I have been researching and testing with powershell 2.0 and getting closer to a script that creates a text file containing connected network printers. The desired text file will have the name of the computer as the name of the text file stored on a network location with the bellow format.
\\print server name\ name of printer
\\print server name \name of printer2
\\print server name\name of printer3
So far I have come up with the bellow powershell 2.0 script to name the text file according to the name of the PC. However I am having problems getting the data of the txt file to create the data of the text file in the above format.
To create the file I am using the bellow powershell 2.0 code and get the bellow output file
$ComputerName = "$env:computername"
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Printer -ComputerName $ComputerName | Out-File \\printer server\printPCmap$\$ComputerName.txt
Location :
Name : \\print server name\printer
PrinterState :
PrinterStatus : 3
ShareName : printer name
SystemName : \\print server name
I then am able to get the newly created file by using the bellow script but unable to get it to rewrite the text file in the desired format.
Get-Content \\print server name\printPCmap$\$ComputerName.txt
And then by using | Select-String "\\" I can get the bellow data
Name : \\print server name\name of printer
SystemName : \\print server name
As you can see I am a bit far off from what I would like the 1 text file to look like at the end. Any help would be appreciated.
I was able to get this working by calling for the printer information in a different table format and then using the Select-string command to call for the text I wanted. I was then able to clean up the out file using Trim()
#Defining the etl file
$etlFile = 'test.etl'
#Retrieving the content
$log = Get-WinEvent -Path $etlFile –Oldest
Is there any other way of parsing .etl file to read etw events?
There is no built in command for reading an etl file with PowerShell but calling tracerpt.exe in windows\system32 for converting the etl file into xml (the file is always called dumpfile.xml) seems to be a simple solution:
tracerpt.exe .\WindowsUpdate.20220813.100210.641.1.etl -lr
([Xml](Get-Content .\dumpfile.xml)).Events
([Xml](Get-Content .\dumpfile.xml)).Events.Event
([Xml](Get-Content .\dumpfile.xml)).Events.Event.EventData
([Xml](Get-Content .\dumpfile.xml)).Events.Event.EventData.Data
See also Converting ETL to XML in powershell using traceprt, issues with dashes and spaces in arguments
I am trying to schedule a list of URL's in maintenance mode in SCOM 2007 using powershell. I am trying to get the list of URLs display name from a text file and trying to pass as input to below command.However it's not working. Can some body help how to pass the display name in text file as input
$URLStuff = Get-Content C:\Display.txt
$URLWatcher = (Get-MonitoringClass -name Microsoft.SystemCenter.WebApplication.Perspective) |
Get-MonitoringObject | where {$_.DisplayName -eq $URLStuff}
get-content is returning you an array of string objects, one per line found in the file. You need to turn your where-object around to search that array for the DisplayName of each object found from SCOM.
$URLWatcher = (Get-MonitoringClass -name Microsoft.SystemCenter.WebApplication.Perspective) |
Get-MonitoringObject | where {$URLStuff -contains $_.DisplayName}
I'm assuming that you've already verified that DisplayName does contain the data you're looking for and will match the contents of Display.txt.
I'm creating a text file whose file name will consist of constant and variable strings. For whatever reason, I'm getting an error saying "[file name] is already open" when I'm actually just creating it. The file is created, but none of my content makes it into the file.
All of the fixes I've tried end in another error saying "network file permission."
Also, I should mention that my new file is going into the same container as another file that is used to create the new file, which is where the filePathAlias comes in.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Here's the script:
-- get the file --
set filePathAlias to (choose file with prompt "** Choose File **")
set filePath to filePathAlias as string
tell application "Finder"
set fileName to name of filePathAlias
set containerPath to (container of filePathAlias) as string
end tell
set filePath to filePathAlias as string
-- get file container --
tell application "Finder"
set containerPath to (container of filePathAlias) as string
end tell
-- combine file name variable with constant suffix --
set finalFile to locationName & "_RMP_2014.txt"
-- create the file (THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR COMES IN) --
set myFile to open for access (containerPath) & finalFile with write permission
set listTextFinal to "text goes here"
write listTextFinal to myFile as text
close access myFile
on error
close access myFile
end try
You didn't give an example path for filePathAlias or locationName. I was unable to reproduce the file already open error. I can reproduce the network file permission error...So:
set filepathalias to ((path to desktop folder as string) & "test" as string) as alias
--alias of folder on desktop called test... massaged well to be an alias that can later be converted to string when making containerPath
set locationName to "stuff you left out" --Just a name I assume...
-- get file container --
tell application "Finder"
set containerPath to ((container of filepathalias) as string)
end tell
-- combine file name variable with constant suffix --
set finalFile to locationName & "_RMP_2014.txt"
-- create the file (THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR COMES IN) --
set myFile to open for access (containerPath) & finalFile with write permission
set listTextFinal to "text goes here"
write listTextFinal to myFile as text
close access myFile
on error
close access myFile
end try
This works perfectly, if you were to be working to the desktop. The problem appears to be in the stage of getting the path correct.
Without all the massaging to the filepathalias I did in the first line we get the network file error. The file is trying to save in places you can not save to....
You will need to verify the filepathalias, containerPath, & finalFile all contain the information you'd expect.
Right below where the finalFile is set try this from the editor:
return {filepathalias as string, containerPath as string, finalFile as string}
my result from the above:
{"mac:Users:lithodora:Desktop:test:", "mac:Users:lithodora:Desktop:", "stuff you left out_RMP_2014.txt"}
That is similar to what you should expect.
-- Convert the file to a string
set desktop_path to POSIX path of (path to desktop)
set theFile to desktop_path & "subject_lines.csv" as POSIX file
set theFile to theFile as string
-- Open the file for writing
set theOpenedFile to open for access file theFile with write permission
write "Hello Kitty" to theOpenedFile
-- Close the file
close access theOpenedFile
this would cause the error "File file Mac:Users:jun:Desktop:subject_lines.csv is already open."
If delete "set theFile to theFile as string", and makes the following changes:
set theFile to desktop_path & "subject_lines.csv" as string
then the error "Network file permission error."
Im trying to print an excel document through a default printer configured from command prompt using PRINT command as shown below:
C:>print c:\printdocs\test1.xls
by typing above and pressing enter a line saying 'C:\test1.xls is currently being printed'
is getting displayed but the excel document is not sent for default printer for printing. Please help me with this, where iam going wrong.
print.exe is designed to print a text file, and nothing else. In fact, if you type print /? from a command prompt, it tells you that in the first line of the text:
C:\>print /?
Prints a text file.
PRINT [/D:device] [[drive:][path]filename[...]]
/D:device Specifies a print device.
So the answer to your question is that you can't print an Excel file via print from the command line, because an .XLS file isn't a text file.
I want to use TextEdit to save data. what I have so far
tell application "TextEdit"
open /Users/UserName/Desktop/save.rtf
end tell
This gives me
"Expected “given”, “in”, “of”, expression, “with”, “without”, other parameter name, etc. but found unknown token."
and highlights the . in .rtf I tried removing the .rtf
but when I compile it it turns into
(open) / Users / username / desktop / (save)
This code gives "The variable Users is not defined."
also if possible can I have TextEdit run in the background without opening a window?
Put quotes around the path and use POSIX file to get a file object for the path:
tell application "TextEdit"
open POSIX file "/Users/UserName/Desktop/save.rtf"
end tell
You can modify the text of a document by changing the text property:
tell application "TextEdit"
set text of document 1 to text of document 1 & "aa"
end tell
It removes all styles in rich text documents. It also inserts the text as 12-point Helvetica in plain text documents, regardless of the default font.
Creating a new rtf file:
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document at beginning with properties {text:"aa"}
close document 1 saving in POSIX file "/tmp/a.rtf"
end tell
printf %s\\n aa | textutil -inputencoding UTF-8 -convert rtf -stdin -output a.rtf