iOS UITableView Facebook App Style - uitableview

I've attached a screenshot of a view from the facebook app. I want to recreate the UI of the left column which looks and behaves like a UITableView.
Is this UITableViewStyleGrouped or UITableViewStylePlain. If its grouped, how have they reduced the white space between the section data and the next section header.
How have they expanded the UITableView cell to fit across the entire width of the tableview.
Or is this html using webviews and just behaves like a UITabelView?

Facebook has an open source library that they have used to develop their iOS app:
I believe you may find something here eventually that would allow you to do what Facebook app does.

Facebook uses the Three20 library for their iOS applications. ref
You can find it here:
I don't know exactly what kind of table the one that you have in the picture is, but I'm pretty sure it's one of them:


Grouped UITableView in NativeScript-Vue

How do I create a grouped table using a UITableView in NativeScript-vue, so that it might look like the iOS settings app, or this screenshot from the apple developer documentation. I need to support having switches in the table cells. I want to create this style using as many native styles as possible and also be compatible with android. I have tried applying NativeScript UI classes to Labels in a StackLayout with no success.
Sectioned list view is a iOS specific feature and there is a plugin. But if you like a cross platform solution, create 2 templates and style one like section header and another with simple labels / switches etc.,

iOS 9 Swift 2: horizontally scrollable views? Facebook's "suggested friends/groups"

I am writing an iOS app in Swift 2 using Xcode 7.
I want to display a set of a user's trophies. For this, I am imagining a horizontally scrollable display as each trophy image is small, but users can have more trophies that fit across a screen.
You can see a Sketch example here:
I first thought that I could use a UIScrollableView, but I don't think this will work because user's are NOT supposed to be able to zoom into these trophies. BUT, if UIScrollView is the way to go, then how do I go about implementing it horizontally and without zoom? The most similar feature in an app that I have found is in Facebook's iOS app. Facebook uses these "horizontally scrollable views" for suggested friends/groups.
You can see what I am talking about in this screenshots: Facebook Horizontal Scroll
This feature also seems to be built in to Apple's iOS. When choosing which action to perform, users are presented with a "horizontally scrollable list" of apps to choose from.
See what I'm talking about here: built in iOS horizontal scroll
I would appreciate any help that anyone can offer! Thank you!
They're using a UICollectionView with an horizontal flow layout.
This more detailed answer might help you to figure out how to implement it:

Is there a iOS library for a menu like Yelp?

I am building an iOS app for my university, but I am struggling with the question which Menu library I should use for building my "Start screen menu".
I like the menu style Yelp is using (see image below). Does anyone know if there is an iOS library for me to use, which has a similar menu like the menu in Yelp?
Thank you very much!
Actually core iOS SDK contains a library that can achieve a very similar effect to what you posted on your screenshot. The element is called an UICollectionView and it's purpose is to create a collection of elements. See the following guide for detailed information.
After you go through the guide, you will realise you can create a single UICollectionViewCell that has a button with an image. You can provide the contents of this cell via UICollectionViewDataSource and then respond to each specific cell being tapped via UICollectionViewDelegate.
The biggest problem I see would be creating those separator lines, but you can do this in code as well.

Custom section header view for UITableView appears on simulator, but not on iPhone.

Here's the deal, I've implemented a UITableView with custom expandable sections that expand when clicked to display more cells that are selectable. The problem I'm running into is that it works perfectly on the simulator (for both 4" and 3.5"), yet when I run it on an actual phone (4") it displays an empty table view. The custom section header that I use is an .xib file and all of the labels inside the expandable section header and the cells "inside it" are dynamically populated from a .plist. To do all this I pieced together some sample code from the iOS Developer Library site, found here:
Then I just customized it to fit my project and make it work. As far as I've seen, all my files are on the app not just referenced to. A lot of this is new stuff to me, so I'm not really sure where to look or what exactly to provide to help.
The difference between Simulator and Device is that the Simulator is case-insensitive and the device case-sensitive.
If the images are loading from your resources and they show on the simulator only, first thing to do is check upper-/lower-case differences between filenames and the code that binds the files to elements.
edit: also watch out when naming the images in Storyboard!

UIScrollView messaging app behaviour

I've been wondering how apps like Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp or the Messages app on iOS itself work (from the UI perspective).
I assume they're using a UIScrollView and add UILabels at the bottom of view with the message and/or info of the message itself, giving a fixed space between labels, and so on...
Am I right or my approach is completely wrong?
In iOS6 and above, you have UICollectionView, which inherits from UIScrollView, but gives you tableview-like cell management without being restricted to one row. For example, both the iOS7 Messages app and the new Facebook Messenger use collection views to implement what you look for.
There are several open-source solution that implement a similar behavior, which you can take a look at for use or ideas. THSpringyCollectionView, JSMessagesViewController and others.
