I am trying to use a fake input for Simple form as documented here: https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form/wiki/Create-a-fake-input-that-does-NOT-read-attributes.
f.input :address, as: :fake
However, I get an error "undefined method `merge_wrapper_options' for #". I get this error even after restarting the rails server.
Please help me solve this.
The instance method merge_wrapper_options is defined on the SimpleForm::Inputs::Base class, but not until version 3.1.0.rc1.
Here's the relevant source code for version 3.0.2 (no merge_wrapper_options):
Contrast this with version 3.1.0.rc1:
So if you're at v3.0.2 or prior, you won't have it. But, no big deal, just define the method yourself:
class FakeStringInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::StringInput
# Creates a basic input without reading any value from object
def input(wrapper_options = nil)
merged_input_options = merge_wrapper_options(input_html_options, wrapper_options)
template.text_field_tag(attribute_name, nil, merged_input_options)
end # method
def merge_wrapper_options(options, wrapper_options)
if wrapper_options
options.merge(wrapper_options) do |_, oldval, newval|
if Array === oldval
oldval + Array(newval)
end # method
end # class
= f.input :some_parameter,
label: false,
as: :fake_string,
input_html: { value: 'some-value' }
The POST request will contain:
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "some_parameter"=>"some-value" }
I want to generate forms for a resource that has a postgres jsonb column :data, and I want the schema for these forms to be stored in a table in the database. After a lot of research I am 90% there but my method fails in ActiveAdmin forms upon create (not update). Can anyone explain this?
Sorry for the long code snippets. This is a fairly elaborate setup but I think it would be of some interest since if this works one could build arbitrary new schemas dynamically without hard-coding.
I am following along this previous discussion with Rails 6 and ActiveAdmin 2.6.1 and ruby 2.6.5.
I want to store Json Schemas in a table SampleActionSchema that belong_to SampleAction (using the json-schema gem for validation)
class SampleActionSchema < ApplicationRecord
validates :category, uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false }, allow_nil: false, allow_blank: true
validate :schema_is_json_schema
def schema_is_json_schema
metaschema = JSON::Validator.validator_for_name("draft4").metaschema
unless JSON::Validator.validate(metaschema, schema)
errors.add :schema, 'not a compliant json schema'
class SampleAction < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :sample
validate :is_sample_action
validates :name, uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false }
after_initialize :add_field_accessors
before_create :add_field_accessors
before_update :add_field_accessors
def add_store_accessor field_name
singleton_class.class_eval {store_accessor :data, field_name.to_sym}
def add_field_accessors
num_fields = schema_properties.try(:keys).try(:count) || 0
schema_properties.keys.each {|field_name| add_store_accessor field_name} if num_fields > 0
def schema_properties
schema_arr=SampleActionSchema.where(category: category)
if schema_arr.size>0
if !sc.schema.empty?
def is_sample_action
sa=SampleActionSchema.where(category: category)
errors.add :category, 'not a known sample action' unless (sa.size>0)
errors.add :base, 'incorrect json format' unless (sa.size>0) && JSON::Validator.validate(sa[0].schema, data)
This all works correctly; For example, for a simple schema called category: "cleave", where :data looks like data: {quality: "good"}, I can create a resource as follows in the rails console:
sa=SampleAction.new(sample_id: 6, name: "test0", data: {}, category: "cleave" )
=> #<SampleAction id: nil, name: "test0", category: "cleave", data: {}, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, sample_id: 6>
sa.quality = "good" => true
sa.save => true
To make this system work in AA forms, I call the normal path (new or edit)_admix_sample_action_form with params: {category: "cleave"} and then I generate permit_params dynamically:
ActiveAdmin.register SampleAction, namespace: :admix do
permit_params do
prms=[:name, :category, :data, :sample_id, :created_at, :updated_at]
#the first case is creating a new record (gets parameter from admix/sample_actions/new?category="xxx"
#the second case is updating an existing record
#falls back to blank (no extra parameters)
categ = #_params[:category] || (#_params[:sample_action][:category] if #_params[:sample_action]) || nil
cat=SampleActionSchema.where(category: categ)
if cat.size>0 && !cat[0].schema.empty?
cat[0].schema["properties"].each do |key, value|
form do |f|
cat=params[:category] || f.object.category
f.object.category=cat if cat && new
f.object.add_field_accessors if new
sas=SampleActionSchema.where(category: cat)
is_schema=(sas.size>0) && !sas[0].schema.empty?
if session[:active_sample]
f.inputs "Sample Action" do
f.input :sample_id
f.input :name
f.input :category
if !is_schema
f.input :data, as: :jsonb
f.object.schema_properties.each do |key, value|
f.input key.to_sym, as: :string
Everything works fine if I am editing an existing resource (as created in the console above). The form is displayed and all the dynamic fields are updated upon submit. But when creating a new resource where e.g. :data is of the form data: {quality: "good"} I get
ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError in Admix::SampleActionsController#create
unknown attribute 'quality' for SampleAction.
I have tried to both add_accessors in the form and to override the new command to add the accessors after initialize (these should not be needed because the ActiveRecord callback appears to do the job at the right time).
def new
Somehow when the resource is created in the AA controller, it seems impossible to get the accessors stored even though it works fine in the console. Does anyone have a strategy to initialize the resource correctly?
I traced what AA was doing to figure out the minimum number of commands needed. It was necessary to add code to build_new_resource to ensure that any new resource AA built had the correct :category field, and once doing so, make the call to dynamically add the store_accessor keys to the newly built instance.
Now users can create their own original schemas and records that use them, without any further programming! I hope others find this useful, I certainly will.
There are a couple ugly solutions here, one is that adding the parameters to the active admin new route call is not expected by AA, but it still works. I guess this parameter could be passed in some other way, but quick and dirty does the job. The other is that I had to have the form generate a session variable to store what kind of schema was used, in order for the post-form-submission build to know, since pressing the "Create Move" button clears the params from the url.
The operations are as follows: for a model called Move with field :data that should be dynamically serialized into fields according to the json schema tables, both
admin/moves/new?category="cleave" and admin/moves/#/edit find the "cleave" schema from the schema table, and correctly create and populate a form with the serialized parameters. And, direct writes to the db
m=Move.new(category: "cleave") ==> true
m.update(name: "t2", quality: "fine") ==> true
work as expected. The schema table is defined as:
require "json-schema"
class SampleActionSchema < ApplicationRecord
validates :category, uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false }, allow_nil: false, allow_blank: true
validate :schema_is_json_schema
def self.schema_keys(categ)
sas=SampleActionSchema.find_by(category: categ)
schema_keys= sas.nil? ? [] : sas[:schema]["properties"].keys.map{|k| k.to_sym}
def schema_is_json_schema
metaschema = JSON::Validator.validator_for_name("draft4").metaschema
unless JSON::Validator.validate(metaschema, schema)
errors.add :schema, 'not a compliant json schema'
The Move table that employs this schema is:
class Move < ApplicationRecord
after_initialize :add_field_accessors
def add_field_accessors
if category!=""
keys.each {|k| singleton_class.class_eval{store_accessor :data, k}}
Finally, the working controller:
ActiveAdmin.register Move do
permit_params do
#choice 1 is for new records, choice 2 is for editing existing
categ = #_params[:category] || (#_params[:move][:category] if #_params[:move]) || ""
prms = [:name, :data] + keys
form do |f|
f.object.category=params[:category] if new
if new
session[:current_category] = ""
f.inputs do
f.input :name
f.input :category
keys.each {|k| f.input k}
controller do
def build_new_resource
r.assign_attributes(category: session[:current_category])
My problem it happens when adds part of form dynamically with ajax in the way Rails does. The asynchronous request is made when the event input of a Node object happens, and it's work. She sends it stock_ingredient_f.object_id defined in data-action attribute to controller and a helper method form_parent is defined to be accessed per the partial _stock_ingredient_fields.haml.
This is my form.
= form_for #stock_ingredient, remote: true do |stock_ingredient_f|
= stock_ingredient_f.label "Enable/disable keyboard"
= check_box :keyboard, :handler
= stock_ingredient_f.label "Barcode"
= text_field :ingredient, :barcode, value: stock_ingredient_f.object.ingredient.try(:barcode), class: "barcode", :'data-action' => ingredient_async_path(form_parent_object_id: stock_ingredient_f.object_id)
- if #stock_ingredient.stock.present?
= stock_ingredient_f.label "Stock"
= stock_ingredient_f.number_field :stock
= "(#{#stock_ingredient.ingredient.net_weight_unit})"
This is a partial that should be load dynamically.
= "#{#ingredient.name}"
= "#{MeasurementUnits.humanize_for #ingredient.stock_ingredient.stock, resolve_unit_type(#ingredient.net_weight_unit)}"
/ the problem is raised here
= form_parent.label "Stock"
= form_parent.number_field :stock
= "(#{#ingredient.net_weight_unit})"
= form_parent.submit "Save"
= form_parent.button "Cancel", type: :reset
This is my application_controller.rb, where is defined the method form_parent
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
respond_to :html, :js
# Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception.
# protect_from_forgery with: :exception
# when will has it login, change this line
protect_from_forgery with: :exception, if: Proc.new { |c| c.request.format != 'application/json' }
protect_from_forgery with: :null_session, if: Proc.new { |c| c.request.format == 'application/json' }
def form_parent
ObjectSpace._id2ref(params[:form_parent_object_id].to_i) if params[:form_parent_object_id]
helper_method :form_parent
def root
render "layouts/application", layout: false
def id
def redirect_for_async_request location
render js: "window.location='#{location}'"
def alert message
render js: "window.alert('#{message}')"
# def no_cache
# if Rails.env.development?
# response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0"
# end
# end
When the page is refreshed and the request is fired again, the server says: ActionView::Template::Error (0x002ac5927b9058 is recycled object) probably does reference to response of ObjectSpace._id2ref.
I belive that the garbage collector is involved.
UPDATE application_controller.rb
def form_parent
def store_form object
##form_parent = object
helper_method :form_parent, :store_form
= form_for #stock_ingredient, remote: true do |stock_ingredient_f|
- store_form stock_ingredient_f
= stock_ingredient_f.label "Enable/disable keyboard"
= check_box :keyboard, :handler
= stock_ingredient_f.label "Barcode"
= text_field :ingredient, :barcode, value: stock_ingredient_f.object.ingredient.try(:barcode), class: "barcode", :'data-action' => ingredient_async_path
- if #stock_ingredient.stock.present?
= stock_ingredient_f.label "Stock"
= stock_ingredient_f.number_field :stock
= "(#{#stock_ingredient.ingredient.net_weight_unit})"
This error means you are trying to access an object that has been garbage collected, as you may have suspected. This happened because the object id was from a previous time, and once the id was sent to the browser, no more references to that object existed, so ruby cleaned up that object.
Although it may not always be true, it's best to think of each request as running in a new, separate ruby process. If you want to 'pass' data between requests, you have to either send it to the client (if you don't mind the data being changed) or store it in a session, or store it in a database. You cannot pass around objects the way you do here.
You suspect correctly - the object with that object_id has been garbage collected. I'm not sure why you are doing this, but it sounds like a really bad idea. It's not completely clear to me what form_parent is (a FormBuilder instance ?) but at a guess you should be passing the id of an object in the database, fetching the object from the database and using that to get a fresh FormBuilder instance from form_for or fields_for.
Even if you can make your current approach work it would limit you to a single rails instance, whereas any serious deployment of an application uses multiple instances spread across 2 or more servers.
I have the following dynamic params depending on the line items i am trying to add to an order
{"line_item" => {"items"=>{"0"=>{"price"=>"5.75", "name"=>"Item name", "quantity"=>"5"}, "1"=>{"price"=>"3.35", "name"=>"Item name", "quantity"=>"1"}}}
In my controller:
def lineitems_params
params.require(:line_item).permit(:key1, :key2, :key3, :key4, :payment_type, :payment_provider).tap do |whitelisted|
whitelisted[:items] = params[:line_item][:items]
I still get the
Unpermitted parameters: items
in my logs, and it does not update the items.
How can i solve this?
NOTE: the items hash can have many elements inside.
In my model:
serialize :items, Hash
This should work
def lineitems_params
params.require(:line_item).permit(:key1, :key2, :key3, :key4, :payment_type, :payment_provider, {:items => {:price, :name, :quantity}})
may be you should just give like this
def lineitems_params
params.require(:line_item).tap do |whitelisted|
whitelisted[:items] = params[:line_item][:items]
Note: Don't give params.require(:line_items).permit! it permits all attributes.
I make a http put request with following parameters:
"file2"=>"file_content_2"}}, "id"=>"4"}
and i need to permit hash array in my code.
based on manuals I've tried like these:
> params.require(:post).permit(:files) # does not work
> params.require(:post).permit(:files => {}) # does not work, empty hash as result
> params.require(:post).permit! # works, but all params are enabled
How to make it correctly?
UPD1: file1, file2 - are dynamic keys
Rails 5.1+
params.require(:post).permit(:files => {})
Rails 5
params.require(:post).tap do |whitelisted|
whitelisted[:files] = params[:post][:files].permit!
Rails 4 and below
params.require(:post).tap do |whitelisted|
whitelisted[:files] = params[:post][:files]
In rails 5.1.2, this works now:
params.require(:post).permit(:files => {})
See https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/e86524c0c5a26ceec92895c830d1355ae47a7034
I understand that this is an old post. However, a Google search brought me to this result, and I wanted to share my findings:
Here is an alternative solution that I have found that works (Rails 4):
params = ActionController::Parameters.new({"post"=>{"files"=>{"file1"=>"file_content_1", "file2"=>"file_content_2"}}, "id"=>"4"})
params.require(:post).permit(files: params[:post][:files].keys)
# Returns: {"files"=>{"file1"=>"file_content_1", "file2"=>"file_content_2"}}
The difference between this answer and the accepted answer, is that this solution restricts the parameter to only 1 level of dynamic keys. The accepted answer permits multiple depths.
[Edit] Useful tip from comment
"Oh, and you need to verify that params[:post][.files] exists otherwise keys will fail"
Orlando's answer works, but the resulting parameter set returns false from the permitted? method. Also it's not clear how you would proceed if you were to later have other parameters in the post hash that you want included in the result.
Here's another way
permitted_params = params.require(:post).permit(:other, :parameters)
Here's what we had to do in Rails 5.0.0, hope this helps someone.
files = params[:post].delete(:files) if params[:post][:files]
params.require(:post).permit(:id).tap do |whitelisted|
whitelisted[:files] = files.permit!
In my case, there was just one attribute which had dynamic keys,
def post_params
marking_keys = Set.new
params[:post][:marking].keys.collect {|ii| marking_keys.add(ii)}
params.require(:post).permit(:name, marking: marking_keys.to_a)
Here is another way to get around this:
def post_params
permit_key_params(params[:post]) do
def permit_key_params(hash)
permitted_params = yield
dynamic_keys = hash.keys
dynamic_keys.each do |key|
values = hash.delete(key)
permitted_params[key] = values if values
This should work for post: { something: {...}, something_else: {...} }
You can use a temporary variable to build your permitted list like so:
permitted = params.require(:post).permit(:id)
permitted[:post][:files] = params[:post][:files].permit!
Here's a simple way to do it (works for rails 5):
def my_params
data_params = preset_data_params
data: data_params
def preset_data_params
return {} unless params[:my_stuff]
return {} unless params[:my_stuff][:data]
Send params as array type like name=date[]**strong text**
def user_post
dates = params[:date]
#render json: { 'response' => params }
i = 0
dates.each do |date|
locations = params['location_'+"#{i}"]
user_names = params['user_'+"#{i}"]
currency_rates = params['currency_'+"#{i}"]
flags = params['flag_'+"#{i}"]
j = 0
locations.each do |location|
User.new(user_name: user_names[j], currency_name: flags[j],
currency_rate: currency_rates[j], currency_flag: flags[j], location: location).save
j =+ 1
i =+ 1
I could not get any of the many proposed answers to work (Rails 5) without either:
knowing all the hash keys in advance, or
virtually negating the value of strong parameters by allowing arbitrary params.
I'm using this solution.
It uses the standard strong parameters rig to clean up most of the params,
and the Hash attribute is added back in explicitly.
# Assuming:
class MyObject < ApplicationRecord
serialize :hash_attr as: Hash
# MyObjectsController method to filter params:
def my_object_params
# capture the hashed attribute value, as a Hash
hash_attr = params[:my_object] && params[:my_object][:hash_attr] ?
params[my_object][:hash_attr].to_unsafe_h : {}
# clean up the params
safe_params = params.require(:my_object).permit(:attr1, :attr2) # ... etc
# and add the hashed value back in
safe_params.to_unsafe_h.merge hash_attr: hash_attr
Let's use a more complicated subset of data:
task: {
code: "Some Task",
enabled: '1',
subtask_attributes: {
'1' => { field: 'something', rules: {length_10: true, phone: false, presence: false }} ,
'2' => { field: 'another', rules: {length_10: true, phone: false, presence: false }}
So we send it to Strong Parameters for processing:
params = ActionController::Parameters.new({
task: {
code: "Some Task",
enabled: '1',
subtask_attributes: {
'1' => { field: 'something', rules: {length_10: true, phone: false, presence: false }} ,
'2' => { field: 'another', rules: {length_10: true, phone: false, presence: false }}
We will not be able to specify :rules in Strong Params in Rails 4 because it is a hash of data:
permitted = params.require(:task).permit(:code, :enabled, subtask_attributes: [:field, :rules])
Unpermitted parameter: rules
Unpermitted parameter: rules
So what if you want to whitelist specific attributes AND a COLLECTION of hashes of data. The accepted answer does not whitelist specified attributes. You have to do this:
:code, :enabled,
subtask_attributes: [:field, :rules],
# whitelist the validation rules hash
params.require(:task).tap do |whitelisted|
params[:task][:subtask_attributes].each do |k,v|
whitelisted[:subtask_attributes][k] = params[:task][:subtask_attributes][k]
After trying several of the solutions here, none worked. Only aboved worked for nested attributes in a has_many association which contains arbitrary hash data.
I know this is an old post, one of many with different ways to update a serialize hash field. I thought I give my version that I accidently found by piecing together some methods. I'll just use my application. This is Rails 7.0.4 and Ruby 3.0. I also use slim templates.
I have a Taxable model that contains semi-persistent tax rates for different Departments. All items are Sales Tax taxable, but in my case, Liquor adds an additional tax. The Taxable table only has two fields with tax being a serialized JSON field.
create_table "taxables", force: :cascade do |t|
t.date "date"
t.string "tax"
If a Tax is changed or added, the I would add a new record to reflect the change that took place on some date. Any ticket that had a tax in the past would use the record that is the earliest record before the ticket date. Anything new will the new changed record
The Taxable model has a constant that names all taxes that may be used:
TaxesUsed = %w(sales county federal city liquor)
The records would be something like:
id: 2,
date: Sun, 01 Jan 2023,
tax: {"sales"=>"8.0", "county"=>"2.0", "federal"=>"0.0", "city"=>"0.0", "liquor"=>"3.0"} ...
id: 3,
date: Fri, 01 Jan 2021,
tax: {"sales"=>"8.0", "county"=>"2.0", "federal"=>"0.0", "city"=>"0.0", "liquor"=>"4.0"}...
I initially had a kludge that worked, which was creating the hash from some un-permitted parameter and updating the record. I then found mention of using form_with to describe the Tax field and to my surprise it worked! The form:
= form_with(model: #taxable) do |form|
= form.label :date, style: "display: block"
= form.date_field :date
= form.label :tax, style: "display: block", class:"font-bold"
= form.fields_for :tax do |tax|
# #taxable.tax is the existing serialize tax hash or a new default hash
- #taxable.tax.each do |k,v|
div.w-36.font-bold.text-right = k
= tax.text_field k, value:v
= form.submit
I had to define a new taxable_parmam that states that :tax is a Hash
def taxable_params
params.require(:taxable).permit(:date, :tax => {})
Submitting the form give me params:
Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]",
"taxable"=>{"date"=>"2021-01-01", "tax"=>{"sales"=>"8.0",
"county"=>"2.0", "federal"=>"0.0", "city"=>"0.0",
"liquor"=>"4.0"}}, "commit"=>"Update Taxable", "id"=>"3"}
and it works! I forgot about form_with but this is about a simple as you can get just using plain ol Rails.
Update: I forgot that stuff coming from form fields is text. I had to get the params to a new hash, change the float values (percents) and update using the new hash
I have a model with a virtual attribute for a time interval:
attr_accessible :description, :time_end, :time_start, :duration
belongs_to :timesheet
def duration
if attribute_present?("time_start") and attribute_present?("time_end")
ChronicDuration.output(self.time_end - self.time_start)
def duration=(d)
self.time_end = self.time_start + d
However, when creating a new object, Rails tries to set duration before start, leading to an error. How can I make sure that duration is set after start?
undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass
"commit"=>"Create Entry"}
A few things
Worth reading about: and vs && in ruby - http://devblog.avdi.org/2010/08/02/using-and-and-or-in-ruby/
some alternates to using attribute_present? method
# opposite of blank? - http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/Object.html#method-i-present-3F
if time_start.present? && time_end.present?
# short hand syntax for present?
if time_start? && time_end?
I don't think your problem is with duration being set before time_start, assuming time_start is a datetime or time database type
try this in rails console
entry = Entry.new
entry.time_start = "now"
# => "now"
# => nil
you are passing strings into time objects and rails / ruby just sets the value to nil.
If time_end and time_start were strings I still don't think your code would give you the result you want?
def duration=(d)
self.time_end = self.time_start + d
# params: time_start = "now"
# params: duration = "2h"
# time_end would be: now2h
if I am wrong about duration= running before time_start is set, an alternative would be something like this using a before_save callback
class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base
before_save :set_time_end
attr_accessor :duration
attr_accessible :description, :time_end, :time_start, :duration
belongs_to :timesheet
def duration
if time_start? && time_end?
ChronicDuration.output(self.time_end - self.time_start)
def set_time_end
return nil if time_start.blank?
self.time_end = self.time_start + self.duration
1.) Its not clever to name an attribute end because thats a keyword and it might cause some trouble.
2.) Please post your params hash