Is there a iOS library for a menu like Yelp? - ios

I am building an iOS app for my university, but I am struggling with the question which Menu library I should use for building my "Start screen menu".
I like the menu style Yelp is using (see image below). Does anyone know if there is an iOS library for me to use, which has a similar menu like the menu in Yelp?
Thank you very much!

Actually core iOS SDK contains a library that can achieve a very similar effect to what you posted on your screenshot. The element is called an UICollectionView and it's purpose is to create a collection of elements. See the following guide for detailed information.
After you go through the guide, you will realise you can create a single UICollectionViewCell that has a button with an image. You can provide the contents of this cell via UICollectionViewDataSource and then respond to each specific cell being tapped via UICollectionViewDelegate.
The biggest problem I see would be creating those separator lines, but you can do this in code as well.


IOS Swift3 card stack overlay

I am using swift3 with Xcode8 to develop an iPhone app. I want to achieve the following effect: There are a set of cards and I can scroll and tap a card to select the card, then the selected card will be will be displayed by itself.
I am quite new in IOS development, what I am thinking is using the collection view, but how to achieve this kind of card overlay effect with collection view?
Or should I use something else? Can anyone give some clue? Thanks!
Have a look at MMCardView, currently supporting Swift 3.
In terms of implementing this, a collection view would be a start - looking deeper into libraries this is the common way of implementation. If you don't want to implement a library, take a look at the libraries files and see how they were implemented and adapt it to the way that you want.

Xamarin iOS project need suggestion

I am developing a survey app using Xamarin and Mvvmcross. Can some one help with suggesting a way to build a View to display questionnaire. These questionnaire will be supplying from my View Model as a List of question with Question Text, Answer options. Based on a flag I need to prompt the questionnaire with input type as drop down or Text boxes. Number of questions can be vary.
In Android I achieved it using MvxGridView and Layout templates. But not sure how to do it in iOS.
You could look up UITableView or UICollectionView and UITextFields and UIPickerView
Wellcome to Xamarin, about your question you can just take look the code I wrote for others, it's a tableview include custom cell to display images, you can just modify the MyTableCell.cs class to display anything you want.
Custom cell tableview(Xamarin.iOS)
If you still need some help, just leave it here, I will check latter.
Hope it can help you.

MapKit: How to create a custom annotation view with a button on a .xib file?

I'm using Xcode 5 and the latest iOS SDK and I'm having a really hard time figuring out how to create custom annotations with a clickable button.
All I need is a custom annotation with a button, that is shown when the user taps a pin on my MKMapView. Following some tutorials, I managed to create a custom class that loads a .xib file, this already works. However, the problem is, that whenever I try to click a button placed on the annotation view, the pin gets deselected. I would love to be able to design my annotation in a .xib file and not create it 100% programmatically. Is there any way of doing so?
There is a great tutorial on maps on a site I used when I first got started into this section of iOS. It can be found here: ( Just an FYI, this is a great resource for learning more about iOS. )
Anyways, this paragraph should sound familiar (as to what you're after):
You’ve now made it so that in the callout when a pin is tapped on, there will be a button on the right hand side. When this is tapped, the mapView:annotationView:calloutAccessoryControlTapped: method is called. In this method, you grab the MyLocation object that this tap refers to and then launch the Maps app by calling the openInMapsWithLaunchOptions: method.
Just note that it is opening up the Maps app, but you can choose to do whatever you want really.
Later on, here are some other great links if you need them: - This is where I started, recommend you do the same. Use their search box. They sell some privatized/self-published PDF books too if you like that. - You could probably find a control someone has already written with maps.. use the search, filter for iOS only. - Great building block site - Great site for getting into more low-level development.

iOS UITableView Facebook App Style

I've attached a screenshot of a view from the facebook app. I want to recreate the UI of the left column which looks and behaves like a UITableView.
Is this UITableViewStyleGrouped or UITableViewStylePlain. If its grouped, how have they reduced the white space between the section data and the next section header.
How have they expanded the UITableView cell to fit across the entire width of the tableview.
Or is this html using webviews and just behaves like a UITabelView?
Facebook has an open source library that they have used to develop their iOS app:
I believe you may find something here eventually that would allow you to do what Facebook app does.
Facebook uses the Three20 library for their iOS applications. ref
You can find it here:
I don't know exactly what kind of table the one that you have in the picture is, but I'm pretty sure it's one of them:

UI Controller like in Apple's Book Application?

First of all I'm new to IOS Development!
I have a plan to build an app which should look similar to the Book app provided by Apple.
My question is, that what kind of UI Controller does that app use for displaying the books on a shelf?
Is that a custom one? Or just a couple of UIImageView's placed on a UIView?
Thanks in advance!
It is a custom view created by Apple but it wouldn't be too difficult to replicate with a background image and a UIScrollView where the books are placed based on calculation on spacing
Edit: Maybe using a Library such as AQGridView would help you with the spacing of the books on the Shelf
