In JIRA Agile, when I click a quickfilter I want other quickfilters to be unclicked, how can I do this? - jira

In JIRA, you can create quick filters so you can easily find your issues based on some custom filterings. For example, I have the following quick filters:
My issues
Coworker's issues
Recently created
When I click each one of them I want all others be become deselected. How can I do this? Right now they all stay selected when I click around.

The answer is: you can't. They are just designed as a toggle buttons.
But... if you are really depressed to do that you can create JIRA plugin which will inject some JavaScript to do that for you ;)


How can we make a Work Item Creator automatically a Follower?

I am running Azure DevOps 2019 RC1 with an Inheritance Collection and a new Agile project.
I have a requirement that when a user creates a work item (task/issue), they must automatically be added as a follower of this work item. How can I achieve this? I have look in the rules for the work item under process customisation but it doesn't appear to be possible this way.
We are using the tickets to track issues. Whoever discovers the issue raises the ticket. The basic requirement is that anyone who raises a ticket should be automatically notified of its progress, even though they are not responsible for the development or testing.
Currently the work around is telling the user that when they create an issue they must click the Follow button, but it is easy for them to forget and then lose their updates. It seems like a very simple customisation so maybe I'm missing the obvious.
I think you can't auto follow things currently, but you can add notification setting that will send automatically emails when work item is updated. To do this, go to Project Settings > Notifications page and create new subscription. Select "Work/A work item is changed" and put "Members of ... team by role" in Deliver to selection. Set roles to "Created by" and untick the "Skip initiator".
Your problem would be addressed precisely with the feature requested in the official Azure DevOps' feedback platform here:
479189 - Automatically follow work items I interact with
(That page also mentions workarounds, including per-team one answered here, and a per-person alternative. See this comment. The shortcoming of both is that they don't allow to you to unsubscribe for selected tickets.)

Is there a way to setup custom triggers in Visual Studio Team Services/TFS?

I use VSTS/TFS for work and side projects and I wanted to setup a trigger/rule that would automatically move stories into a certain iteration when I move them from "New" to "Approved" or whatever column is associated with an active state. I know how to change the iteration manually but it would be way easier if there was a way to say something like this psuedocode:
if (workItem.State == "Active") {MoveToIterationActiveForTodaysDate();}
Ideally too, if this isn't too picky, I would like it to only run on initial move so I can reassign to a different iteration later if I wanted to.
If anyone has an easier way to do this too that accomplishes the same thing (moving items to an iteration without having to manually activate the story and move it to the desired iteration) that would work as well. I'm still figuring out the ideal way to manage VSTS/TFS. Thanks in advance
Using VSTS is able to customizable work item rules.
Whether it be automatically setting the value of certain work item
fields or defining the behavior of those fields in specific states,
project admins can now use rules to automate the behavior of work item
fields and ease the burden on their teams.
More details please refer this tutorial: Add a rule to a work item type
However, it works with fields in the work item, not able to move work item to different iteration or area directly.
There is no out of box feature could achieve your requirement with TFS and VSTS for now. You may have to customize TFS events/actions to achieve the same feature as right click the work item--select move iteration--choose iteration.
Moreover, you could also use some 3-rd party extensions/tools such as Giulio
suggested TFS Aggregator.
As of today, there is no built-in automation, so the community wrote some tools that react at TFS/VSTS events and run scripts.
I can suggest TFS Aggregator which is used by many organization throughout the world: I am one of the core contributor.

VSTS/TFS Extension - Reflect changes in Grid/Board without refreshing entire page

I've written an extension for VSTS/TFS which adds a context menu for creating child work items.
The creation of the work items works well, but the change is not reflected in the Grid/Board until I perform a Refresh of the entire page.
Is there a way to refresh just the affected work items (somewhat similar to the refresh performed by the '+' menu item)?
There isn't any way to achieve this. If you open two pages and click "+" button to add two different child workitems from the two pages in the same time, you will find that the affected work item is not real refreshed, it just show the new added one. And you cannot control the behavior on Grid/Board either since the VSTS extensions are hosted in iframe which is cross-origin.
As far as I know this is currently not possible.
I struggled with that question for quite some time before I gave up and just told my users to hit F5 after creating the new work items. The NavigationService is the best alternative i know of.
For your specific case, this doesn't help you. However, if anyone runs across this question looking for ways to refresh a work item, you can use the work item form service method "refresh":
This service is a means to interact with the currently active work item form. So, this refresh will work on a work item that the user has opened.

JIRA Mark ticket as Accepted/Acknowledge

I've been looking for a way to have a user acknowledge a
ticket after it has been assigned to them. I don't know if
this is a built in feature or if there is a plugin that
will create a state/button for a user to accept a ticket
after it has been put in there queue. I would expect to
see something like this from the ticket window around
workflow or start progress but no amounts of digging
through configuration settings has turned anything
relevant up.
Does anyone know about this added functionality in JIRA?
Much thanks.
I did this by a custom workflow step. After an issue arrived to an assignee (with status New) he/she should move it to another step (with status Open). Until he/she does it, the issue is considered as not noticed/reached the assignee. Also I have had a report showing issues with New status for more than a predefined period of time.
I'm not aware of a ready-made plugin which performs similar task (perhaps, I should dig into my posts on Atlassian answers to discover some clues for other solutions).
As #Stan says above, a custom workflow is the way to implement this. The workflow functionality in JIRA is very flexible and as a result has a bit of a learning curve, but Atlassian's documentation is pretty good. Post back here if you need help.

How can I hide a work item field from some users in TFS 2008?

I'm customizing work item templates in TFS 2008 through the PowerTools and I'm wondering is it possible to hide a field (or it's value) for certain users?
For example, let's say I open TFS to my clients so they can submit feature requests. I'd like them to see the work item created, to see the history, changes etc. but I'd like to keep some of the field private and for our internal use.
Is it possible?
Hm, it seems it is not possible YET.
"This is a great suggestion. We have added it as a candidate for a future release. It would help us if you could provide a business case for this request. Thanks."
Another option would be to create a custom interface to the work items that only exposes the fields you want, while hiding others. While it would mean some custom development, it would solve the problem.
You can make it readonly - that's close? Good luck.
You can use the rule.
