Undocumented `when` keyword usage in FSharp.Core - f#

Looking for information about statically resolved type parameters for inline functions I stumbled upon the definitions of various primitive operators in FSharp.Core:
let inline (+) (x: ^T) (y: ^U) : ^V =
CheckedAdditionDynamic<(^T),(^U),(^V)> x y
when ^T : int32 and ^U : int32 = (# "add.ovf" x y : int32 #)
when ^T : float and ^U : float = (# "add" x y : float #)
// <snip>
when ^T : ^T = ((^T or ^U): (static member (+) : ^T * ^U -> ^V) (x,y))
As can be seen in the snippet above the when keyword is used in the format of: when expr1 = expr2 for various built-in types. I'm guessing that this is some sort of compiler equivalent of "if T=int use opcode add.ovf, else if ..., else do that".
However, I could not find a single reference/explanation to this kind of syntax in the F# documentation. Could someone with some inside knowledge of F# explain what is going on in that snippet above?

User Carsten has provided the following comment to this answer as he considers it to be wrong.
the thing is: when used as is here has nothing to do with the
documented usages - it seems to be called static conditional
optimization and should not be used outside the core libraries -
indeed go on and try to use it - you will see that you cannot unless
you use the tricks mentioned in Johns answer (other question)
User Carsten added an additional comment to this answer:
I added a comment - I don't think my educated guess is worth an answer
- I hoped that one of the insiders hanging around would finally put an official answer to it
The answer referred to in Carsten's first comment is by user John Palmer in April 2013 which links to this answer he provided on the (# ..... #) syntax, What is the (# ... #) syntax seen in F3 standard library implementation?
You can actually use this but you have to specify the
--compiling-fslib (undocumented) and --standalone flags in your code.
User MisterMetaphor provided an answer quoting a posting in a forum that said the following:
Embedded IL in F# codes. Is this feature officially supported?
Not really. The 99.9% purpose of this feature is for operations
defined in FSharp.Core.dll (called fslib.dll in and before).
For other uses of the when keyword see the following.
This Microsoft document describes using the when keyword for additional conditions on matching, Match Expressions (F#).
This Microsoft document describes using the when keyword to express constraints for generic type parameters, Constraints (F#).
Also see this Microsoft document describing pattern matching with the when keyword in various settings, Pattern Matching (F#).
The Pattern Matching document says the following along with several examples.
Patterns are rules for transforming input data. They are used
throughout the F# language to compare data with a logical structure or
structures, decompose data into constituent parts, or extract
information from data in various ways.
The Match Expression document says the following along with an example.
You can use a when clause to specify an additional condition that the
variable must satisfy to match a pattern. Such a clause is referred to
as a guard. The expression following the when keyword is not evaluated
unless a match is made to the pattern associated with that guard.


What is the point of op_Quotation if it cannot be used?

According the F# specification for operator overloading
<# #> op_Quotation
<## ##> op_QuotationUntyped
is given as with many other operators. Unless I'm missing something I don't believe that I can use this for custom types, so why is it listed?
I think you are right that there is no way of actually using those as custom operators. I suspect those are treated as operators in case this was useful, at some point in the future of the language, for some clever new feature.
The documentation really merely explains how the names of the operators get encoded. For non-special operator names, F# encodes those in a systematic way. For the ones listed in the page, it has a special nicer name. Consider this type:
type X() =
static member (<^><>) (a:int,b:int) = a + b
static member (<# #>) (a:int,b:int) = a + b
If you look at the names of those members:
[ for m in typeof<X>.GetMembers() -> m.Name ]
You see that the first operator got compiled as op_LessHatGreaterLessGreater, while the second one as op_Quotation. So this is where the name memntioned in the table comes in - it is probably good this is documented somewhere, but I think you're right, that this is not particularly useful!

Why is "do" allowed inside a function?

I noticed that the following code compiles and works in VS 2013:
let f() =
do Console.WriteLine(41)
But when looking at the F# 3.0 specification I can't find any mention of do being used this way. As far as I can tell, do can have the following uses:
As a part of loop (e.g. while expr do expr done), that's not the case here.
Inside computation expressions, e.g.:
seq {
for i in 1..2 do
do Console.WriteLine(i)
yield i * 2
That's not the case here either, f doesn't contain any computation expressions.
Though what confuses me here is that according to the specification, do should be followed by in. That in should be optional due to lightweight syntax, but adding it here causes a compile error (“Unexpected token 'in' or incomplete expression”).
Statement inside a module or class. This is also not the case here, the do is inside a function, not inside a module or a class.
I also noticed that with #light "off", the code doesn't compile (“Unexpected keyword 'do' in binding”), but I didn't find anything that would explain this in the section on lightweight syntax either.
Based on all this, I would assume that using do inside a function this way should not compile, but it does. Did I miss something in the specification? Or is this actually a bug in the compiler or in the specification?
From the documentation on MSDN:
A do binding is used to execute code without defining a function or value.
Even though the spec doesn't contain a comprehensive list of the places it is allowed, it is merely an expression asserted to be of type unit. Some examples:
if ((do ()); true) then ()
let x: unit = do ()
It is generally omitted. Each of the preceding examples are valid without do. Therefore, do serves only to assert that an expression is of type unit.
Going through the F# 3.0 specification expression syntax has do expr as a choice of class-function-or-value-defn (types) [Ch 8, A.2.5] and module-function-or-value-defn (modules) [Ch 10, A.2.1.1].
I don't actually see in the spec where function-defn can have more than one expression, as long all but the last one evaluate to unit -- or that all but the last expression is ignored in determining the functions return value.
So, it seems this is an oversight in the documentation.

When do you put double semicolons in F#?

This is a stupid question. I've been reading a couple books on F# and can't find anything that explains when you put ;; after a statement, nor can I find a pattern in the reading. When do you end a statement with double semi-colons?
In the non-interactive F# code that's not supposed to be compatible with OCaml, you shouldn't need to ever need double semicolon. In the OCaml compatible mode, you would use it at the end of a top-level function declaration (In the recent versions, you can switch to this mode by using files with .ml extension or by adding #light "off" to the top).
If you're using the command-line fsi.exe tool or F# Interactive in Visual Studio then you'd use ;; to end the current input for F#.
When I'm posting code samples here at StackOverflow (and in the code samples from my book), I use ;; in the listing when I also want to show the result of evaluating the expression in F# interactive:
Listing from F# interactive
> "Hello" + " world!";;
val it : string = "Hello world!"
> 1 + 2;;
val it : int = 3
Standard F# source code
let n = 1 + 2
printf "Hello world!"
Sometimes it is also useful to show the output as part of the listing, so I find this notation quite useful, but I never explained it anywhere, so it's great that you asked!
Are you talking about F# proper or about running F# functions in the F# Interactive? In F# Interactive ;; forces execution of the code just entered. other than that ;; does not have any special meaning that I know of
In F#, the only place ;; is required is to end expressions in the interactive mode.
;; is left over from the transition from OCaml, where in turn it is left over from Caml Light. Originally ;; was used to end top-level "phrases"--that is, let, type, etc. OCaml made ;; optional since the typical module consists of a series of let statements with maybe one statement at the end to call the main function. If you deviate from this pattern, you need to separate the statements with ;;. Unfortunately, in OCaml, when ;; is optional versus required is hard to learn.
However, F# introduces two relevant modifications to OCaml syntax: indentation and do. Top-level statements have to go inside a do block, and indentation is required for blocks, so F# always knows that each top-level statement begin with do and an indent and ends with an outdent. No more ;; required.
Overall, all you need to know is that [O']Caml's syntax sucks, and F# fixes a lot of its problems, but maintains a lot of confusing backward compatibility. (I believe that F# can still compile a lot of OCaml code.)
Note: This answer was based on my experience with OCaml and the link Adam Gent posted (which is unfortunately not very enlightening unless you know OCaml).
Symbol and Operator Reference (F#)
Semi Colon:
•Separates expressions (used mostly in verbose syntax).
•Separates elements of a list.
•Separates fields of a record.
Double Semi Colon:
Articles in The F#.NET Journal quote F# code as it would appear in an interactive session. Specifically, the interactive session provides a > prompt, requires a double semicolon ;; identifier at the end of a code snippet to force evaluation, and returns the names (if any) and types of resulting definitions and values.
I suspect that you have seen F# code written when #light syntax wasn't enabled by default (#light syntax is on by default for the May 2009 CTP and later ones as well as for Visual Studio 2010) and then ;; means the end of a function declaration.
So what is #light syntax? It comes with the #light declaration:
The #light declaration makes
whitespace significant. Allowing the
developer to omit certain keywords
such as in, ;, ;;, begin, and end.
Here's a code written without #light syntax:
let halfWay a b =
let dif = b - a in
let mid = dif / 2 in
mid + a;;
and becomes with light syntax:
let halfWay a b =
let dif = b - a
let mid = dif / 2
mid + a
As said you can omit the #light declaration now (which should be the case if you're on a recent CTP or Visual Studio 2010).
See also this thread if you want know more on the #light syntax: F# - Should I learn with or without #light?
The double semi-colon is used to mark the end of a block of code that is ready for evaluation in F# interactive when you are typing directly into the interactive session. For example, when using it as a calculator.
This is rarely seen in F# because you typically write code into a script file, highlight it and use ALT+ENTER to have it evaluated, with Visual Studio effectively injecting the ;; at the end for you.
OCaml is the same.
Literature often quotes code written as it would appear if it had been typed into an interactive session because this is a clear way to convey not only the code but also its inferred type. For example:
> [1; 2; 3];;
val it : int list = [1; 2; 3]
This means that you type the expression [1; 2; 3] into the interactive session followed by the ;; denoting the end of a block of code that is ready to be evaluated interactively and the compiler replies with val it : int list = [1; 2; 3] describing that the expression evaluated to a value of the type int list.
The double semicolon most likely comes from OCaml since that is what the language is based on.
See link text
Basically its for historical purposes and you need it for the evaluator (repl) if you use it.
There is no purpose for double semi-colons (outside of F# interactive). The semi-colon, according to MSDN:
Separates expressions (used mostly
in verbose syntax).
elements of a list.
fields of a record.
Therefore, in the first instance, ;; would be separating the expression before the first semi-colon from the empty expression after it but before the second semi-colon, and separating that empty expression from whatever came after the second semi-colon (just as in, say C# or C++).
In the instance of the list, I suspect you'd get an error for defining an empty list element.
With regards to the record, I suspect it would be similar to separating expressions, with the empty space between the semi-colons effectively being ignored.
F# interactive executes the entered F# on seeing a double semi-colon.
[Updated to cover F# interactive - courtesy of mfeingold)
The history of the double semicolon can be traced back to the beginnings of ML when semicolons were used as a separator in lists instead of commas. In this ICFP 2010 - Tribute to Robin Milner video around 50:15 Mike Gordon mentions:
There was a talk on F# where someone asked "Why is there double semicolon on the end of F# commands?" The reason is the separator in lists in the original ML is semicolons, so if you wanted a list 1;2;3; and put it on separate lines- if you ended a line with semicolon you were not ending the phrase, so using double semicolon meant the end of the expression. Then in Standard ML the separator for lists became comma, so that meant you could use single semicolons to end lists.

Questions about the definition of lazy

On line 5633 in prim-types.fs (v1.9.7.8) there is the following type abbreviation:
type 'T ``lazy`` = Lazy<'T>
I have a few questions about it.
What do the double backticks mean?
Is this definition equivalent to type lazy<'T> = Lazy<'T>? (If not, how is it different?)
The double back ticks are a way of allowing an F# keyword to be used as an identifier. Another example would be
let ``let`` = 42
To answer the second half of your question, generic types in F# can be specified using either the O'Caml-style syntax where the generic parameter precedes the type (e.g 'a list, int array, etc.), or the .NET-style with angle brackets (e.g. list<'a>, array<int>, etc.), so the two definitions are indeed basically equivalent (except that your version as written is syntactically invalid because lazy is a keyword). For multi-parameter generic types, the O'Caml style is deprecated and will generate a warning (e.g. let (m:(int,string) Map) = Map.empty should be rewritten as let (m:Map<int,string>) = Map.empty).

Point-free style with objects/records in F#

I'm getting stymied by the way "dot notation" works with objects and records when trying to program in a point-free functional style (which I think is a great, concise way to use a functional language that curries by default).
Is there an operator or function I'm missing that lets me do something like:
(.) object method instead of object.method?
(From what I was reading about the new ? operator, I think it works like this. Except it requires definition and gets into the whole dynamic binding thing, which I don't think I need.)
In other words, can I apply a method to its object as an argument like I would apply a normal function to its argument?
Short answer: no.
Longer answer: you can of course create let-bound functions in a module that call a method on a given type... For example in the code
let l = [1;2;3]
let h1 = l.Head
let h2 = List.hd l
there is a sense in which "List.hd" is the version of what you want for ".Head on a list". Or locally, you can always do e.g.
let AnotherWay = (fun (l:list<_>) -> l.Head)
let h3 = AnotherWay l
But there is nothing general, since there is no good way to 'name' an arbitrary instance method on a given type; 'AnotherWay' shows a way to "make a function out of the 'Head' property on a 'list<_>' object", but you need such boilerplate for every instance method you want to treat as a first-class function value.
I have suggested creating a language construct to generalize this:
With regards to language design
suggestions, what if
SomeType..Foo optArgs // note *two* dots
fun (x : SomeType) -> x.Foo optArgs
In which case you could write
as a way to 'functionize' this instance property, but if we ever do anything in that arena in F#, it would be post-VS2010.
If I understand your question correctly, the answer is: no you can't. Dot (.) is not an operator in F#, it is built into the language, so can't be used as function.
