Login page with jQuery Mobile - jquery-mobile

I building an JQM app and im no shark in JQM just yet. the content of it is sensitive,
so i would like to create a login page without having to contact serverside (MySql),
is this even possible,
I have been fumbling around, with various answers that i have found here on StackOverflow,
but i just canĀ“t seem to figure it out. The login page should just contain Username and password.
could anyone, please help me with this problem?
maybe with the working code and maybe explain how to set it up.


Is it possible to log into an existing website with Swift in Xcode?

I am making an app for a website and was wondering if it is possible to make a login page without showing the actual website. So basically, can i make a login page with a TextField for an email and a TextField for the password, send the data to the website to login and access the website from a custom built Interface to browse the website (not a UIWebView). I would assume i need access to admin the website itself but it would be better if i can do it in another way. I hope i was clear enough, it is kind of hard to explain. If you need any additional information, please feel free to ask me.
Also, i am 14 years old and semi new to Swift and Xcode so a in depth answer would be great. I am also new to Stack Overflow so if i did something wrong, please tell me.

Creating a "pop out window" for user login

I've searched stackoverflow as well as google and can't seem to find a specific enough answer, so I thought I would go ahead and ask it myself!
To provide some background: I am a fairly new rails developer and I've just created a basic app albeit it is lacking some wanted functionality. So far I have integrated Devise, and Omniauth for user login. However, I'd like to have a "pop out window" when users click 'Login' instead of being re-directed to an actual Login page.
If you click on the login button on this website you will see what I am referring to: http://geckodesigns.kinja.com/so-i-bought-a-firetruck-252516685
What sort of Ruby or perhaps Java code would one have to use to implement such functionality?
I look forward to reading your answers!
You could use something like jQuery UI Dialog for this.
Here's the website for jQuery UI. There's also a Rails gem that wraps this library and makes it quite easy to put in your project. You can find that gem on github here.
Suppose you have a login page: html/login.html
In original page:
<a onclick='popupLoginWindow'>Login</a>
function popupLoginWindow(){

Twitter Share buttons Stopped Working

I have 2 sites where the Twitter Share buttons stopped working.
Has anyone experienced the same problem?
Here are links to my sites:
Problem seems isolated to IE8, not sure about Chrome...seems okay in FF14
Thank you very much for any help you can provide.
We're having issues at the moment that the new or old twitter version of the "Twitter Share Button" with any version of IE is causing some of the JavaScript on our sites to not execute. (Specifically header related)
After tinkering for an hour or so, I've shelved it. Just used IE browser detection to stop it from putting the Twitter button on IE browsers.
Sorry I can't be of more help - but I get the feeling that this is at Twitters end.

Changes to twitter API

Just looking for some clarity on the new Twitter API changes coming in if anyone could help out please-
Do the API changes affect how I go about placing for e.g. the top 5 tweets from my timeline onto my site. I've used some quick javascript techniques before to do this but does the new authentication mean I have to go through PHP Oauth or similar in order to do the same thing? Would it break previous setups I have done before?
I've used this code before:
And then just your username in here:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/USERNAME.json?callback=twitterCallback2&count=2"></script>
Had a look through some of the documentation on the changes but not sure if its just for application stuff or if it affects the likes of what I'm doing aswell.
All help much appreciated! And if anyone could point me in the direction of some good tutorials/info if the set up is different that'd be great too.
Thanks for your time
/* ed */
I've since set up Twitter Oauth in PHP using #abraham's setup. Everytime I load the test page I get asked to sign into Twitter - is that the way twitter feeds are gonna have to be on sites now with the new rules? Still a little confused if anyone has any insight it'd be much appreciated!
I know this is an old question, but the answer is yes - all Twitter API 1.1 calls have to be authenticated. API 1.0 has been switched off permanently. |
This should explain all: https://dev.twitter.com/blog/api-v1-is-retired

Posting a comment on a page through native iOS UI

Ok so I've scoured the docs and stackoverflow for an answer, but maybe I'm asking the wrong questions or looking in the wrong places. I'm working on an native iOS app and I want to give the user a way to post a comment to a page, but through native UI and not through a UIWebView with the comments plugin embedded. I can make a comment on a comment on the page, but I can't seem to make a comment from an authenticated user on the page itself. Is this even possible?
Apple's URL Loading System provides you with the ability to set credentials for basic HTTP authentication, but it sounds like you're talking about logging in to some kind of forum system. The way those generally work is that you send your credentials to the site, and get an authentication cookie back. You then need to provide that cookie to the system when you interact with the site.
Here's a blog post with an example of how to do that.
