Strange iPhone5 letterboxing - ios

I have just installed Xcode 4.6.3 to test my OpenGL game (which was developed in Xcode 3) on Retina 4" simulator, and I have got two black bars on the screen's top and bottom.
I have added a Default-568h#2x.png image file with dimension of 640x1136 to my project, when I am testing on the iphone simulator, the Default image is displayed correctly with no bars at all, but once the game starts, the top bar is moved to the bottom of the screen, now I have a sum of two bars at the bottom and no bar at all at the top.
I have done some google search but it seems no one had the same problem before, I am getting this result on the iPhone simulator and have got no iphone5 to confirm this would happen in real device...
I would really appreciate someone could help on this.
Thank you.

I was having a similar problem and the solution I found was to stop using the asset catalog for the Launch Images. That allowed it to revert to using the properly named files it was looking for.


Black bar appears on top when running on iPhone 6 & iPad Pro Simulator

When I run my game on the simulator, specifically on iPhone 6 and iPad Pro, it shows black bar on top of the screen. I have looked the answer up online and have literally tried every single thing and have went through all the answers, but none have worked. My deployment is set to 7.0 and have tried running with setting just set to LaunchImage from asset folder and LaunchImage & LaunchScreen.xib combined. I also do have the right size pictures required in asset including iPhone Retina 4, as well, and that doesn't fix the problem either. Is this just a glitch on the simulator or there is a way around this?
I got it working. For some reason my 2x images were short for the screen size, and had to extend them more. Even though height wise, my images had more length than the screen size.
Hope this helps people. I came across several people who had done everthing right, but still couldn't get it working. I believe it is because image isn't large enough to cover the whole screen
Stretched mode?
Are you providing Default screens in all sizes as suggested in:
Dealing with iPhone 6/6+ startup images
How to Update Your Apps for the 4-Inch iPhone 5 Display
Restoring integrity in Startup screens
Images clipped?
If not running in stretched mode, pick a View Mode best suited for your images, such as Aspect Fill and Scale to Fill, both of which will cover your UIImageView in LaunchScreen.storyboard.
Add Default-568h#2x.png Image with resolution 640x1136.
Make sure 'App Icons and Launch Images' look like below image:
it worked in simulator with iOS 9.

iOS 9 xCode 7 built app displays black rectangle instead of splash screen

I know this question may seem like a duplicate of a few existing ones but its not.
I am struggling with this issue where universal (iPad/iPhone) application does not display the splash screen anymore.
Before upgrading to iOS 9 and Xcode 7, no such issues were present. After upgrading no changes were made to the splash screen in any way.
Tech data relevant to the question:
Supported devices are iPad (landscape only) and iPhone
I use "Launch Screen.xib" that has an UIImageView with size classes and
constraints set up so that it's always full screen.
I have added all splash screen images in image assets (except iPad
Portrait ones)
I use Xcode Version 7.0.1 (7A1001) and iOS 9.0.2
This issue does not happen on an iPad
The wrong splash screen looks like this on iPhone 5s:
This is made in portrait mode, so there are white squares on top and on bottom of this "black square".
I was struggling with this issue yesterday but I managed to fix it by renaming my launch screen to "LaunchScreen.xib" (without the space). But this morning the issue re-appeared.
Things I've tried:
Removing and creating LaunchScreen.xib again with and without space
Creating LaunchScreen.storyboard file instead of xib
Adding #2x and #3x versions of image used in LaunchScreen.xib
Removing/adding/replacing images in image assets
Cleaning, build cleaning and even deleted derived data
Restarting device, reinstalling app, relaunching without building and many other solutions that I could think of.
Nothing helped, so maybe someone fixed a similar issue already and can lead me to the right direction.
So I renamed my LaunchScreen.xib image used from "Default.png" to "DefaultSplash.png". This instantly fixed all issues on iPhone. But now I have a new problem - iPad splashscreen is now black. If I set the LaunchScreen image to some other image used in project, the Ipad displays it as splashscreen without any problems, but neither Default.png nor DefaultSplash.png can be used on ipad now. This is really weird issue.
In my case the images in the "Launch Screen.xib" weren't displaying. I had to rename them and reset the new names in the nib file to make it work.
So I fixed the issue like this:
Since I renamed the file LaunchScreen.xib, it fixed an issue on iPhone but caused a similar problem on iPad. Since then, I cannot use the same image file name for the same xib (i.e. if image "Default.png" failed, it cannot be used anyomre... Bug?). So I created two files, LaunchScreen.xib and LaunchScreen~iphone.xib with separate image files for each. Now it works okay.
Seems ugly and buggy but it works.
There is a change in Xcode7 iOS 9 onwards. They have modified Launchscreen(Black screen we will get).If you change deployment target means you can see the previous launch screen. Only empty view controller is present so we have make changes on it.
As per requirement in assets add images in imagecassets.
It may sound stupid but something related to this scenario may happen:
If you hook any outlet and then break it by changing the custom class you will get this black screen behavior without any warning, instead of the typical crash from any non launch storyboard/scenes this will lead to a black screen before the app start.

iPhone 6/6 Plus: UITableView separator flickering and different thickness

I've got a UITableView with separator set to Single Line.
On iPhones <= 5s everything looks fine, but on 6 and 6 Plus (device as well as simulator) the separators have a different thickness. It's even worse as they're flickering while scrolling which looks pretty bad. I don't set the height manually, so I have no idea what's causing this.
As you can see, the first two lines are a little bit thicker than the next two. Now if I scroll, they change from thick to thin and back, so it looks like flickering...
The problem is that your app doesn't support native resolution for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Therefore it gets scaled up which results in the flickering.
You can enable native resolution by adding iOS8 launch images. Then your app will run in the right resolution and this problem will be fixed.
Renders with edge antialiasing: YES
In you .plist file
Aqua is right, the thickness and flickering problems go away if you add iOS8 launch images.
But you don't need to make actual launch images if you are using storyboards. In Xcode, select your overall project and your app target, then under the General tab find App Icons and Launch Images, then in the Launch Screen File popup, just select your storyboard and the thickness/flickering problems go away.

Cant remove two horizontal black bars on iPhone 4 app

I am developing an application for iOS with Xamarin Studio and when I try the app out on my iPhone and in the simulator, there are two horizontal bars at the top and bottom when the device is tilted in landscape orientation. I've seen some people have said that you need to add a launch image and name it Default-568h#2x, but that doesn't solve my problem.
Also I tried deleting and resetting content on the simulator and cleaned my project. Usually I see posts about the iPhone5 letter-boxing causing problem for some people, but for me it's the iPhone4 and 4s which is causing the problem. Anyone have any other ideas on what might be the problem?
You're using the iPhone 4 simulator. The image is being resized with fixed aspect, thus the letterboxing. Did you include a 640x960 Default#2x.png launch image?

Xcode displaying odd shaped views

My views in Xcode (Xcode 6) are all oddly sized (some tall, some short) and are looking very out of place when I run them in the emu. Ill show you some pictures as I'm not doing a very good job at explaining it.
As you can see, theres a white part at the bottom which is un-fillable and the content (which should be under the nav-bar) is being shown perfectly in the emu.
Any ideas as to what is causing this?
Is it a bug in Xcode 6?
Incorrect or missing launch images will cause this behavior. Remove your existing launch images or add the correctly sized launch image for iPhone 5S.
