OpenLayers that is not minified? - openlayers-3

I'm trying to find an OpenLayers3.js file that is not minifed, it is a pain debugging stuff that is minified, can anyone help me find it?
Im using this address now:
By the way, it is a special thingy at the top. See the website: ? Made me laugh.

If you need the unminified ol, you can use the one from ol:
It's a file of 3.5M so don't use this in production ;)

Have you tried the Download link on the main page?
If you want a hosted version, upload one here:

Yes, will load all the raw files -- basically by writing out a bunch of script tags. As #lexicore has already said, you can get the source from github, though this involves setting up nodejs locally to run (which actually isn't that painful, but more so than just debugging from a hosted source). Take a look at package.json to get a feel for how much has gone into OpenLayers 3.
If you go to the OpenLayers 3 examples, for example animation, change production to development in the drop down, and then do view source, you will get the link above. You can also see all the raw js files in the Javascript console.
EDIT: I put some instructions, following the official OL dev page, on how to build/run locally, which will also get you the unminified OL source code


How do I deploy an Angular-Dart web app

After using FileZilla to ftp the files to the website, my app just shows
...when trying to run from a chrome browser.
I have built and tested the app in Webstorm (2017.2.3)
Do I need to do anything else other than just copy the files from the build/web directory to my host? What about the build/lib directory?
If you want to see what is happening (or not, actually), take a look at:
Thanks for your help.
The file main.dart.js fails to load because of a comment at line 32071:
// "Document", so we check for the xmlVersion property, which is the empty
This is clearly shown in the examples at: which loads correctly, compared iwth which does not. The difference is that the first does not have the comment, whereas the second is the main.dart.js as generated by WebStorm.
I have logged a bug report:#30992 with the dart-sdk people.
Thanks to all for their kind help.

DateTimePicker Azure Implemetation Error

Hey there I' after publishing my project to azure I have used data comparison to transfer my database to the online server database but now My DateTimePicker does not work it now displayes in the top left corner and does not input data at all. When i ran the project again on the localversion it worked fine?
I found the followig errors in the console.
This has me fairly stumped. Has anyone seen anything like this before.
Azure View
Localhost View
Bundles file
file structure
As from the comments, the issue seemed to be originating from the scripts being included in an incorrect manner by the Bundle.
Trying with individual <Script src=""> tags explicitly will give you more control on the order of the scripts. And in this case seems to be solving the problem.
You can additionally also try splitting the js bundle into multiple bundles and try to add in order. Then check in the browser source if the ordering and result are appropriate even with the bundles. You can check the <script> tags generated by bundles and compare with your manual script tags, which work, and then alter the bundles.

neod3.js usage to visualize neo4j data on a seperate website

Im trying to use the standard neo4j visualisation in a seperate Website (not the original Neo4j Webbrowser). Therefore I downloaded the library from here:
I really struggle with using it. I actually have no real idea. I tried including it into a html file but hardly failed.
Did anyone do this? Would be very nice, if someone could help me out.
Thanks a lot!
Those are all coffee files (coffeescript, which compiles into javascript). It looks like if you go up two levels there's a README which shows you how to start it up using npm and grunt:
The app itself (maybe it's a node.js app, though I don't see references to node) is under the app directory from there. It has jade files which would be the HTML views (jade compiles to HTML similar to how coffescript compiles to javascript).
So presumably if you get that all set up there will be a server serving up HTML which will compile and serve up those coffeescript files as javascript in the page

Easy way to find a view file in rails?

I develop rails applications with my designer who has minimum knowledge about rails.
She works on Windows through file-sharing from a Linux server.
She always has hard time finding view files to work on.
I usually use 'grep' to find a view file.
But she can't.
If you have a good suggestion, please share with me.
I have an idea which may be overkill.
Is there a way to automatically add comments around view files (including layouts and partials?) in html file?
Like this:
<!--Starting app/views/some_dir/some_file.html.erb-->
HTML here...
<!--Ending app/views/some_dir/some_file.html.erb-->
This way, my designer can find the file very easily.
Of course, this should be automatic and development environment only.
I use the Rails Footnotes gem ( in some of my projects which allows me to click a link in the footer of my app that opens the current view (also shows partials) in TextMate. Not sure if it could be customised to work with a Windows text editor but you could look at the URL to work out the file name.
I.e to open a file in MacVim, it creates the following link:
and for TextMate:

Which is the "One-Click Ruby Installer"?

I have a hard time reading open source file download pages like this . I click the "One-Click Ruby Installer" link on this page and it takes me there.
I understand most of it like the versions for mac, win and source, version numbers etc. But I just don't know which is the actual one click installer. This is something I've always overlooked with pages like this and I usually just gestimate which I needed. This process is really intimidating.
Which of the many links is the "One-Click Ruby Installer"?
Can you offer any advice on reading pages like these?
I usually have trouble locating the right download to sometimes, best to just try and find the actual home page and go from there.
This is the web page for the Ruby Installer, there's three links right at the top that are for the most recent versions of the installer.
Edit: With regards to the gems+rails you have to install them individually after you install ruby. Depending on the gem you may need to download and install the development kit which is also on the page I linked above. The install for that is simple you just need to copy the files into the folder you installed rails.
Here's the correct link:
It was the last link under "Final" in the first list. If you look at the section to the right, you can see the file type and the intended OS. The last link in a section of the list is the newest.
