how to free unsubmitted iOS app name for App Store use - ios

I wanted to change the name of one of my apps that is already in App Store and I checked the app name availability by creating a new app in iTunesConnect. Now I have a new iOS app project with the name I want my existing app to have and I want to delete that new app project from iTunesConnect and free the app name so I can use it.
I checked past posts on SO and it recommended deselecting all the regions in pricing and saving, but the newer version of iTunesConnect apparently won't let me save without specifying at least 1 region.
Does anyone know how to do that in the new iTunesConnect?

if you want to change just app name then you can change it at update of the app when you update version for your app you can change name for app and your previous app name will be released automatically


How do I reserve a name for my iOS app so that no one else can use it?

At what point in the iOS development process using Xcode is my app name reserved on App Store? (There are no updated answers to this question in any posts at stackoverflow.) Last I remember when I published my iOS app for sale status on iOS App Store at App Store Connect I had to change my published app name because there were already other apps using that name. I think that was the name that was actually showing on the App Store, and not the name I put in the Product Name field when I first create the project in Xcode.
I just tried to validate my iOS app and it wouldn't validate because it said there was already an app with that "App Name". I take it that means the name I put in the Product Name field when I first created the project, if I don't change it later. Is that correct?
So if my iOS app project validates, does that mean I have that App Name reserved so that no one else can use it?
How do I reserve a name for my iOS app so that no one else will get it once I reserve it?
As someone said in the comments, simply create a new app in App Store Connect with the name you have in mind, then no-one else can use it. You don't have to send it to Apple immediately after you do this, you can wait however long you need to until it's ready.
Just make sure the bundle identifier is the same between the two.

Remove app from Appstore and Upload new app with same name

I had an App in Appstore, i need to remove the app from sale and upload that as new app or record with same name. But i am unable to give the same name, it's showing an alert like this,
The app name you entered is already being used. If you have trademark
rights to this name and would like it released for your use, submit a
Is there any quick process to solve this? Please advise.
Thanks in advance
Let's say your app is called Awesome with current version v1.0.0, I think you might try to follow these steps:
1) Rename your current live app in something like: Awesome App
2) as explained in the image, to be able to see the changes you have to release a new app version, let's do it with v1.0.1
3) wait for approval, then as soon as it's on the store, submit for the first time the new app (with a new bundle identifier and so on) called Awesome.
4) finally you should remove from the store Awesome App.
Unfortunately that name is locked permanently and you have to choose another name. According to App Store Review Guidelines:
2.3.7 Choose a unique app name...
More info here.

Localization message when submitting an App in iTunes connect for review

What does the following message supposed to mean? I added those new localizations to the app and I'm now submitting the app for review.
Does that mean App 4.1 version (I'm releasing now) will not have those localizations available in the app store until I release another version? (V 4.2 for example) I'm a little bit confused because some of the previous localizations didn't appear immediately in the store after releasing.
Yes, you must upload a new version if you want the new information in the App Store.
Always remember to save your changes before submit.
This is the expected behaviour as the "App Name" field is not tied to a specific version in iTunes Connect in contrast to description, keywords etc.
Its displayed a little bit "awkward" in iTunes Connect by the yellow circle and the highlighted app name.
The popup basically "confirms" that the changes you made to the app name don't go live immediately for your current version (I assume 4.0 in your example), but only for the approved version 4.1

Can I delete my iOS app from iTunes and move customers to a different one?

We currently have an app that we release as several different apps for different brands in iTunes. The code is the same but they have different names, icons, artwork, etc.
For some reason marketing want to replace these three apps with a single app that has a different name again. I can see from this question Apple iphone app transfer or app replacement that I can use the original app id to push the new app, but what can I do for the other apps in the store? When you delete an app can you push a customer to a new app, or put up a message for them to install the new one? Or do I release a new version of the other apps that pops up a message telling them to install the new one?
If you don't already have some sort of news or messaging in place in your current app (I'm assuming you don't) you would indeed have to update the apps so that they display some sort of message directing your users to the new app. It's also common to put a notice in your old app descriptions and/or release notes.

Changing iOS app icon in future version

Is it possible to change the app icon in the future release in iOS.I dint find any document in developer library which states this.Does apple allow to change the app icon in the future update.
Are there any app in the store which have changed the app icon in there update.
When you update your apps in the apps store, you need to resubmit the application again. In this way you can include your updated icons. In addition, you can update your logo,screenshots and description on the itunes connect when you submit your updated apps.
Yes, I recently changed my entire icon set in an update (to a completely different image), and it got through the App Store review process just fine.
