I want to add Calendar View to the app,i have tried Tapku and kal but both of them does not provide multiple Dates selection, is there any that can provide multiple date selection calendar view like user can select many dates as he wants from the calendar.
I want to allow user to select only given date from API and other date should be un-clickable or disable.
As I can check in SWIFT UIDatePicker only providing minimum date and maximum date selection but my requirement is to enable random date.
The default behavior of FSCalendar is that if a month is currently being displayed (for example December) and the user taps to select a day from the previous month (November), the calendar will scroll to the previous month.
Is there a way to prevent that automatic scrolling, without disabling selection?
I'm trying to use the view specific options of FullCalendar v4 to add a custom dateClick callback only in the dayGridMonth view, someone know if this option its possible?
What I'm trying to achieve is similar to the navLinks option, but I want the user to change the calendar view to the day view on that view only, in the day view if he/she clicks, it will add an event, etc.
I am trying to add note on calendar. Note is created in AddContact.m controller and calendar view created on another controller (CelenderView.m).
How I show created note on calendar view. I want to match both date and display dot on that date.
I have to pick mulitple dates from single date picker into multiple select box.
And also i have to remove selected date from multiple select box when remove button is clicked.
There are so many plugins but i have to use jquery ui datepicker.
As example I have something like this
you can use multidatespicker http://dubrox.github.io/Multiple-Dates-Picker-for-jQuery-UI/ which allows you to pick multiple dates.
that solves your problem of selecting multiple dates using one datepicker although i am not sure about the insertion of date in multiselect field. will update the answer as soon as i get it done.