itunes store operation failed error description not available - ios

First of all I know this question has been asked several times before, and I do try all the possible solutions. I have used Application loader 2.9.1 and 3.0 , I have used archiving from Xcode but it still the same problem. I have only one apple developer ID, so there shouldn't be any issue concerning that. I have tried to create a single view app from Xcode template and just add a distribution provisioning profile to see if there is anything wrong with my original app or not, but still I was not able to submit a simple template app to the iTunesConnect.
I am getting really frustrated, any help guys would be really appreciated.
below are my info.plist and code signing part:

Application loader require some TCP port to be open, you can check the requirement here, page 6, the doc is here : . It is mention :
For the best upload experience, verify that all of the ports and IP
addresses are accessible
And there is actually a lot of ports and ip !!

The fact that it says "We're having trouble connecting to the App Store. Please try again later" in the application loader seems like a clue.
I am also experiencing the same problem today (same day as original poster). I suspect Apple has some problems at their end (i.e. the iTunes Connect server).

I just had the same error. After reading the documentation of Application Loader, I just delete files on my mac to have at least 20 GB of free space, and guest what ? It worked! I can't believe it !
From the doc :
Application Loader 3.0 requires a Mac, at least 512 MB RAM, and OS X
v10.8 or later installed. Apple recommends at least 20 GB of available


App Store upload is really slow and hogging my internet connection

In the past 6 months every time I upload a new version/build to the Apple App Store through Xcode / Application Loader, it takes between 20-40 minutes for even the smallest app. The uploader is always stuck at the beginning and when if finishes after a huge amount of time, the progress bar just jumps to the end.
Also, and the most annoying, it totally hogs my internet connection (and anyone who is connected to the network aside from me). It’s not usable at all.. it’s really frustrating to upload a build to the App Store for so much time while it totally kills my internet connection -> it happens on any internet connection I try to upload from: Home, office, friends houses, public networks at the mall / restaurants.
When I upload APKs to the Google Play Store, everything works crazy fast (5-10min tops!) and my internet connection is working fine while doing it.
I also tried opening a bug report ticket to Apple, but because it’s Apple, they didn’t even take the time to answer it for almost a month now.
Does this happen to anyone here? Is there a way around it?
Thank you very much :)
It is apple algorithm to validate first then accept application.
Sometime it uploads in 10-12 minutes sometime takes 30 minutes. It depends on internet speed, server load while uploading...
Developers working outside Apple have to keep patience, No Other way
Best is try to upload with Application loader.
I had the same issue and it was completely fixed upon updating itmstransporter.
cd ~
mv .itmstransporter/ .old_itmstransporter/
Please refer to (look at KumobiusIvan's answer)
First Export the ipa with export functionality of xcode and the upload it with Application loader
You can use this tool provided by xcode it self,
I think sometime the internet connection works well, few ports in your connection internet setting needs to be open.
This might because of the Firewall issue.
We had similar kinds of issue in our organisation but then the link below was helpful for a work around.
itunesconnect using application loader behind a firewall
I have the same problem. fastlane deliver worked for me. Still very slow, but at least it works and does not hog internet.
Here the docs
I have also faced this issue while uploading build through Xcode. There was no indication or progress update while uploading build. So I tried uploading build through Application Loader.
While uploading build to App Store apple performed few checks like
1. It first checks the valid profile for build on iTunes Connect. If there is any valid profile then we can upload build.
2. First thing happens while uploading build is verification of assets and also build validation by iTunes; this is the stage which consumes maximum time of build upload process.
(In my case it took 20 minutes avg. while doing it through Application Loader)
3. Once verification and validation succeed build uploading starts. We can see the upload progress in Application Loader.
As suggested in this SO answer use the Application Loader and uncheck the Aspera and Firmante options in preferences/advanced.
Probably is just enough deactivating the Firmante option.
Also check that you have enough ram for the app delivery. I recommend you to shut down Xcode and any other RAM intensive application.
My situation is very similar to the OP.
None of the above suggestions work for me. Likely the real cause is physical and related how Application Loader is using the internet. I have ADSL2 connection with a Netgear modem/router assigning each device at home a fixed IP address according to the mac address of the network interface of each device. I had noticed that when Application Loader is uploading, my Windows PC could not connect to the internet. However, if in Mac mini I use Safari doing various things like watching video, my Windows PC can access internet.
Even stranger, when Application Loader is uploading, the modem/router could easily lost connection to the internet, as I could see from the LED lights of the modem. The connection is lost randomly at any progress of uploading the 20 MB file.
So I had turned off Windows PCs, iPads, iPhones and Android device at home, so Mac mini is the only device using the Internet, the Application Loading has finally been able to upload the app successfully in one go.
My guess is, my home phone line has some noise, and Application Loader is using the internet aggressively particularly the up link, so stressing out the modem, then causing other devices like my Windows PC lost connection, not even able to resolve host. When Safari is uploading video to App Store, no problem.
So my working solution is to make Mac be the only device using the Internet, given that the internet connection is already in poor condition with noise, near the edge of losing connection.
you need to use Transporter app
you can download it from here

Failed to Make ipa file

When I try to achrvie the Xcode showing the message " Fetching list of teams from the Developer portal " . It always timed out. Can't fetch the team.
I Accounts it Showing Apple Id not having any Development Teams. I have added the Apple Id
I have just tried to make same and it's working properly for me. So, problem is not from Apple Side.
Please check your internet connection properly and try again.
Apple is facing some big problems for last two weeks and due to iTunesConnect Outage they are facing some problem in uploading the new application on AppStore. But here you can also check if your internet connection is good and make sure it is not low internet connectivity.
Here there is also some issue with Xcode 6.2 so better you delete the team and add them again and try to upload the application via Xcode.
In case you are still facing the same issue then better export the .ipa file and upload with "Application Loader" software from Apple.
It's because of low internet connectivity. If your internet connection is not proper then you cannot get an apple account through which you can make an IPA.
July 2015
I'm using XCode 6.4, and today, its been happily building Ad-Hoc .ipas for me all day, but now, on the same MacBook Pro, it's timing out every time on this same "Fetching list of teams from the developer portal" message.
Sometimes, it (eventually) returns a "The request timed out" message, sometimes I just get this...
And no, this isn't an internet problem...
This issue has been reported on several StackOverflow threads over the past few months. Usually it works, but sometimes it doesn't, and, in usual Xcode fashion, it gives no hint as to the cause/solution.
(How can the same company produce such a fantastic OS and hardware, yet their development environment is so consistantly bad, year after year...?)
Out of desperation, I rebooted my MacBook, and now, it happily manages to load the list of teams.
(Just closing all Xcode instances wasn't enough to fix the issue.)
Welcome to the 1990s, folks.
I've tried everything that been said. Nothing works, what I do is try and cancel every moment that you know it will fail. Like a traffic that cant continue because of load of request.

Xcode upload error: Failed to open ssh session. (16)

NOTE: We finally uploaded the app but we didn't really troubleshoot this issue so I would appreciate if someone could share some valuable insight or experience pertaining to this question.
I've also checked the following 2 similar questions but these didn't help:
Error uploading ios application to itunesconnect “failed to open ssh session (16)”
App Store submission/distribution error “failed to open ssh session”
Firstly, I am on a company network and just a week back we published a fresh new app using Max OSX 10.9.3 (13D65) & Xcode v5.1.1 (5B1008).
This week, while trying to upload an update for this app via the same system, I ran into a few issues.
1st try*firewalled
2nd/3rd try*firewalled
So, I got our network admin to open up port number 44001 and tried again.
Although it did reduce the number of errors, it failed again.
Thought we'd try from another system but same error.
4th try*firewalled
NOTE: No changes in network or system
5th try*firewall bypassed
So, I got our network admin to look into it and eventually we ended up bypassing the company firewall just for this upload session but it failed again.
6th try*firewalled
Thought we'd try from another system again so I switched to a colleague's system that hadn't been involved in this app's development, note that it was not bypassing the firewall, and it uploaded successfully in it's 1st attempt, albeit with a few warnings.
System was a Mac OSX 10.9.3 that we later realized had an older version of Xcode (5.0) but anyways...
Would someone be kind enough to shed some light or hints for the following errors/warnings:
Error: Failed to open ssh session. (16) (NOTE: this appeared with/without firewall/restrictions)
Error: Could NOT set the remote path to the existing package
Error: Could not create/set the package's folder on Apple's webDAV
Warning: Creating a new Signiant Transfer Engine
After having the same issue I've been able to fix this issue.
To solve this issue you need to:
Go to page 6 "System and Network Requirements" from
verify that all of the ports and IP addresses are accessible.
After opening all of the ports from the table, I'm now able to upload my apps.
I had the same problem when using my company's network because we use a proxy and due to security reasons all the needed ports and IPs reported on the official documentation were blocked. After switching to an external network without proxies, I was able to upload my new app.

App Store submission/distribution error "failed to open ssh session"

I'm trying to submit an iOS PhoneGap app to the app store via Xcode 5.0.2 but I'm encountering problems at the final distribution stage. The app works perfectly on the simulators and devices that I've used and even passes the validation yet when I go to distribute it a number of errors pop up and the project's status is listed as "Failed Validation".
I've had no luck searching for these errors on-line and I don't understand how it passes validation when I click validate but somehow fails it when I go to distribute.
I see other Xcode submission problems are linked to Apple server traffic but I'm not getting any "network connection lost" errors.
I've seen some issues requiring a Java update for Xcode but they seemed to effect Xcode 4 and I'm using Xcode 5.
I forgot to mention that I'm using an iMac on a University network.
After having the same issue I've been able to fix this issue.
To solve this issue you need to:
Go to page 6 "System and Network Requirements" from
verify that all of the ports and IP addresses are accessible.
After opening all of the ports from the table, I'm now able to upload my apps.
The problem was that I was using a university network which has a number of restrictions on servers as well as uploading and downloading. The only fix for this problem was to find another Mac to use which wasn't restricted.
A possible solution is to do what #kernix suggests, make sure your bitching corporate firewall isn't trying to mug you off. Are your ports open?
Another solution is to user Application Loader instead.
Open Application Loader, got to preferences (⌘+,) and unselect Signiant and Aspera, but leave DAV selected.

Can't Submit App to App Store: "Sending API Usage to iTunes Connect" either times out or loses connection

I request your help with this as I have been fighting with this since last night. I have googled for hours and I can't seem to find a solution to this so I am starting to fall for desperation.
Basically, I submitted an app last week. It got rejected because of a small mistake of my part. I want to resubmit it now, but the app won't upload. I need to note I have reconfigured my network since then but I'm sure all ports are open and that nothing should be getting on the way of my app being submitted.
Most of the fixes I have attempted to do come from other SO questions. Since nothing works, I am starting to think it's an issue with Apple, but at the same time I doubt they would leave this error unnoticed for over 15 hours now.
Above is an screenshot of what I get when I try upload an app using the Application Loader. The same error shows up from Organizer if I leave it running long enough. When I use XCode, I get a Connection Timed Out error.
Amongst the solutions I have tried:
Restart Xcode.
Restart my Mac.
Restart my router and modem.
Gone Xcode > Contents > Applications > Application Loader > Contents > MacOS > itms > java > lib - Opened with TextEdit and changed the line # https.proxyPort=443 to https.proxyPort=80
Went to preferences and left only DAV checked.
Built my app with a different certificate and provision profile.
Finally, I am using an iMac, so answers in the lines of "go to your nearest library and use their Wi-Fi" are not really feasable.
I am open to new ideas to try.
It looks like it is a trial and error kind of thing with me. For starters, my iMac never succeeds sending my app to iTunes. But my MacBook Pro does. With Application loader.
If the process is stuck in "Sending iTunes Usage to iTunes Connect" for over 15 Minutes, I force-quit Application Loader and open it again. It takes around 10 minutes for me to get past that stage.
Then comes the "authenticating with iTunes Connect" step, which takes around 10 minutes as well. If it goes for over 15 minutes in that step, then I have to force-quit.
These tips may not help everybody but it seems to be my case...
I have the same! I have tried with other network sources, but negative result. But i solved this with Force Quit Aplication Loader when it shows you issue. I hope it helps to U.
The moment you see this error.Just Hold CMD key and press Q. Then try again. You don't have to switch your network sources. It looks like App is spawning multiple threads to upload your IPA.
