the video correctly in iPad resolution for iTunes connect to accept the upload. However they still show you the iPhone video preview on iPads, so thats pretty awesome. I wonder if the same applies for screenshots, so if you do not upload iPad screenshots it will use the iPhone ones.
Hope this helps
The problem was mostly caused by my not realizing that I was dragging and dropping into an area that would only accept 12.9" screenshots. It looked just like the area into which I always copied screenshots, and I don't remember seeing "12.9" and "other sizes" shown below (was I possibly looking at an old iTunes Connect page from my cache?). If you click on "other sizes", you will get an area into which you can drop 9.7 screenshots.
The result was that Apple accepted my build, and when it showed up in the store, none of the 12.9" simulator-generated screenshots that I referenced in my app description showed up. Not sure why this happened, but apparently I now have to provide a new version which will now use 9.7 screenshots taken from my iPad.
I don't know why the iPad Pro (12.9) simulator messed up my landscape orientation (which I replaced with a portrait). It may be my app, which creates layout constraints programmatically, but they appear to work with the other iPad simulators.

How do screenshots work in the app store?

I'm coming from Android development with Google Play where every screenshot you upload (for small res to high res to tablets) were available for viewing regardless of which device/platform you're viewing the app listing page from.
I just launched my first iOS App Store app and it seems this is not the case.
If I view the App Store listing on my desktop, I only see the iPhone
4-inch screenshot I uploaded.
If I view the App Store listing on my iPhone 5s I also only see the
iPhone 4-inch screenshot.
I was assuming it was going to be like Google Play where I can see all of the available screenshots regardless of which device/platform I was on.
Anyway, this is bad for me since I uploaded different screenshots for each device size/type and uploaded 4 very important screenshots only to the iPhone 4.7-inch category.
Here are my questions:
Is the iPhone 4-inch the "default" screenshots to show, for example - when viewing the app listing on a desktop computer?
Is it good practice to upload the same bunch of screenshots to every single size category? This is what I feel I need to do.
Is the iPhone 4-inch the "default" screenshots to show, for example - when viewing the app listing on a desktop computer?
Is it good practice to upload the same bunch of screenshots to every single size category? This is what I feel I need to do.
The screenshots required should only reflect what the app can support.
Here is Apple's docs regarding the screenshots and requirements:
I've spent way too time in that document lately :)

can i submit an app without sizing the screens to work on all iDevices?

I've searched far and wide for the answer to this. i haven't been able to find an answer anywhere, so i turned to stack overflow in hopes you would be able to give me an answer. I'm about to submit my first app to the app store. do i have to make the app function on all iDevices (iPad, iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPod touch, etc.)? or can i just submit my app for one single device and screen size and leave it at that? will they reject it?
i went through this pdf:
but i never found an answer to my question.
You specify what kind of device family your app will run. You can not limit your app only to (for example) iPhone 4. As far as I know right now if you specify your app running on iPhones it has to support 3.5 and 4 inches screens. So getting exactly to your question: no, you can not leave your app running fine only on one device and screen size. Except the approval process it would probably cost you very low rating on the App Store.
When you build the app, in Xcode you select the device families that the app supports. The choice is currently iPhone, iPad, or both. If you choose iPhone, you'll have to support both the 3.5" and 4" screen sizes. If you used Auto Layout, this should be easy.

Why my iPhone app was rejected?

Here is the message that appears in iTunes Connect Resolution Center:
3.5: Small and large app icons should be similar, so as to not to cause confusion
We found that the app icon displayed on the device does not
sufficiently match the large icon displayed on the App Store, which
does not comply with the App Store Review Guidelines.
In your case, the app icon displayed on the device is blank.
< More explanation...>
So, to my understanding the app was rejected because the app icon is blank on the device, but when I install the app on my iPhone 5 via Ad Hoc distribution (which is the closest to App Store distribution) everything looks fine.
Following is the assets App Icon configuration in XCode. Is it looks fine?
Any help will be appreciated.
I found the reason why my app was rejected and I just wish to share the solution for anyone that will face the same issue.
It appears that my app was rejected since the app icon was blank on iPad devices. (Note that iPad devices are still being used by the Apple App Review team testers even though my app is an iPhone only app)
I recently started using images.xcassets for managing my app icon and loading page images. I therefore removed all related files from my app resources but the target plist file had some leftovers that eventually found as the cause to the blank icon on the iPad...
Once I removed an entry called "CFBundleIcons~ipad" from the plist file, the issue was fixed.
Thank you #Leijonien for you comment that helped me to resolve this issue!
You not meet App Icon Requirements
Create different sizes of the app icon for different devices. If you’re creating a universal app, you need to supply app icons in all four sizes.
For iPhone and iPod touch, both of these sizes are required:
120 x 120 pixels
60 x 60 pixels (standard resolution)
For iPad, both of these sizes are required:
152 x 152
76 x 76 pixels (standard resolution)
Referenced by Apple inc for more information visit Apple icon guidelines
