Date vs Names graph with highcharts - highcharts

I want to draw a graph between dates and names. The graph which I need is in below format:
in below graph the data will be like
one column with dates and another with names...the names should be given different colors and on the same day if the name repeats it should be shown. i tried doing this, but not succeeded, please help me to draw this.
sryy it's not allowing to add image.


Conditional formatting for cells based on multiple other cells in Google Sheets

Image attached for spreadsheet.
I am trying to conditionally format a range based on multiple criteria, and cannot figure out the best way to do it. Basically, I want to highlight a range (ex: V4:V18) where the Affected Dates in the Change Log match the dates on the schedule AND the corresponding employee initials. The point of this is if there is something in the change log for a specific date and employee, that day gets highlighted in the schedule for that employee.
Example (see image): I want to highlight in V4:V18 where F23:F25 matches B4:B18 AND H23:H25 matches V3. So, this would highlight V5 and V6.
Assuming that values in F23:F25 are formatted as dates in 2022, you could use this custom formula in CF:

Trying to make a graph on google sheets that relies off of other data points

I have a set of survey data from a google form in google sheets, and I want to plot the results on some graphs. I know how to graph one column of data, but I am curious how I would graph a chart of answers BASED ON other answers. For example, if you look at this Example Data Set, imagine that I am trying to plot the favorite color of all people born in January. With a sample this small it could easily be done manually, but the actual set I am working with is much bigger so manually sorting is not an option. Any way to do this in google sheets?
select columns A, B and C, and set filter:

Google Spreadsheet chart not pulling information from table correctly

I have 2 tabs relating to the graph I'm working with. I have multiple graphs all working properly but one in particular. I have tried selecting different ranges to use for the data range, I have tried using different types of graphs. All the same I get the same results. The other graphs use the same information from the same table.
The graph's purpose is to compare the Highest Price and the Lowest Price per item. HERE is a link to a sample sheet with the same information as the original. Thank you for any help you can give!
values needs to be numeric not text string so in worst case a conversion is needed:
=ArrayFormula({INDEX(SPLIT(F4:F13, " "),,1), INDEX(SPLIT(G4:G13, " "),,1)})
and then you can plot your chart...

Google Data Studio Dates and Text

I am having trouble with two things trying to setup my report on Google Data Studio.
Using numbers with dates.
I have some numeric values to use with dates. However, I have the same date for different values and google sums up those values and I need them separated.
Also, when a certain day does not have any value, google gives it value 0 and I cant have that because the value isnt 0, I just need it to skip those days. I have generated a graph as an example.
I can´t generate a graph using text as a dimension. I think I am doing something wrong but I wasn´t able to.
1) On the line chart, set the date as dimension, set the city as the breakdown dimension, the clicks as the metric.
2) create a chart filter and exclude when the "clicks are null"

timeline chart not drawing "null" data

when I use the data below in a google sheets timeline chart it doesn't plot 29/04/2019 5% and 10% leaving a gap in a chart, how can I resolve this? the chart should be unaffected by empty fields.
Date 5% Target 10% Target Actual
22/04/2019 120.6 120.6 120.6
29/04/2019 119.5
22/07/2019 114.57 108.54
22/10/2019 108.84 97.69
22/01/2020 103.40 87.92
22/04/2020 98.23 79.13
22/07/2020 93.32 71.21
22/10/2020 88.65 64.09
22/01/2021 84.22 57.68
22/04/2021 80.01 51.91
22/07/2021 76.01 46.72
22/10/2021 72.21 42.05
22/01/2022 68.60 37.85
22/04/2022 65.17 34.06
22/07/2022 61.91 30.65
22/10/2022 58.81 27.59
22/01/2023 55.87 24.83
22/04/2023 53.08 22.35
22/07/2023 50.43 20.11
I have tried adding another dataset and I get the error
each values column may be followed by one or two annotation columns. column number 4 is of type date
Here is a link to the spreadsheet
There are gaps in your data, so you're going to have gaps in your chart. That's just how Timeline Chart works. There are ways of having charts skip gaps, but you have the 29th as a date, so it is explicitly part of your timeline.
The least burdensome remedy is usually to chart a different dataset living elsewhere, filtered down live from your input values, but meeting your charting requirements. E.g. elsewhere in your file have it list only the rows where 5% Target is populated with something like =FILTER(B2:E,LEN(C2:C)) and then chart that.
If that's not what you really want, then you need to decide what you really want. A time-cropped chart to only include fully-populated date ranges? A chart with made-up values extrapolated from surrounding data? Those and some other options are not trivial, so you'll need to really determine your requirements and look into how they can be achieved.
