Search every field or attribute in model Rails - ruby-on-rails

I have a simple model called Company with atributes such as Name, contact email, address, etc. I've created a search form where a user can find the company by searching for any attribute i.e., city, name of business, etc.
I'm new to Rails but I've figured out how to get it working like so in my controller.
logger.debug "*** Running search --> "
term = params[:searchstring]
#companies = Company.where('name LIKE ? OR name LIKE ? OR contactemail LIKE ? OR city LIKE ?' , "%#{term}%", "%#{term}%", "%#{term}%","%#{term}%" ).paginate(page: params[:page]).order('id DESC')
logger.debug "*** Running search --> get em all "
#companies = Company.all.paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: 5).order('id DESC')
This works fine but I'm guessing there is a much simplier way. I'd prefer not to modify the query every time I add an attribute. Any ideas on how to improve this?

You could go with something like this (It is just an example, might be a better way, but it is fonctionnal)
# company.rb
def self.search_all_properties term
query = ''
properties = Company.column_names
properties.each_with_index do |prop, index|
if index < properties.count - 1
query = query + prop + ' LIKE :term OR '
query = query + prop + ' LIKE :term'
term = "%" + term + "%"
Company.where(query, :term => term)
and use it like this
Company.search_all_properties term


Ignore uppercase, downcase and accent in search

I have a search system with filter here. This system work like a charm but I have some problem with downcase / uppercase and accent.
For example if I search "marée" I have result but if I search "MAREE" or "Marée" or "maree". I don't have result.
I want to fix that. How I can fix this ? Thank you.
my controller
def resultnohome
if params[:query].blank?
redirect_to action: :index and return
#campings = Camping.searchi(params[:query], params[:handicap], params[:animaux], params[:television], params[:plage], params[:etang], params[:lac])
if params[:query] == "aube"
#pub = Camping.find_by_id(1)
My model
def self.searchi(query, handicap, animaux, television, plage, etang, lac)
return scoped unless query.present?
result = left_outer_joins(:caracteristiquetests, :situations).where('nomdep LIKE ? OR name LIKE ? OR nomregion LIKE ? OR commune LIKE?', "%#{query}%", "%#{query}%", "%#{query}%", "%#{query}%")
result = result.where('handicap LIKE ?', "%#{handicap}%") if handicap
result = result.where('animaux LIKE ?', "%#{animaux}%") if animaux
result = result.where('television LIKE ?', "%#{television}%") if television
result = result.where('plage LIKE ?', "%#{plage}%") if plage
result = result.where('etang LIKE ?', "%#{etang}%") if etang
result = result.where('lac LIKE ?', "%#{lac}%") if lac
return result
If you insist on using SQLite then you don't have many good options. The most common suggestion is to have extra columns in your database, that are normalized values so if your plage column contains "Marée" then you also have a column plage_ascii that contains "maree"
you need to create the additional columns with migrations, then you would have a before_save action in your model...
before_save :create_normalized_strings
def create_normalized_strings
self.handicap_ascii = handicap.downcase.mb_chars.normalize(:kd).gsub(/[^x00-\x7F]/n, '').to_s
self.animaux_ascii = animaux.downcase.mb_chars.normalize(:kd).gsub(/[^x00-\x7F]/n, '').to_s
# etc etc
Then in your search do...
if handicap
test_handicap = handicap.downcase.mb_chars.normalize(:kd).gsub(/[^x00-\x7F]/n, '').to_s
result = result.where('handicap_ascii LIKE ?', "%#{handicap}%")
It's not great, as it basically forces you to duplicate data in your database into extra columns. If you can consider more sophisticated databases other than SQLite then you'd be better off... personally I wouldn't ever use SQLite in a production environment.

Optional Rails Params in Controller Query

I have a question in regards to Rails params. I currently have only one filter on one of my views that allows users to filter data by a date range. I am adding two more filters to that view so that users can filter by code and country. However, I want those filters to be optional.
My current query looks something like this:
#data = Games
.where("date BETWEEN ? AND ?", *date_range_array)
.order(sort_column + " " + sort_direction)
The params for code and country will be something like, params[:code] and params[:country]. I would like to put them in the query like:
#data = Games
.where("date BETWEEN ? AND ?", *date_range_array)
.where("unique_code in ?" params[:code])
.where("country in ?" params[:country])
.order(sort_column + " " + sort_direction)
The issue I am having is that if the user does not input anything for params[:code] and params[:country] I get an error because they are nil. Any idea on how to handle this kind of situation?
I would build it incrementally:
#data = Games.where("date BETWEEN ? AND ?", *date_range_array)
#data = #data.where("unique_code in ?", params[:code]) if params[:code]
#data = #data.where("country in ?", params[:country]) if params[:country]
#data = #data.includes(:synced_country)
.order(sort_column + " " + sort_direction)
Note that you are missing two commas right before params[:code] and params[:country] which I've fixed in the above code.
#data = Games.where("date BETWEEN ? AND ?", *date_range_array).scoped
#data = #data.where("unique_code in ?" params[:code]).scoped if params[:code].present?
#data = #data.where("country in ?" params[:country]).scoped if params[:coutry].present?
#data = #data.includes(:synced_country)
.order(sort_column + " " + sort_direction)
Anyway, I would move that complex query to a named scope or something inside the Game Model.
EDIT: added the "scoped" method, i'm not sure if needed, try it without .scoped if you want
I usually use the same method with Agis.
But sometimes I trend to use scope(as arieljuod said):
class Games
scope :in_contry, lambda{|contry| where("contry in ?", contry) if contry.present?}
scope :in_code, lambda{|code| where("unique_code in ?", code) if code.present?}
//other codes
//call lambdas as follows:
#data = Games.where("date BETWEEN ? AND ?", *date_range_array)
.order(sort_column + " " + sort_direction)

Rails - where with multiple like options

I am trying pull information from a contacts table based on multiple like conditions. So far I have come up with the following
conditions = ""
conditions << "email_address LIKE '%#{params[:email_address]}%'" unless params[:email_address].blank?
conditions << " AND first_name LIKE '%#{params[:first_name]}%'" unless params[:first_name].blank?
conditions << " AND last_name LIKE '%#{params[:last_name]}%'" unless params[:last_name].blank?
conditions.sub!(/^AND/, '')
if !conditions.blank?
#contacts = Contact.where(conditions).page(params[:page]).per(10)
#contacts =[:page]).per(10)
What I was wondering is ... is this the best way to do this? I would have thought there would be a nice way to add multiple conditions in the form of a hash and somehow specify that I want to use OR/AND and like.
I am fairly new to rails and google is not really helping much.
Just append the where calls directly to a scope:
#contacts = Contact.scoped
#contacts = #contacts.where("email_address LIKE '%?%'", params[:email_address]) if params[:email_address].present?
#contacts = #contacts.where("first_name LIKE '%?%'", params[:first_Name]) if params[:first_name].present?
#contacts = #contacts.where("last_name LIKE '%?%'", params[:last_name]) if params[:last_name].present?
You can use a simple loop to make it less repetative:
%(email_address first_name last_name).each do |field|
#contacts = #contacts.where("#{field} like '%?%'", params[field]) if params[field].present?
And do not build queries by hand by directly substituting user input into your query string. Rails makes that hard to do on purpose: You're bypassing all of Rails' sanitization and opening yourself to SQL injection.
I would have thought there would be a nice way to add multiple conditions in the form of a hash and somehow specify that I want to use OR/AND and like.
There is, but it only works with AND and =:
#contacts.where(first_name: "bob", last_name: "smith")
# select ... where first_name = 'bob' and last_name = 'smith'

I need a search form with a large number of fields. How do I do this cleanly in Ruby on Rails?

I'm building a database application that tracks a lot of data for a Person, such as first_name, last_name, DOB, and 20+ more fields.
Users will need to be able to search for all of these fields. I'm having trouble writing clean code for this. The code below is what I have so far in my people_controller:
The data is submitted from a form_tag
def search
#people = Person.all
general_info_string =
if(params[:first_name] != "") then general_info_string << 'people.first_name = "' + params[:first_name] + '" AND ' end
if(params[:last_name] != "") then general_info_string << "people.last_name = '" + params[:last_name] + "' AND " end
... Lots more of similar clauses
general_info_string = general_info_string[0, general_info_string.length - 5]
# ^This line removes the trailing " AND " from the string
#people = #people.where(general_info_string)
general_info_string is so called because there are more "where" clauses(not shown) and separate strings that I build to search for them.
The problem here is that the code looks like a mess and seems like a "hacky" way to do something that should be well supported by Rails. How could I perform this operation in a cleaner way?
That's not just hacky - it leaves you open to a string injection attack.
You need a :conditions using the ? template, like this example:
:conditions => ["key1 = ?", var]
but you need to make the template part into a string that grows once per parameter, and you need to make the var into an array that grows with each parameter's value. That gives you something like this:
template = []
values = []
if params[:first_name].present?
template.push 'people.first_name = ?'
values.push params[:first_name]
if params[:last_name].present?
template.push 'people.last_name = ?'
values.push params[:last_name]
template = template.join(' AND ')
:conditions => [template, *values]
From there, you should DRY up all those ifs, such as with a table of value keys. Then you'd loop through the table, check the key, and push its results into the arrays:
fields = [:first_name, :last_name, :shoe_size, ...]
fields.each do |field|
if params[field].present?
template.push "people.#{field} = ?"
values.push params[field]

Optional mix of filter parameters in a search the Rails way

I've got a simple list page with a couple of search filters status which is a simple enumeration and a test query which I want to compare against both the title and description field of my model.
In my controller, I want to do something like this:
def index
conditions = {}
conditions[:status] = params[:status] if params[:status] and !params[:status].empty?
conditions[???] = ["(descr = ? or title = ?)", params[:q], params[:q]] if params[:q] and !params[:q].empty?
#items = Item.find(:all, :conditions => conditions)
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I can mix the two types of conditions (the hash and the paramatized version). Is there a "Rails Way" of doing this or do I simply have to do something awful like this:
has_status = params[:status] and !params[:status].empty?
has_text = params[:q] and !params[:q].empty?
if has_status and !has_text
# build paramatized condition with just the status
elsif has_text and !has_status
# build paramatized condition with just the text query
elsif has_text and has_status
# build paramatized condition with both
# build paramatized condition with neither
I'm migrating from Hibernate and Criteria so forgive me if I'm not thinking of this correctly...
Environment: Rails 2.3.4
You can mix hash and array conditions using scopes:
hash_conditions = {}
# build hash_conditions
items_scope = Item.scoped(:conditions => hash_conditions)
unless params[:q].blank?
items_scope = items_scope.scoped(:conditions => ["(descr = ? or title = ?)", params[:q], params[:q]])
items = items_scope.all
So you can mix and match any types of conditions, and the query will be executed only when you do items_scope.all
unless params[:status].blank?
a << "status = ?"
b << params[:status]
unless params[:q].blank?
a << "(descr = ? or title = ?)"
b << params[:q] << params[:q]
#items = Item.all( :conditions => [a.join(" AND "), b] )
A better search on my part turned up something called "named scopes" which looks like is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm about to see if it will work with the will_paginate gem....
