How do web browsers on iOS play Flash? - ios

I noticed this web browser, Photon (iTunes Store link) is able to play flash. My question is, if Apple doesn't allow flash to run on devices and all web browsers must use Apple's UIWebView, how can this app enable Flash playback?

Most third party apps route flash video to a there own Server to be re-encoded to another Safari friendly file format such as mp4. Once the was bee re-encoded it sent back to there client device


I need adobe flash player on my iOS app

I'm using UIWebView to load URL in my app, so while login into that URL, Home page of my application will come,
in that home page i have another button to call a new URL which needs Adobe Flash Player, so it is showing an error like
"This content requires Adobe Flash Player, which is not supported by your device. This content can be viewed on a desktop computer or on mobile devices that support Flash Player".
Could you please suggest me is there any third party library available to resolve this or i need to open that new URL in Safari Browser of iPad.
Apple famously decided not to allow Flash on iOS devices for a number of reasons back in 2010. As far as I know, that hasn't changed. There are apparently some apps that let you view Flash content, but it doesn't sound like a very good experience.
There's no Flash library that you can build into an app to access Flash. Since you control the web content in question, your best bet by far is to build a version of that content that uses HTML5 instead of Flash.
Even Adobe is making the switch to HTML5; your Flash content has passed it's expiration date.

Streaming local encrypted file to Apple TV

My app solution on iOS has downloaded audio and video for offline use. Streaming to apple tv worked like charm for a while, however, we needed to implement file encryption. As a web app, to support encrypted file on the webview, we implemented a http server, which decrypts the file, and streams it unencrypted to the webview request. But now, we need to stream theses encrypted files to the Apple Tv, obviously, when trying to shared the video/audio, the Apple TV tries to stream from the iPad http server url (localhost:8000), and an error is shown.
How should I be able to stream it? As I see, there are other apps which uses encryption and works fine with air play.
Edit: The error message is way generic, just appears on TV that the file could not be played, no log on xcode console.
The HTML on the webview is simple as that, no big deal: <video src= "http://localhost:8000/file/fileId"/>, works fine on iPad, but not streaming to Apple TV.

iOS Browsers not respecting HTML5 audio preload tag

Has anyone else noticed that Safari (and even Chrome) for iOS attempt to preload all audio tags even if you use the preload="none":
<audio src="test.mp3" preload="none"></audio>
Desktop browsers appear to work correctly, but as soon as I load the page from the iPhone the Apache server registers a request for the file.
According to Apple Docs, Mobile Safari never loads music file or metadata until user touch is detected. This is to make sure a webpage doesn't request a lot of music or data to be downloaded on mobile devices which might take up a lot of mobile data. So preload tag is essentially always set to "none" in mobile Safari regardless of what your code has. Here's the link to the docs where they explain everything.
Quote straight from the docs "Note: The preload attribute is supported in Safari 5.0 and later. Safari on iOS never preloads."

Why video from HTTPS URL will not play on iOS web browser?

Could someone explain or help me understand why this HTTPS video link does not play on iPad and iPhone's web browser?
However, this HTTP link does play on iPad and iPhone's web browser.
Both are pointing to the same video file on the same web server. They're just alias web links.
You must have a valid Intermediate Certificate installed on the server.
More about that: Cannot view Quicktime movies over HTTPS in Safari or UIWebView

iPad / iPhone Offline Webpage

I need to supply a single page website for a client to view offline on an iPad / iPhone.
The webpage will have Javascript, image and video assets. Reading about Cache Manifest it seems the cache on iPad is limited to 5mb.
Anyone suggest any routes forward, which ideally do not require the use of an additional app, but will allow for the offline storage of video.
You will likely have trouble with Safari to guarantee availability of your web page and videos offline.
The most reliable alternative would be to create an app using PhoneGap, because that would give you control over the video and the web page being stored offline. However that requires you to distribute it as an iOS-app to your client.
If you don't/can't distribute it as an app, you could try to find an app that is designed for offline browsing and supports video on the appstore. If you search for "Offline browser iPhone" on google or appstore you will be presented with some alternatives.
