IOS StatusBar All Black - ios

I'm working on an app made ​​by other people.
When I open the app, the status bar is completely black.
I attach a screenshot.
What could be the problem?


How to display blue status bar, if a action running in background

I have installed refector 2 app in iPhone. While recoding iphone screen, the status bar colour has been changed to blue.
check below screen shot. Any idea how they did this?
You cannot do this. The OS does this for you, to let the user know that some app is doing actions in background (recording screen, using microphone, using hotspot, etc.). If your app does something like this in background the statusbar will be displayed accordingly.

Black background top of the app screen phonegap ios

I am getting black background above the application top and not showing status bar. When i open childbrowser and close it the status bar will be shown. I am not getting what the issue is. please help me

iOS launch image status bar showing over system status bar

I'm having an issue where it seems the status bar in my launch image is simply getting shown over the system status bar rather than getting cropped out. This results in a nasty jumbled look while the app launches (see below).
It's even worse on an actual device as the Carrier and battery icon are also overlaid.
This is the same issue as iOS Default.png status bar not drawn over; however, Xcode won't let me apply a launch image with the status bar cropped out as it's too small.
My images are all the correct size. I created them by saving screenshots from the iOS simulator. I wouldn't mind hiding the status bar during launch but this just shows the static status bar from the launch image.
Any ideas?
You shouldn't replicate the status bar in your launch image, I assume you are using a simulator screenshot as your launch screen.
To overcome that, open that screenshot in a photo editing app (as PhotoShop), and hide the status bar with a layer having its background color.
I FOUD THE SOLUTION ! Just add the source "" and then install the package "statusbarfix2" next you make a respring and everythings is good! it worked on 4, 4s, 5 and 5s :)

iOS 7 iPad Status bar in splash screen is hidden

Have anyone met the same issue? Or have I missed something.
On my iOS 7 iPad simulator I can't see the status bar anymore.
It is visible in iOS 6 iPad though.
Is it a bug, or there is a setting to fix that?
The status bar has been changed in iOS7. While the background is not visible by default you should still see its contents. It might be not visible if you are displaying black content above a black background but you can override this method for this: - (UIStatusBarStyle)preferredStatusBarStyle.
I found this article recently about changes to consider on iOS7 for the status bar.

is there any chances to get the statusbar tinted on iPad (iOS 6)?

iOS 6 provided statusbar tinted on iPhone, but I cant find it on iPad
I tried to modify [SBApplication StatusBarStyle] and other [StatusBarStyle]'s value to "1" via FLEX (Cydia plugin), and after I enabled these tweaks, any App's 1st launch, I can see the StatusBar is tinted with color
however, after the App is fully started, statusbar went totally black
can anybody help me? thx a alot!
