Host-based-containers vs image-based-containers - docker

What is the difference between host based linux containers and image based linux containers?
What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?
How to make decision on which type to use for which scenario?
We are investigating virsh and docker for usage in one of our products.
Our software runs on RHEL7 which we trying to 'containerize'.
So trying to see what advantage and flexibility each one has before arriving at a decision.
Basically under what scenario we should prefer a host based container created using virsh and and what scenarios suit docker.

virsh, from the description, is a VM management tool. When you say "host based container" I believe you're referring to Virtual Machine. In comparison with Docker, it all comes down to VM vs container, which there are already plenty fun discussions around it:
How is different from a normal virtual machine?
Virtual Machines Vs. Containers: A Matter Of Scope
Docker vs. VMs? Combining Both for Cloud Portability
I would lean toward Docker, container-based solution. As it is leaner, more portable, and is a standardization tool across dev, test, and ops. The technology is young, but is adapting fast in the industry. When you see Google is backing it with container management tool Kubernetes and the future of Google Cloud in containers, you know this technology is heading in the right direction.
Edit: after reading a bit more on virsh, Virsh primarily uses libvirt and LXC, whereas Docker built its own execution environment libcontainer. This approach gives Docker more flexibility to provide features not available on traditional container technology. Read more about it here.


How to make separate CLI tools in docker containers accessible from "central "docker container?

I want to create a tool that couples together a lot (~10, perhaps more) of other CLI tools to automate some stuff. This tool needs to be able to just be dropped-in on any VPS and work, hence the Docker containers. Work in this case means running central program (made by me) that orchestrates all the other tools and aggregates their results in a single database to browse/export later. The tools' containers need to have network access.
In my limited knowledge of Docker I've concluded that multi-stage build to fit all the tools in a single container is a bad design here, and very cumbersome. I've thought of networking the tools' containers to the central one and doing some sort of TCP piping, but that seems less than ideal too. What should the approach here be like? Are there some ready-made solutions to this issue?
How about docker-compose?
You can use this tool to deploy all your dockerized tools inside docker network and then communicate with them via your orchestrator. Additionally you can pack this composed dockers into another docker and create docker-in-docker environment and expose only your orchestrator as a gate to your all-in-one tool.

Containers Orchestations and some docker functions

I am familiarizing with the architecture and practices to package, build and deploy software or unless, small pieces of software.
If suddenly I am mixing concepts with specific tools (sometimes is unavoidable), let me know if I am wrong, please.
On the road, I have been reading and learning about the images and containers terms and their respective relationships in order to start to build the workflow software systems of a better possible way.
And I have a question about the services orchestration in the context of the docker :
The containers are lightweight and portable encapsulations of an environment in which we have all the binary and dependencies we need to run our application. OK
I can set up communication between containers using container links --link flag.
I can replace the use of container links, with docker-compose in order to automate my services workflow and running multi-containers using .yaml file configurations.
And I am reading about of the Container orchestration term, which defines the relationship between containers when we have distinct "software pieces" separate from each other, and how these containers interact as a system.
Well, I suppose that I've read good the documentation :P
My question is:
A docker level, are container links and docker-compose a way of container orchestration?
Or with docker, if I want to do container orchestration ... should I use docker-swarm?
You should forget you ever read about container links. They've been obsolete in pure Docker for years. They're also not especially relevant to the orchestration question.
Docker Compose is a simplistic orchestration tool, but I would in fact class it as an orchestration tool. It can start up multiple containers together; of the stack it can restart individual containers if their configurations change. It is fairly oriented towards Docker's native capabilities.
Docker Swarm is mostly just a way to connect multiple physical hosts together in a way that docker commands can target them as a connected cluster. I probably wouldn't call that capability on its own "orchestration", but it does have some amount of "scheduling" or "placement" ability (Swarm, not you, decides which containers run on which hosts).
Of the other things I might call "orchestration" tools, I'd probably divide them into two camps:
General-purpose system automation tools that happen to have some Docker capabilities. You can use both Ansible and Salt Stack to start Docker containers, for instance, but you can also use these tools for a great many other things. They have the ability to say "run container A on system X and container B on system Y", but if you need inter-host communication or other niceties then you need to set them up as well (probably using the same tool).
Purpose-built Docker automation tools like Docker Compose, Kubernetes, and Nomad. These tend to have a more complete story around how you'd build up a complete stack with a bunch of containers, service replication, rolling updates, and service discovery, but you mostly can't use them to manage tasks that aren't already in Docker.
Some other functions you might consider:
Orchestration: How can you start multiple connected containers all together?
Networking: How can one container communicate with another, within the cluster? How do outside callers connect to the system?
Scheduling: Which containers run on which system in a multi-host setup?
Service discovery: When one container wants to call another, how does it know who to call?
Management plane: As an operator, how do you do things like change the number of replicas of some specific service, or cause an update to a newer image for a service?

Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm

I am evaluating Kubernetes (with Docker containers, not Kubernetes) and Docker Swarm and could use your input.
If I'm looking at 3 (8.76 hours) or 4 (52 min) 9's reliability in a server farm that is < 100 servers, would Kubernetes be overkill due to its complexity? Would Docker Swarm suffice?
Docker swarm will be able to meet your requirements. I recommend you start with Docker swarm as it is robust and very straightforward to use for anyone who has used Docker before.
For a Docker user, there are many new concepts that you need to learn to be able to use Kubernetes. Moreover, setting up Kubernetes on premise without using a preconfigured cloud platform is not straightforward
On the other hand, Kubernetes is more flexible and extensible. Kubernetes is older than Docker swarm and the community for kubernetes community is really big.
It really depends on your real needs, Kubernetes or Swarm orchestrators are not silver bullets. To take real advantage from the container technology, the applications have to be properly designed. A design guideline for these cloud native apps are the Twelve Factor app principles made by Heroku.
In case you want to scale and achieve global scaling, Kubernetes is a great framework to run distributed apps at scale. In case you have a lot of Java apps, maybe containerized traditional applications then Swarm is a best option.
The business requirements can drive you to make the right choice.
Hope this helps!

How does coreos compare to triton?

Recently some alternatives for running docker containers or even the app container have developed.
I know that there is rkt from coreos ( and triton from joyent (
How do these two approaches compare?
Maybe I should re-phrase my question after these good comments from # Lakatos Gyula
How does Triton compare to coreos or kubernetes for running docker-containers at scale?
So in a way, this is an apples to oranges to grapes comparison. CoreOS is an operating system, Kubernetes is open source container orchestration software, and Triton is a PaaS.
So CoreOS, it's a minimal operating system with a focus on security. I've been using this in production for several months now at work, haven't found a reason to not like it yet. It does not have a package manager, but it comes preinstalled with both rkt and Docker. You can run both docker and rkt just fine on there. It also comes with Etcd, which is a distributed key-value store, and it happens that kubernetes is backed by it. It also comes with Flannel which is a networking program for networking between containers and machines in your cluster. CoreOS also ships with Fleet, which you can think of like a distributed version of systemd, which systemd is CoreOS' init system. And as of recently, CoreOS ships with Kubernetes itself.
Kubernetes is a container orchestration software that is made up of a few main components. There are masters, which use the APIServer, controller and scheduler to manage the cluster. And there are nodes which use the "kubelet" and kube-proxy". Through these components, Kubernetes schedules and manages where to run your containers on your cluster. As of v1.1 Kubernetes also can auto-scale your containers. I also have been using this in production as long as I have been using CoreOS, and the two go together very well.
Triton is Joyent's Paas for Docker. Think of it like Joyent's traditional service, but instead of BSD jails (similar concept to Linux containers) and at one point Solaris Zones (could be wrong on that one, that was just something I heard from word of mouth), you're using Docker containers. This does abstract away a lot of the work you'd have to do with setting up CoreOS and Kubernetes, that said there are services that'll do the same and use kubernetes under the hood. Now I haven't used Triton like I have used Kubernetes and CoreOS, but it definitely seems to be quite well engineered.
Ultimately, I'd say it's about your needs. Do you need flexibility and visibility, then something like CoreOS makes sense, particularly with Kubernetes. If you want that abstracted away and have these things handled for you, I'd say Triton makes sense.

What is the difference between Docker Swarm and Kubernetes/Mesophere?

From what I understand, Kubernetes/Mesosphere is a cluster manager and Docker Swarm is an orchestration tool. I am trying to understand how they are different? Is Docker Swarm analogous to the POSIX API in the Docker world while Kubernetes/Mesosphere are different implementations? Or are they different layers?
Disclosure: I'm a lead engineer on Kubernetes
Kubernetes is a cluster orchestration system inspired by the container orchestration that runs at Google. Built by many of the same engineers who built that system. It was designed from the ground up to be an environment for building distributed applications from containers. It includes primitives for replication and service discovery as core primitives, where-as such things are added via frameworks in Mesos. The primary goal of Kubernetes is a system for building, running and managing distributed systems.
Swarm is an effort by Docker to extend the existing Docker API to make a cluster of machines look like a single Docker API. Fundamentally, our experience at Google and elsewhere indicates that the node API is insufficient for a cluster API. You can see a bunch of discussion on this here: and here:
Swarm is a very simple add-on to Docker. It currently does not provide all the features of Kubernetes. It is currently hard to predict how the ecosystem of these tools will play out, it's possible that Kubernetes will make use of Swarm.
