Posting a comment on a page through native iOS UI - ios

Ok so I've scoured the docs and stackoverflow for an answer, but maybe I'm asking the wrong questions or looking in the wrong places. I'm working on an native iOS app and I want to give the user a way to post a comment to a page, but through native UI and not through a UIWebView with the comments plugin embedded. I can make a comment on a comment on the page, but I can't seem to make a comment from an authenticated user on the page itself. Is this even possible?

Apple's URL Loading System provides you with the ability to set credentials for basic HTTP authentication, but it sounds like you're talking about logging in to some kind of forum system. The way those generally work is that you send your credentials to the site, and get an authentication cookie back. You then need to provide that cookie to the system when you interact with the site.
Here's a blog post with an example of how to do that.


get recommended posts from own profile through api

Using the Medium API, is it possible to get all of the posts I have recommended (or clapped)?
Within my Medium profile, I can see the posts I have clapped (see image below). I wish to retrieve these through the API.
I'm not sure this is possible with the API, but you can do this using the RSS feeds. Here's the recommendations from my own Medium page:
Replace the username with your own.
Based off Medium's API docs, there does not seem to be a forward facing endpoint to get your recommended posts. You could try to scrape your recommendations page, though I don't know if Medium's Terms of Service allow scraping, so if you're going to go that route, read through their terms to make sure you won't be putting your account in danger of getting banned, shutdown, etc.

Where can I find more information on how to sync up accounts to an APP?

When I say that, I mean if I'm creating an APP that I want to work in conjunction with say instagram, twitch, or facebook, etc, where they log in with their account first, how could I go about that? I'd want to essentially do an ADD-ON and make it more accessible/easy for users. Where could I learn more about how to do that?
It sounds a big vague I know, but I'm not sure how else to explain it.
You are looking for an OAUTH API from any of those providers, if I am understanding your post correctly.
You would read the documentation at their relative websites and then apply what is necessary to your project.
More info on facebook here:

how to get twitter feeds in shopify

I am trying to get twitter feeds in to my shopify site. I want to get the feeds and style them as I want and thus cant use a app.
I know how to do it using PHP but can not use that code in shopify and looking for a way I can use OAuth in shopify and get the feeds. I tried the shopify docs but without an example its kinda hard to actually get my head around it.
Thats the link I am using as a guide. If anyone can direct me to an example which might be similar that would be awesome. (google didnt seem to be that helpful this time either)
I know you said you didn't want to use an app, but can I suggest taking a look at Twitify? You can use custom CSS to style your tweets. Also see discussions about Twitify here and here.
Twitter changed their display guidelines and policies on embedding of tweets on websites in June 2013. One of the themes I used for a client earlier in the year had custom styling of tweets, and they have now changed it to use the official Twitter widget to meet the new guidelines. In fact, the images on the Shopify theme store show how it used to look before Twitter changed things:
And after:
I think using an app like Twitify would be the easiest way to deal with these changes to embedding tweets.
Thanx for the suggestion. I did take a look at that before I posted this question. This is a project for a client and I dont think getting a plug in is a viable option. Anyways I found a work around.
Hosted the file on a server and then accessed it. So that resolved the problem. :)
I used node.js to write the script and get the posts as required.
you can use the app for that Twitify or you can Embed a Twitter feed in your online store
Go to your Twitter settings.
Click Widgets to open the widgets menu.
Create a new widget, following Twitter's instructions.
Copy the embed code.

Login to a site using the cocoa framework

I am creating an ios app that needs to download a html page and extract some information from it. To get to the page I also need to login. I have looked everywhere for some code on how to login to a site using the cocoa framework, but every answer I see only seems to answer half the question. Here is the login site: I need some code for writing something in the first field (the other two are left blank), then submit the form and then I need to be able to see the next page. I believe apps like Facebook should use som of the same technology, where you log in to a facebook and then you can see the contents of your profile.
Basically what you want to do is called scraping.
Scraping is really easy for sites that don't require authentication, but in your case what you should do is to inspect the POST request being made when logging in the site your interested in (try to understand of the service respond) and the POST request made, when already logged in, to retrieve each page.
The purpose of all of this is to have later the possibility to simulate regular HTTP requests that should came from a browser via code.
If you have any doubt ask in the comments.

Some questions about dotnetopenauth

I have a couple outstanding questions mainly reguarding twitter and facebook
In the FacebookGraph class there are properties such as Id,name,etc. I am wondering how do I add to this list? Like what happens if I want a users hometown? I tried to add a property called hometown but it always is null.
What should I store their id(1418) or the whole url( for lookup later in my db to grab their data and to see if they have an account with my site?
Is it actually good to use this id as it seems like it is common knowledge. Can't someone just find the profile id or whatever and do a fake request on my site?
how do you setup dotnetopenauth to deal with the case when a user goes to facebook and deletes access to my website. I know you can send a deauthorization code to your site and then delete their account but I don't know how to do that through dotnetopenauth
Is it possible to do number 4 with twitter?
Is it possible to make the openid stuff ajax? I don't see a sample anywhere in the dotnetopenauth samples.
I'm no pro at Facebook. But the FacebookGraph class is in the ApplicationBlock, which ships as source and is fully intended for you to customize or extend within your own application. Hopefully people more familiar with Facebook in particular, or the Facebook docs, can help you with those questions.
Since Facebook is not OpenID, what you store whether ID # or the whole URL, is less critical. People should not be able to just craft requests to log in as others because your site should be verifying signatures, etc. If you're using DotNetOpenAuth appropriately this is probably being done automatically for you. But without seeing your code it can't be said for sure.
Assume the id is common knowledge. It certainly isn't a long random number so anyone can guess it. The ID must be accompanied by a signature that verifies that Facebook sent the ID, just now, for you.
I suspect the deauthorization code isn't going to be relevant to DotNetOpenAuth -- that's probably just some URL that you respond to. But again, I haven't read the FB docs on this.
Here's the real answer I can give you. Yes, OpenID works with AJAX reasonably well. You can see some samples of this at or a sample of a blog post comment system. The most complete AJAX demonstration for standard login may be in the web forms or MVC project templates available on the Visual Studio Gallery.
