How to build a server database for my application - ios

I'm new to server side programming with a background in iOS. So I want to know where to start.
Here I tried to list some specific questions:
Can I just create a local database and practice on that?
Do the local databases and databases on remote server work the same?
If no, how can I choose which server I can use? (I went through the webpages of AWS cloud service and found they are really overwhelming.)

Arslan's answer is great, but I would like to add to it a bit. You mentioned a Chatroom, so in that case you should look into socket programming. The reason why I bring this up is, while no one has outright said it, you shouldn't create a chat server by read / writing to a database. It's much better to just keep it in memory and log to the database on an as need basis.
AWS is a fantastic solution and they have a lot of different solutions for different situations. You should look at using EC2, which is their server program. They have a free tier of it so that you can use and / or you can test locally. I suggest testing locally then pushing up to a free tier every now and then to make sure everything is running properly.
Also I would look into using CloudKit for data base storage. If you don't need instantaneous communication, it's far easier to use Apple's built in system rather than setup a server and manage it.
links: CloudKit, AWS EC2 Free Tier
As it happens I'm actually working on a ChatRoom Server program, here's the link to github. It is written in C++ so I recommend using it as a reference unless you want to write your own socket in C++.

Can I just create a local database and practice on that?
Sure. You can install a server locally on your machine ( there are plenty of available ) and through 'localhost:3000' or 'localhost' you can access the root of your server depending upon what you are using at server end. You can then configure your server to respond to a particular message.
Do the local databases and databases on remote server work the same?
Of course, the work they way is almost same. The difference you have stated yourself: remote.
If no, how can I choose which server I can use? (I went through the webpages of AWS cloud service and found they are really overwhelming.)
I would suggest you to start from the local server. But first you have to choose language: PHP, Ruby, Python - it depends upon you and your personal preferences. You can also use something like is free up to 30 requests/second, and you can use Objective-C to send and retrieve data from the server with a few very easy steps. And of course, handles singing up and logging in a user for you , all you have to do is to write a code of few lines in your iOS app.

Download Apple's free from the Appstore, it wraps one of the best database management systems: PostgreSQL. Start it with this Terminal command:
sudo serveradmin start postgres
More info on these pages:


Amazon Windows Services for VPS, please advise

I need the VPS services for hosting my ASP.NET project.
However, it's not just hosting, I also need SQL Server, RabbitMq and either my running conrole app or my windows service.
So I read the suggestions to use Amazon Web Services as they provide first year for free.
However when I registered I found that I don't have a clue of where I am:
I don't see the option of creating a virtual machine with Windows
I don't see the option of setting up SQL Server on such the machine
and so on.
So I was wondering whether I'm in the right place?
Please advise if AWS can provide me with what I need or I came to the wrong place?
AWS can provide all that you listed, but you'll need to do some learning on your end.
Basically you create an EC2 instance, and then use RDP to remote into it, and you can install software and configure it to your hearts content - just like it was any other physical server.
If you want to use SQL Server, you'll have the choice of installing it directly on the instance using your own license, or using their 'hosted' version of SQL Server call RDS. You'll need to read about it and decide which option is better for your project - there is no single right way.
Lastly, I will point out that although the 'free-tier' is nice, except for a really small application (i.e. small db on a low traffic website), you may find out the 'free-tier' does not quite give you all the power you need to run a busy application. I would not base your decision on wether or not you should use AWS on how much 'free' stuff you can get. The free-tier is nice for learning, but plan on spending some money for a truly robust solution.

Calling a windows .exe (compiler) from Rails app on Heroku

I would like to know if this is even feasible. And if so, what a possible approach would be.
I am thinking that the .exe would have to be made available through a web service running on a windows stack ( or php) and that a direct heroku solution would not be the way to go.
If you do it as a externally, yes. The main trick there would be making the service on the windows box and making sure your service was secure. If you're going for cloud stuff, your best bet is probably to set your service up on a windows server on EC2 or Rackspace or [insert cloud provider here]. They're not as cheap as linux boxes because of the license cost, but shouldn't be too difficult to manage.
Unless Heroku has changed a lot from the last time I looked at it, the underlying OS was linux of some variety, so it's really unlikely that you could get an windows binary to run internally without bundling wine into your application (probably not worth trying to figure out).

iOS: How to Create an Application that Downloads Data from a Server?

I wish to create an application that will hold a large amount of heavy data (images and sound files) - I wish to avoid having a heavy app. I saw that there are apps that you download from app store and only after they are on your device they download from a server the rest of the files.
I already started reading about JSON and it seems quite clear, but I have never worked with servers before.
Can anyone direct me to a good tutorial that explains how to create my database on a server?
Maybe some recommandations to which servers and tools are available? - preferably free tools...
You can use phpMyAdmin and mySql (both free).
You can find all the info you need to install phpMyAdmin here :
And you will learn all you need for basic sql here:

How To SSH From IPhone App

So I have been looking every where, and so far i haven't been able to find anything that allows me to ssh from an iPhone app, and have finally resorted to posting a new pos.
So I am trying to make an app to manage servers and part of the tasks that I need to be able to do it to be able to some how remotely connect over the internet to a server with either an ip address or a DNS name.
The connection to the server does not necessarily need to be a SSH connection, it could be a telnet although because of the security issues i would prefer SSH (if it is a lot less code I would accept telnet), but on the other hand it could be some other type of connection.
The application just needs to be able to run a script on the server end and if a SSH or telnet I would not need any help but if some other type of connection i may need a bit of help. Also the server on the other end is intended to be linux server (either ubuntu or gentoo, but not sure which yet but all i can say is will almost certainly be a linux server operating system).
I have already looked at the libssh/2 and would welcome any other similar demos as have not been able to work out how get the frameworks to work as well as licensing issues with using the frameworks in it.
PS. I am relatively new to programming and although i have some basic knowledge of coding some type of tutorial or sample code would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks For Any Help
SSH is a hugely complicated beast. As long as you only need to execute one command without interactivity, it sounds like you could achieve the same thing by running a web server on the server and posting the commands via HTTP from the device. You can use SSL to achieve security. You'll need a mechanism that allows you to authenticate the device (you'd need something with ssh, too). And you'll have to have something in the web server on the server that figures out and runs the desired script. But all that is still hugely easier than dealing with libssh.

offline web application design recommendation

I want to know which is the best architecture to adopt for this case :
I have many shops that connect to a web application developed using Ruby on Rails.
internet is not reachable all the time
The solution was to develop an offline system which requires installing a local copy of the distant database.
All this wad already developed.
Now what I want to do :
Work always on the local copy of the database.
Any change on the local database should be synchronized with distant database.
All the local copies should have the same data in other local copies.
To resolve this problem I thought about using a JMS like software eventually Rabbit MQ.
This consists on pushing any sql request into a JMS queue that will be executed on the distant instance of the application which will insert into the distant DB and push the insert or SQL statement into another queue that will be read by all the local instances. This seems complicated and should slow down the application.
Is there a design or recommendation that I must apply to resolve this kind of problem ?
You can do that but essentially you are developing your own replication engine. Those things can be a bit tricky to get right (what happens if m1 and m3 are executed on replica r1, but m2 isn't?) I wouldn't want to develop something like that unless you are sure you have the resources to make it work.
I would look into existing off-the shelf replication solution. If you are already using a SQL DB it probably has some support for it. Look here for more details if you are using MySQL
Alternatively, if you are willing to explore other backends, I heard that CouchDB has great support for replication. I also heard of people using git libraries to do that sort of thing.
Update: After your comment, I realize you already use MySql replication and are looking for solution for re-syncing the databases after being offline.
Even in that case RabbitMQ doesn't help you at all since it requires constant connection to work, so you are back to square one. Easiest solution would be to just write all the changes (SQL commands) into a text file at a remote location, then when you get connection back copy that file (scp, ftp, emaill or whatever) to master server, run all the commands there and then just resync all the replicas.
Depending on your specific project you may also need to make sure there are no conflicts when running commands from different remote location but there is no general technical solution to this. Again, depending on the project, you may want to cancel one of the transactions, notify the users that it happened and so on.
I would recommend taking a look at CouchDB. It's a non-SQL database that does exactly what you are describing automatically. It's used especially in phone applications that often don't have internet or data connectivity. The idea is that you have a local copy of a CouchDB database and one or more remote CouchDB databases. The CouchDB server then takes care of teh replication of the distributed systems and you always work off your local database. This approach is nice because you don't have to build your own distributed replication engine. For more details I would take a look at the 'Distributed Updates and Replication' section of their documentation.
