view doesn't match storyboard - ios

I don't have a single clue about this :
I build a simple view in a storyboard (i have buttons, a table view, labels... nothing fancy), and it simply does not match what i get on my device.
For example, the background color of my buttons, or the text they contain. I have no idea why, but since I don't know when (sadly), the storyboard is stuck to a state and no matter what I change, nothing changes when i run it.
Can add views, can't modify anything.
I'm using the wCompact hRegular "style", because it looks like an iPhone( and i'm only building for iPhone), but I also don't understand what that really does and it might be related. When i change this "style", all the views are blank and my outlets are greyed out.
Any help leading in the right direction is most welcome.

OK, first off...
The wCompact hRegular thing is called size classes. And yes, this is that cause of the problem.
You only need to change these when making an app for multiple devices (iPhone, iPad, etc).
If you're making it for iPhone only then don't touch them. Leave them on wAny hAny.
What it does is set certain interfaces/layout for only creating devices.
Unfortunately you have already changed this so the best (easiest) solution might be to delete it all and start again (in the Storyboard) and make sure you set it to wAny hAny.
You can set everything straight if you know what is wrong in the first place. But as you said that you don't know what's wrong thats why I suggest deleting everything.
You can read more about Size Classes in the Apple Documentation.


Changes to storyboard removing all ambiguous="YES" properties

I have a complicated storyboard that has ~20 controllers developed over several years which has been working great. However, with most recent versions of Xcode, each time I make any changes at all to anything in the Storyboard, Xcode goes through and removes ambiguous="YES" in all my controllers. Is there any way to stop Xcode from doing this?
It fully breaks my layouts. Yes, I'd love to go rewrite every controller to not have this issue, but in practical terms these layouts are battle-tested on every device and OS version and that isn't a high value rewrite for me.
sorry to hear you are running into issues with this. Could you provide more information about the storyboard or a view controller sample that is running into layout issues after the change in ambiguous=YES status?
Generally, ambiguity is caused when there are not enough constraints to specify a size or position. For something like an Image View, if an image is specified, then it will have an intrinsic size, and it will be enough to specify just positioning constraints. If ambiguous=YES is disappearing on a re-save, then could there be enough constraints to specify its position and determine its size? Deleting a positional constrain for the given view would put it back into “ambiguous”.
I know this might be too late to answer, but I run into the same issue and I wanted to let a guide to somebody else seeing the same issue in the future.
When a view frame position is ambiguous, the storyboard shows up a warning. Then some subviews include this ambiguous="YES" property in the storyboard file.
That means the view configurations for this Trait is not right. That doesn't mean that layout will not show properly when running the app since we might have Constraints that modify that frame positioning.
I don't know if this is showing up also for constraints ambiguity.

Xcode 6 switches being truncated on left (in a table view)

For some reason I cannot get all switches to display properly on a screen. Some of them appear to be overwritten on the left edge but from what I can determine all of the switches and text views are correct. Any suggestions are welcome
So first, to make sure that this is the problem: while your app is running, click on the two rectangles overlapping on the right of the Debug Area to "Debug View Hierarchy"
When you have that, rotate your views to make sure that in every row you don't have your text views overlapping your switches. That's what it looks like what's happening, but you can use this tool to confirm so.
If so, and you are using auto layout, make sure you are setting your constraints correctly. If not, then make sure you are setting the width properly. To prove it's an autolayout issue, you could temporarily hard code a length to every text view to see if the issue is still there. If that fixes it, than auto-layout is just making your textviews wider than they should be.
Good luck!

Problems with autolayout and resizable views

I have issue with autolayout.
I have three different views (could be n views as well). When I pin first one to top of super view and connect one next to the other everything seems fine. But if I want to change height of first one the other two does not follow (they stay on the same position). What I find weird about this is that if I connect only two views this works perfectly.
To have better understanding what I am trying to achieve I made simple, example solution with three views:
So, when I set height of green view to 0 ( can be any other number as well ) and only red view is connected, this works fine, red will move as it should. Blue one is not connected and it remains where it is:
Here is screenshot when I connect blue to red:
What I tried to do:
connect blue one to green as well ( not working)
connect blue only to green ( not working )
"boxing": have boxes with views at the time ( ugly, hard to manage, not working in all cases)
What I would like to know:
what makes this happen? Can I change this kind of behavior?
What is the best practice to have flexible length for height (Besides UITableView)
Thanks in advance.
Ok, I think you're falling into the same trap I did, when I investigated autolayout some time ago. It's tricky to explain, but I'll do my best. When you work with autolayouts, you need to forget completely about setting a view's frame at all. And that, my friend, includes changing size and positioning. When you use autolayout, you define some constraints, some "rules", that the view tries to respect when rendering the screen, so the more specific the rules are, the less random will be the behavior of the view. I mean, if you just define the spacing between views, you're implying that the height of the views doesn't matter, so it's possible that some views grow or shrink when the re-layout is called (that is, if you don't specify a constraint for size. You probably want to always specify the size of some views in every layout...)
By the way, you're allowed to violate the constraints by manually changing the frame of an element AFTER a re-layout is called, but when the re-layout method is called again, the constraints will be forced so the size and positioning of the views will change. Quick tip: an easy way to force the re-layout method is to change orientation (command+left / command+right in the simulator).
So after saying that, I have to say that the layout you provided is completely working as intended, at least to me. When you change orientations the constraints you specified are ALWAYS being respected. If you want, you can try to apply some frame-setting in the viewDidAppear method, because this one is called AFTER the autolayout (and thus, you're able to violate the constraints temporally). After doing this, your view will be broken but once you change orientation the constraints should be respected again. Make sure it's that way.
From here I can only wish you luck ;) Oh, and refer to the documentation, it was a life saver to me when I looked at this half a year ago. It might seem a classic, but it's a pretty nice doc.
EDIT: one last thing. I have the impression that constraints are not designed to be dynamic. You define them once, and they're there always. Their main purpose is to ensure that subviews are rendered as intended in every screen resolution without fail, so if I were to make an application with moving views, I would leave them outside of the autolayout, or avoid using it at all. Just a personal impression though :)

Missplaced views every time i open the storyboard

I'm using a storyboard with some ViewControllers that have elements positioned with autolayout. Every time i open the storyboard, i get misplaced views even after i fix all of them. I have to update the frames time and time again. Is there any way to fix this?
I'm using xcode 6.
As #Anil Varghese pointed out the problem is the size of the view. Anything other than wAny hAny will trigger this warning when opening the storyboard file. I think it's an Xcode bug.
So I had to make sure that my views are set up like in the picture above. This means designing for all sizes, so, in my case, my UI got all messed up and i had to redesign it. But it was for the best!
When you change to wAny hAny you view elements will become invisible because they are bound to other size classes (like wCompact hAny). You need to delete those rules from the Attributes inspector.
I got the same issue, and I also did not know how to fix it completely, but I found this way to make it show what I want.
"Reset to suggested constraints"
then, I set the storyboard back to "w Compact h Regular".
hope it could help you.

Universal Storyboard Preview - doesn't seem to work properly?

i have created a Storyboard where i create universal views for all iphones in portrait form. Simple views work just great, but as soon as you add different views and sub element something goes wrong. Can someone give me some tips what i am doing wrong?
I will be thankful for every kind of tips/advises how to get rid of this annoying view...
Have a nice sunday!
I found out the solution, the problem is that you can set all the measures in percent. But for to count all the sizes, XCode needs minimum 1 measure for width & height. If it gets the size of single element in your design, it can calculate all other sizes.
