Image Sharing using XMPP framework in iOS - ios

I was looking for image sharing using XMPP framework. The little research I have done, describes that first I need to upload that image to the server and the corresponding link for that image will be received which can be later used to sent the image in the form of link to the XMPP server. Any other way out other than this in which I can directly sent the image to the XMPP server will be helpful.

You can use XEP-0096 (XMPPSIFileTransfer) and XEP-0065(TURNSocket) together to achieve the file transfer.


Unity Chat application

i am currently working on a real-time chat app in Unity
and i found those platforms to work with,
Firebase : Can we send Videos efficiently ??
MatriX :
but i am not sure that we can send videos with MatriX ?
i wanted to know from your experience
what is the best way to make real-time chatting (support photos and videos sending) in Unity ?
thanks in advance
You need to find or create services where your clients can connect and:
upload files (photos, videos .etc) and get an public and downloadable URL.
send messages to other connected clients that apart from the string, also contain media metadata (.eg a list of file attachments which are actually URLs uploaded at service (1))
Now, if you cannot find a single service that supports those two then you could try to find two different ones.
here is an example of a chat console application in C#. It contains a web service and client library that is used by the console app. Instead of a console app, it could be used in a Unity app. It does not support file uploading but it can send messages between clients over web sockets.
If you were to create something yourself, instead of finding a 3rd party service, I would recommend node.js/express and for a server since its quite beginner friendly.
here is a C# client library that can listen to events from the server. It must be the same that is used in the console application I shared above.

How to send image (image url),video chat App Messages using XMPPFramework iOS

I'm sending only text, but I don't know how to send image/url, videos and
integrate that in the chat application in iOS using XMPP.
Please help me.
Please note that you should
Provide what you have done so far.
Search for answers first.
Please check existing answers
question 1
question 2
question 3
question 4
There are two basic approaches to send media data
inband (message with attachment - refer to existing answers)
out-of-band (upload media file to server and send URL in message)
Sending inband data should only be used for small media data. I recommend to use the out-of-band approach.
Out-of-band solutions supported by XMPPFramework
Your own XMPP extension
You are the most flexible when you use your own extension, but a standard XMPP client will not understand this. If you implement your own clients the I recommend this approach as follows.
Send media message
Upload media file to server.
Send message with content attribute and out
Receive media message
Parse message received and detect content type and out-of-band file name
Download media file from server.
Delete media file from server.
Example for your own XMPP message extension
<message from=... to=... id=... type=chat>
<myapp xmlns=mycompany:myapp content=image>
This way you may define your own content types like image, video, audio.

QuickBlox save Dialogs in CoreData for offline viewing

Is there a way to save Quickblox dialogs and messages for viewing offline? I am trying to save messages, queue messages when there is no network to call the Quickblox service. Once the network is availabel the messages will be send?
I understand this can be achieved by using Core data, but I am not sure how. can anyone help me in achieving this? Any pointers to the solutions will be helpful.
You can save quickblox messages in any format & storage you want. It can be NSUserDefaults, CoreData, .txt file in Documents directory etc.
QuickBlox SDK doesn't contain this function, but it is realized in iOS Chat Sample and Swift demo. Please have a look at the links below:

Video(with Audio) chat for iOS

I"m trying to build an app for iOS which includes video(with audio/voice) and text chat. The chat will be one-on-one chat. One source for video is surely coming from desktop/laptop camera(or IP Camera). How can this be achieved for iOS devices? Any open source/ free library as solution available will be welcomed.
You can try these
ooVoo provides free sdk for video chat implementations its very easy to use. But for free sdk it will have ooVoo logo at the bottom of the screen. For more information go to this link:
If you want to implement your own video chat application. You can use xmpp, this link has a good example for xmpp implementation on iOS : [it doesn't have video chat implementation you have to modify it].
Or you can write your own custom socket program. In which you will be able to send and receive UDP packet which will contain the video data.

Uploading image to Azure and getting back its URL

I am writing an iOS app for a service that runs on Azure. I need to be able to upload images (users' profile pictures) and get back the image's URL.
Azure's SDK for iOS doesn't seem to work with Blob, but only with Tables.
On my search, I've found tutorials like this, which gives an intro on the SDK, or this one that shows how to store a base64 string of the image in a table, but that's not what I'm seeking.
Is it possible to upload images to the Blob? If yes, how?
I am not an ios person, but have worked on apps that run on azure and communicate with ios for information hence this might be of your help as I am certain rest services can be accessed from ios.
