Uploading image to Azure and getting back its URL - ios

I am writing an iOS app for a service that runs on Azure. I need to be able to upload images (users' profile pictures) and get back the image's URL.
Azure's SDK for iOS doesn't seem to work with Blob, but only with Tables.
On my search, I've found tutorials like this, which gives an intro on the SDK, or this one that shows how to store a base64 string of the image in a table, but that's not what I'm seeking.
Is it possible to upload images to the Blob? If yes, how?

I am not an ios person, but have worked on apps that run on azure and communicate with ios for information hence this might be of your help as I am certain rest services can be accessed from ios.


Core Data - Savings and sharing images via iCloud

I have an app that allows a user to either take photo or point to a photo on from their camera roll. This record must be peristed locally. A record consists of text and an image. Savings this data on a single device seems simple, as I can persist the link to the image or store the image locally in the file system if taken via camera.
Problem is how to share this record via iCloud to make record available to all instances of the app on multiple devices. I.e iPhone creates a record with an image, which is then available to view on iPad or Apple TV.
Is it efficient to store a UIImage in a Core Data record and make this available via iCloud? Many people saying not for local storage
My concern is this could potentially be some large quantities of data?
Does anyone have any thoughts on how to solve this issue?
I´m working on a similar app, for me working with http://Parse.com is a solution.
If your user have an internet connection and can wait to upload the images/text files you can save it directly using Parse (with a fancy progress Bar!) But if you want to make it network-less proof, you might work as whatsapp. I mean using Core Data to save your files locally, then try to upload the imagens whenever there is internet available.
There are some others clouds DB you can use, but I´m familiar with this one.
You can upload to iCloud using NSFileManager.
There is a complete walkthrough on how to do that.

How do I upload video in a tweet in an iOS app using XCode

I am new to iOS development and need to make a change to an iOS app I'm taking over to add video to a tweet. My current app UI allows the user to type in text for a tweet but I would be changing that to allow them to pick a video to upload along with the tweet similar to how the Twitter app works.
I see the Twitter API supports uploading video but I haven't been able to find any good examples on how to accomplish this using XCode and Objective-C. Any recommended approaches or tool kits I can leverage to accomplish this?
I had to roll my own solution. Check out my project https://github.com/mtrung/TwitterVideoUpload.
Light-weight due to using built-in Apple's Social framework to keep things light. No need to add extra frameworks such as TwitterKit and Fabric.
Support chunk upload.
Built-in support for user's credential retrieval
Thanks for the -1 that was helpful. So thought I found the answer with Fabric (https://get.fabric.io/). The Android side supports image and video upload with a tweet but the iOS side does not (image only). It looks like you have to roll your own solution including building a video picker. Then you can use the Twitter REST API to upload the video. Not exactly what I was hoping for but it is doable.
This link shows Objective C and Swift code to do the video upload Share video on Twitter with Fabric API without composer iOS.

when implementing Dropbox API on iOS app

I just started implementing Dropbox API on my iOS app.
Last time, when I played around with iCloud a bit, I found that Apple recommended an app save the data either locally or on iCloud, not on both.
I remember the code for data transition when user switching the setting between local and iCloud was a bit difficult.
Does this apply to Dropbox, too?
So, when the user chose Dropbox option, should I save all data through Dropbox API exclusively?
or could I save one copy through Dropbox and another through native iOS code?
Thanks for your help in advance!
Which API?
For both files (Sync API) and datastores (Datastore API), the iOS SDK will cache data locally on the device as well as store it in the cloud, so there's really nothing to do aside from use the SDK.

Unable to integrate amazon in my iOS app

I am scanning ISBN code to get book results from amazon. I created account on amazon developer site. Then I want to create app on amazon site(for getting the AWSAccessKeyId) but its giving option for android app and web app. Is Amazon API's cant be used on iOS devices or we do not need to create app for using amazon API's in iOS.
Well to answer the first part, you can surely use Amazon Api's in iOS apps.
We can read in detail how to set up the app to use Amazon Api here.
The second part is quite tricky. Because the documentation does not state how to get the Access Key Id but it does state that we need it so I guess they simply forget to include the iOS option while generating it and hence an AccessKey generated using Android will work for iOS as well.

uploading images from iPad to a bucket in S3?

I am writing a web app in HTML5 that is supposed to run on iPads.
I would like to upload images from the iPad directly to a S3 bucket.
If that is not possible, I can settle for uploading to my server and then I'll store it on S3 myself.
I've seen on the net that the preferred tool is SWFUpload, but I fear it wont work on iPads.
Unfortunately you're out of luck. Apple block file uploads in iOS Safari. The browser doesn't have access to the iOS file system or photos.
You'll see if you go to Facebook's Mobile Web app http://m.facebook.com and try to post a photo, they tell users to email the photo to a custom email address.
If you want photo uploads you'll have to find another route to upload or use an iOS application.
