Google map SDK on iOS5.1 - ios

I am using Google map SDK in my app. My app supports deployment target of iOS >=5 but the google map SDK included in my app supports iOS >=6. So, when I run my app on iOS5 , the app crashed with the following error :
dyld: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_UIActivityViewController
I want to run the same app on iOS5 by excluding google map sdk.Does any one know how to include google map sdk in the app only if the device iOS version is >=6?
Do we have any option to make google map framework "Optional" or importing the google maps header using iOS version macros? If yes, any pointers?


Google Analytics sdk creates issue in Xcode 6.3

I am using Google Analytics (version 3.15) for iOS app. my app also supports iOS 7 devices. So whenever I am trying to build the app using xcode 6.3 I am gettinbg below kind of errors,
/Volumes/Projects/Projects/inMyDIARY 5.0/inmyDIARY/inmyDIARY/libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a(TAGHit.o)
/Volumes/Projects/Projects/inMyDIARY 5.0/inmyDIARY/inmyDIARY/libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a(TAGPValueHash.o)
ld: 226 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64
can anyone have idea how to resolve it?
I read some details about Google Analytics iOS SDK on official website and I have seen this
As of version 3.14 Google Analytics supports bitcode, which may cause compiler errors under Xcode 6. If you are still using Xcode 6 consider downloading v3.13.
Apart from that if you want simply want to ignore dependcy related Google Analytics using Cocoapods.
You can also go through official link link for more details.

Does Google Sign-in SDK iOS support iOS6?

My project must support iOS6.
I use Google Sign-In SDK v2.4.0.
But When I selected Target , the GoogleSignIn.framework (optional) in Xcode project and run on the iOS6 device, dyld log tells
dyld: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSURLSessionConfiguration.
Is there how to use this in iOS6 Device??
The GoogleSignIn guides don't state a minimum SDK version however...
NSURLSessionConfiguration was introduced in iOS7 so if you are getting that issue when trying to link to the SDK then iOS 6 certainly isn't supported.
Checking out the sample project (pod try Google) and it also has the Deployment target set to iOS 7.0 so it looks like you are out of luck I am afraid. Maybe look at using an older version but I can't help you with what version supports iOS 6 and I would not know if it is still supported/maintained by Google.

What version of Google Analytics works on iOS 6?

I'm still supporting iOS 6 on my apps, and I was going to update Google Analytics, but CocoaPods gives me an error saying it requires a higher version.
What is the last version of Google Analytics that works with iOS 6 and how do I get it?

robovm binding admob iOS libgdx

I'm trying to set up my admob ads in my iOS libgdx project but i can't see no ads on iOS emulator I'm using the files from here
and they are the latest i know there is 7.0.0 admob iOS sdks but the binding are for lower version that suppose to work... or not?
any idea?
or i might shall use different adnetwork?
<Google:HTML> You are currently using version 6.12.2 of the SDK, which doesn't officially support iOS 8. Please consider updating your SDK to the most recent sdk version, 7.0.0, to get iOS 8 support, including a fix for smart banner rendering in landscape mode. The latest SDK can be downloaded from A full list of release notes is available at
2015-03-22 10:41:59.822 IOSLauncher[12856:751391] [debug] didReceiveAd
2015-03-22 10:42:30.217 IOSLauncher[12856:751391] [debug] didReceiveAd
I came across the same problem too. First I downloaded the newest iOS sdk for google mobile ads. Then I made a static library in Xcode. Then created my own bindings.

how to implement google map api on ios5.1 and ios6 upper both?

I have a question.
I need to implement Google Maps API on iOS5.1 and iOS6.
I know google map have bulid in ios 5.1. But the Google Map API become third part if you need to use.
I need to implement google maps api on iOS5.1 and iOS6.
I reference the Google Map SDK API Tutorial.
The tutorial point to Supported Platforms is iOS SDK 6.0 or later.
I implemented Google Maps API on iOS6 is correct show the maps.( use iPhone 6.0 Simulator)
I am use ios Deployment Target 5.1.
But If I change to iPhone 5.1 Simulator.
The application had crashed.
I checked the crash problem reason is "Other Linker Flags set -ObjC" cause.
But I need to implement the Google Maps on iOS 5.1 and iOS6 .
How to resolve this problem, please?
How to write the google maps api on ios5.1 and ios6 both?
thank you very much.
I attach to the log on distributed on iOS 5.1 version :
yld: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_UIActivityViewController
Referenced from: /Users/mac/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/EC6760CC-D272-4949-A5BA-6AFB8B0C1A8F/
Expected in: /Applications/ s/iPhoneSimulator5.1.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit
in /Users/mac/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/EC6760CC-D272-4949-A5BA-6AFB8B0C1A8F/
According to the Google Maps SDK for iOS release notes:
"Version 1.5.0 requires iOS 6.0 or later. Applications that must support iOS 5.1 should continue to use the most recent 1.4.x release."
You'll just have to use the older version of the SDK.
