Localization message when submitting an App in iTunes connect for review - ios

What does the following message supposed to mean? I added those new localizations to the app and I'm now submitting the app for review.
Does that mean App 4.1 version (I'm releasing now) will not have those localizations available in the app store until I release another version? (V 4.2 for example) I'm a little bit confused because some of the previous localizations didn't appear immediately in the store after releasing.

Yes, you must upload a new version if you want the new information in the App Store.
Always remember to save your changes before submit.

This is the expected behaviour as the "App Name" field is not tied to a specific version in iTunes Connect in contrast to description, keywords etc.
Its displayed a little bit "awkward" in iTunes Connect by the yellow circle and the highlighted app name.
The popup basically "confirms" that the changes you made to the app name don't go live immediately for your current version (I assume 4.0 in your example), but only for the approved version 4.1


iOS cannot change app name after iOS 11

Currently, I can upload a newer version of an app to change its app name. However, today, it says in iTunes connect:
Once submissions are accepted for apps built with the iOS 11 SDK, all new app names will need to be 30 characters or fewer and you’ll only be able to update an app's description when submitting a new version of that app.
Does this mean it's absolutely impossible to change an app's name now? How about category, screenshots, available countries, and other options?
Found this discussion on the Apple Developer Forums. Where it basically says the alert only means the description's editability will change from when iOS 11 is released and forward.
Currently, the app description is always editable. However, with the addition of the promotional text the description will become editable only when submitting a new version. App name and other meta data's editability will not change with this update.
Q: Does this mean all meta data except the app's description will no longer be editable upon submitting a new version of the app, or does it simply mean the description will from here on only be editable upon submitting a new version?
A: >does it simply mean the description will from here on only be editable upon submitting a new version?
That, except not from today on.
It's a coming soon change alert when iOS 11 is eventually allowed for store submittals, different from before/now. See the iTunes Connect Developer Guide for which items (currently) are locked/editable at what point in the process.
'iTC Properties/Platform Version Information'

How to open my App for update in App Store without having it released

I'm coding an IPhone/IPad App and have a webservice to check if the version is too old.
If the version is too old, then a message should appear a say: "Version too old. Click on the button to download the newest version in the app store."
The user should now be linked to the app in the app store.
How can I get the full link without having my app released in the app store and have an ID?
Best regards
One option is to send your app for a testFlight test. It allows you to have the full App Store link without releasing the app to the public.
I think you can use http://appstore.com/<companyname>/<appname> as per this guide.
This will, however, probably redirect via Safari first (I have not tried). But you can use this for the first version and later change it to the real URL in an update.

iOS app only new build and not new version give two errors

good morning. I have already putted my iPhone app in App Store, and it is already approved and in sale.
Now, I have done a little change (the text of two message box and the correct color / alignement of one label; nothing else). This is only a new build of the same version, not a new version, so I would avoid the long approval process, and I would update this new version only as a new build.
I have tried to upload it with the same procedure (in the same conditions!) which I have already followed during my first upload of my first main version (using x-code); but it doesn't work and I see the error message which you can see in the screenshot which I have putted in my dropbox account and which you can see by the following link.
Why happend? How can I fix it?
Simply each submission must be a new version with a higher version number. Each submission must go through the review process. Often the review process for a small change is quicker.
Apple does not know what actually changed so must review the entire app. Surprisingly, not every app developer is honest and trustworthy—gasp!
Just up the version number and re-submit the app.

how to free unsubmitted iOS app name for App Store use

I wanted to change the name of one of my apps that is already in App Store and I checked the app name availability by creating a new app in iTunesConnect. Now I have a new iOS app project with the name I want my existing app to have and I want to delete that new app project from iTunesConnect and free the app name so I can use it.
I checked past posts on SO and it recommended deselecting all the regions in pricing and saving, but the newer version of iTunesConnect apparently won't let me save without specifying at least 1 region.
Does anyone know how to do that in the new iTunesConnect?
if you want to change just app name then you can change it at update of the app when you update version for your app you can change name for app and your previous app name will be released automatically

Handling iOS platform downgrade and Reuse of App Name

I haven't been able to find relevant answer to this problem. Please redirect if you know it's a duplicate question.
I have this version 1.0 of an app on the App Store. It's basically a wrapper around a WebApp and the updated 2.0 version I am working on is a native implementation for iPhone.
Now the current version 1.0 of the app is Universal. So trying to submit our finished 2.0-native iPhone only app is refused by AppStore since it's considered a downgrade to no longer support iPad.
The roadmap ahead includes a future release of an iPad-version as well, and this needs to be taken into account. I believe there are good reasons for this iPad-app to be Universal. We need to keep the current AppName in some way.
Now I need advice on how to best handle the situation. These are the steps I consider:
Release v2.0 under new appName i.e. "MyApp 2"
Remove v1.0 app from sales, but keep it in iTunesConnect to save the name
Change WebAppContent of v1.0 to notify the current userbase of the native app (2.0)
When we are ready to release a Universal App we update the current 1.0 instead of 2.0 to reclaim the original name
Is there a better way?
If we remove v1.0 from sales and release v2.0 under the name "MyApp 2", is there a way to change the later name back to "MyApp" when v1.0 is of the stores?
If we consider deleting v1.0 completely from iTunesConnect, can we, as the same company, then reclaim the name when it becomes publicly available again (or are we blacklisted for that name)?
Can you have different display names for an App on AppStore and on the devices home screen (how is this done)?
Warning: If you delete an app in iTunes Connect, that app's name is no longer available for use by that same Developer account ever again.
Bundle display names are independent of App store names. Many apps have shortened or abbreviated Bundle display names to fit under the icon, and a much longer app store name.
