How to display blue status bar, if a action running in background - ios

I have installed refector 2 app in iPhone. While recoding iphone screen, the status bar colour has been changed to blue.
check below screen shot. Any idea how they did this?

You cannot do this. The OS does this for you, to let the user know that some app is doing actions in background (recording screen, using microphone, using hotspot, etc.). If your app does something like this in background the statusbar will be displayed accordingly.


App supports only LIGHT MODE but status bar not consistent when device goes to dark mode

Everything working fine on LIGHT MODE
But when device goes to dark mode status bar suddenly change to UIStatusBarStyleLightContent but need is always stay for UIStatusBarStyleDarkContent
this issue only happen when app comes from to background to foreground.
did all the setting and apply code on applicationDidEnterBackground and applicationDidBecomeActive as well but not working.
Code written in both REACT NATIVE and objetive-C
kindly reply if any one have i idea what could be issue
This is the issue with iOS 15 where:
Launch screen in an initial scene to decide the global property like status bar what to be on next of screens if you don't have any setting inside the app
Step to resolve the issue
Set the status bar style to Dark Content in info.plist
Delete the existing Launch Screen and create a fresh Launch Screen with your requirement
Set the newly created Launch Screen into Launch Screen File inside general section
clean the app and build is ... issue has been resolved now either app is running on DARK MODE or LIGHT MODE

Issues with buttons, clock control from previous screen overlay on current screen before refresh

In iPhone App there is an issue of buttons from previous screen appear on the current screen when the screen got loaded. they will disappear when the refresh is manually triggered. I have used white and blue colors for the App. is there any way I can avoid happening this. This is only occurs on IOS App and not on Android App

Why does the iOS Status bar change size on some apps?

Main question:
This may be a simpleton question but I noticed on the lock screen the iOS status bar is bigger than the usual 20 points. Even when I turn location setting off and close all apps. the iOS lock screens status bar is bigger when compared to the iOS status bar when my iPhone is in an un-locked state. Why is that?
Second kinda related to the first question:
also when I open grabTaxi found here the status bar is bigger than usual. Please download the app to see what I am talking about. you can't really tell by just looking at the screen shots.
Did the grab taxi developers decide to make their status bar bigger than the default?
Is it because grabTaxi is using some cross platform language, resulting in a bigger status bar?
Do apple make the status bar bigger on the lock screen simply because its easier to see?
I figured it out, apps that don't have a launch screen file, will have a bigger status bar. more detail here
How to enable native resolution for apps on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?
If an app is using your location and you lock the device, and if the app continues to use your location in the background, a large status bar is shown to remind you that the app is still using your location.
My iPhone's status bar on lock screen is also bigger than normal, so I think Apple makes it bigger on lock screen for some reason.Maybe just because that it's easier to see.
For your another question, I downloaded GrabTaxi and used it. And maybe it's just because GrabTaxi doesn't adapt to 4.7-inch or 5.5-inch screen.

IOS StatusBar All Black

I'm working on an app made ​​by other people.
When I open the app, the status bar is completely black.
I attach a screenshot.
What could be the problem?

iOS launch image status bar showing over system status bar

I'm having an issue where it seems the status bar in my launch image is simply getting shown over the system status bar rather than getting cropped out. This results in a nasty jumbled look while the app launches (see below).
It's even worse on an actual device as the Carrier and battery icon are also overlaid.
This is the same issue as iOS Default.png status bar not drawn over; however, Xcode won't let me apply a launch image with the status bar cropped out as it's too small.
My images are all the correct size. I created them by saving screenshots from the iOS simulator. I wouldn't mind hiding the status bar during launch but this just shows the static status bar from the launch image.
Any ideas?
You shouldn't replicate the status bar in your launch image, I assume you are using a simulator screenshot as your launch screen.
To overcome that, open that screenshot in a photo editing app (as PhotoShop), and hide the status bar with a layer having its background color.
I FOUD THE SOLUTION ! Just add the source "" and then install the package "statusbarfix2" next you make a respring and everythings is good! it worked on 4, 4s, 5 and 5s :)
